|`-i`, `--input`|Path to the obj file.| :white_check_mark: Yes|
|`-o`, `--output`|Path of the converted glTF file.|No|
|`-b`, `--binary`|Save as binary glTF.|No, default `false`|
|`-s`, `--separate`|Writes out separate geometry data files, shader files, and textures instead of embedding them in the glTF file.|No, default `false`|
|`-t`, `--separateTextures`|Write out separate textures only.|No, default `false`|
|`--checkTransparency`|Do a more exhaustive check for texture transparency by looking at the alpha channel of each pixel. By default textures are considered to be opaque.|No, default `false`|
|`--metallicRoughness`|The values in the mtl file are already metallic-roughness PBR values and no conversion step should be applied. Metallic is stored in the Ks and map_Ks slots and roughness is stored in the Ns and map_Ns slots.|No, default `false`|
|`--specularGlossiness`|The values in the mtl file are already specular-glossiness PBR values and no conversion step should be applied. Specular is stored in the Ks and map_Ks slots and glossiness is stored in the Ns and map_Ns slots. The glTF will be saved with the `KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness` extension.|No, default `false`|
|`--materialsCommon`|The glTF will be saved with the KHR_materials_common extension.|No, default `false`|
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