Pretty much everyone needs to include map.h, since it's such an integral
part of the Micro Python object implementation. Thus, the definitions
are now in obj.h instead. map.h is removed.
Mostly just a global search and replace. Except rt_is_true which
becomes mp_obj_is_true.
Still would like to tidy up some of the names, but this will do for now.
All board config macros now begin with MICROPY_HW_.
Renamed PYBv10 to PYBV10, since macros should be all uppercase.
Made SDCARD_DETECT configurable in mpconfigport.h, so that the SD
detect pin can be easily configured.
Can now choose at boot up whether the USB device is CDC+MSC or CDC+HID.
Choice is made by an option in, with default being CDC+MSC.
HID+MSC is not currently supported, but should be easy to implement.
Boot up now has ability to change the reset mode: hold down USR switch
while booting and LEDs will count from 1 to 7 to indicate the boot mode.
Release USR when correct mode is selected. Current modes are 1 (normal
boot), 2 (safe mode), 3 (reset FS mode).
Originally, .methods was used for methods in a ROM class, and
locals_dict for methods in a user-created class. That distinction is
unnecessary, and we can use locals_dict for ROM classes now that we have
ROMable maps.
This removes an entry in the bloated mp_obj_type_t struct, saving a word
for each ROM object and each RAM object. ROM objects that have a
methods table (now a locals_dict) need an extra word in total (removed
the methods pointer (1 word), no longer need the sentinel (2 words), but
now need an mp_obj_dict_t wrapper (4 words)). But RAM objects save a
word because they never used the methods entry.
Overall the ROM usage is down by a few hundred bytes, and RAM usage is
down 1 word per user-defined type/class.
There is less code (no need to check 2 tables), and now consistent with
the way ROM modules have their tables initialised.
Efficiency is very close to equivaluent.