This board includes the newly added MX25L51245G 64MB SPI flash chip
for the CircuitPython file system. Also included is the PCF2129T/2,518
high accuracy, battery backed, RTC. Also includes an independent USB
HOST connector in addition to USB DEVICE making it easy to connect USB
peripherals. Designed mainly as a general purpose module to piggy back
onto application-specific boards, it can also run low power standalone
in harsh environments for data logging and other control applications
using an appropriate enclosure.
Has been extensively tested with CircuitPython and works well.
Restructures the STM port of Circuitpython to be more generic about the STM32 chip lines to support
the F7 and H7 series of chips. Adds the new Packages directory to organize different chip layouts
between lines. Makes general changes to the Makefile to condense board-level flags to the minimum
and support the new chip series. Adds the new chip line to the Peripherals directory, along with
new python tools used to generate peripheral text automatically in the tools/ directory.
It was fixed as 0/0 even though it used to get it from the current
SPI state. This makes it more explicit with kwargs.
Thanks to magpie_lark and kmatocha on the Adafruit Support forum
for finding the issue: https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=162515
Formerly, if you wrote
SPI.frequency = 0
you would get the sightly erroneous error message
AttributeError: 'SPI' object has no attribute 'frequency'
In this case, a better message would read
AttributeError: 'SPI' object cannot assign attribute 'frequency'
This new message will both be used in the case where the attribute doesn't
exist at all (and the object has no dynamic attributes; most instances of
built in types behave this way), or if the attribute exists but is