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2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <>.
//! Default is steel but can be drawn as brass or nylon. A utility for making nut traps included.
//! If a nut is given a child then it gets placed on its top surface.
include <../utils/core/core.scad>
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
use <washer.scad>
use <screw.scad>
2020-02-19 01:42:11 -05:00
use <../utils/fillet.scad>
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
use <../utils/rounded_cylinder.scad>
use <../utils/thread.scad>
use <../utils/tube.scad>
2019-06-11 02:02:12 -04:00
brass_colour = brass;
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
function nut_size(type) = type[1]; //! Diameter of the corresponding screw
function nut_radius(type) = type[2] / 2; //! Radius across the corners
function nut_thickness(type, nyloc = false) = nyloc ? type[4] : type[3]; //! Thickness of plain or nyloc version
function nut_washer(type) = type[5]; //! Corresponding washer
function nut_trap_depth(type) = type[6]; //! Depth of nut trap
function nut_pitch(type) = type[7]; //! Pitch if not standard metric course thread
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
function nut_flat_radius(type) = nut_radius(type) * cos(30); //! Radius across the flats
2020-03-15 13:01:48 -04:00
function nut_square_size(type) = type[1]; //! Diameter of the corresponding screw
function nut_square_width(type) = type[2]; //! Width of the square nut
function nut_square_thickness(type) = type[3]; //! Thickness of the square nut
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
module nut(type, nyloc = false, brass = false, nylon = false) { //! Draw specified nut
thread_d = nut_size(type);
thread_p = nut_pitch(type) ? nut_pitch(type) : metric_coarse_pitch(thread_d);
hole_rad = thread_d / 2;
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
outer_rad = nut_radius(type);
thickness = nut_thickness(type);
nyloc_thickness = nut_thickness(type, true);
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
desc = nyloc ? "nyloc" : brass ? "brass" : nylon ? "nylon" : "";
vitamin(str("nut(", type[0], arg(nyloc, false, "nyloc"), arg(brass, false, "brass"), arg(nylon, false, "nylon"),
"): Nut M", nut_size(type), " x ", thickness, "mm ", desc));
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
colour = brass ? brass_colour : nylon ? grey30: grey70;
explode(nyloc ? 10 : 0) {
color(colour) {
linear_extrude(height = thickness)
difference() {
circle(outer_rad, $fn = 6);
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
rounded_cylinder(r = outer_rad * cos(30) , h = nyloc_thickness, r2 = (nyloc_thickness - thickness) / 2, ir = hole_rad);
female_metric_thread(thread_d, thread_p, thickness, center = false, colour = colour);
tube(or = thread_d / 2 + eps, ir = (thread_d * 0.8) / 2, h = (nyloc_thickness - thickness) * 0.8, center = false);
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
translate_z(nut_thickness(type, nyloc))
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
module nut_and_washer(type, nyloc) { //! Draw nut with corresponding washer
washer = nut_washer(type);
translate_z(exploded() ? 7 : 0)
nut(type, nyloc);
module wingnut(type) { //! Draw a wingnut
thread_d = nut_size(type);
hole_rad = thread_d / 2;
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
bottom_rad = nut_radius(type);
top_rad = type[4] / 2;
thickness = nut_thickness(type);
wing_span = type[7];
wing_height = type[8];
wing_width = type[9];
wing_thickness = type[10];
top_angle = asin((wing_thickness / 2) / top_rad);
bottom_angle = asin((wing_thickness / 2) / bottom_rad);
vitamin(str("wingnut(", type[0], "): Wingnut M", nut_size(type)));
colour = silver;
explode(10) {
color(colour) {
[hole_rad, 0],
[bottom_rad, 0],
[top_rad,, thickness],
[hole_rad, thickness]
for(rot = [0, 180])
rotate([90, 0, rot]) linear_extrude(height = wing_thickness, center = true)
hull() {
translate([wing_span / 2 - wing_width / 2, wing_height - wing_width / 2])
circle(wing_width / 2);
[bottom_rad * cos(top_angle) - eps, 0],
[wing_span / 2 - wing_width / 2, wing_height - wing_width / 2],
[top_rad * cos(top_angle) - eps, thickness],
female_metric_thread(thread_d, metric_coarse_pitch(thread_d), thickness, center = false, colour = colour);
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
2020-02-19 01:42:11 -05:00
module sliding_t_nut(type) {
2020-02-24 12:40:39 -05:00
hammerNut = type[10];
vitamin(str("sliding_t_nut(", type[0], "): Nut M", nut_size(type), hammerNut ? " hammer" : " sliding T"));
size = [type[7], type[2], nut_thickness(type, true)];
tabSizeY1 = type[8];
tabSizeY2 = type[9];
tabSizeZ = nut_thickness(type);
2020-02-19 01:42:11 -05:00
holeRadius = nut_size(type) / 2;
2020-02-24 03:57:22 -05:00
2020-02-24 12:40:39 -05:00
extrusionSlidingNut(size, tabSizeY1, tabSizeY2, tabSizeZ, holeRadius, 0, hammerNut);
2020-02-19 01:42:11 -05:00
module extrusionSlidingNut(size, tabSizeY1, tabSizeY2, tabSizeZ, holeRadius, holeOffset = 0, hammerNut = false) {
// center section
stem_h = size.z - tabSizeZ;
difference() {
square([size.x, size.y], center = true);
if(hammerNut) {
translate([size.x / 2, size.y / 2])
translate([-size.x / 2, -size.y / 2])
2020-02-19 01:42:11 -05:00
translate([holeOffset, 0])
2020-02-19 01:42:11 -05:00
difference() {
square([size.x, tabSizeY2], center = true);
2020-02-19 01:42:11 -05:00
translate([holeOffset, 0])
2020-02-22 16:27:51 -05:00
thread_d = 2 * holeRadius;
translate([holeOffset, 0, -stem_h])
2020-02-24 03:57:22 -05:00
female_metric_thread(thread_d, metric_coarse_pitch(thread_d), size.z, center = false);
2020-02-22 16:27:51 -05:00
2020-02-19 01:42:11 -05:00
// add the side tabs
for(m = [0, 1])
mirror([0, m, 0])
translate([0, tabSizeY2 / 2]) {
2020-02-19 01:42:11 -05:00
cubeZ = 1;
translate([-size.x / 2, 0])
2020-02-24 03:57:22 -05:00
cube([size.x, (tabSizeY1 - tabSizeY2) / 2, cubeZ]);
2020-02-19 01:42:11 -05:00
rotate([0, -90, 0])
2020-02-24 03:57:22 -05:00
right_triangle(tabSizeZ - cubeZ, (tabSizeY1 - tabSizeY2) / 2, size.x, center = true);
2020-03-15 13:01:48 -04:00
module nut_square(type, brass = false, nylon = false) { //! Draw specified square nut
thread_d = nut_size(type);
hole_rad = thread_d / 2;
width = nut_square_width(type);
thickness = nut_square_thickness(type);
desc = brass ? "brass" : nylon ? "nylon" : "";
vitamin(str("nut(", type[0], arg(brass, false, "brass"), arg(nylon, false, "nylon"),
"): Nut M", nut_size(type), "nS ", width, " x ", thickness, "mm ", desc));
2020-03-15 13:16:28 -04:00
2020-03-15 13:01:48 -04:00
colour = brass ? brass_colour : nylon ? grey30 : grey70;
2020-03-15 13:16:28 -04:00
difference() {
linear_extrude(height = thickness) {
difference() {
square([width, width], center = true);
2020-03-15 13:01:48 -04:00
2020-03-15 13:16:28 -04:00
2020-03-15 13:01:48 -04:00
2020-03-15 13:16:28 -04:00
female_metric_thread(thread_d, metric_coarse_pitch(thread_d), thickness, center = false, colour = colour);
2020-03-15 13:01:48 -04:00
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
function nut_trap_radius(nut, horizontal = false) = nut_radius(nut) + (horizontal ? layer_height / 4 : 0); //! Radius across the corners of a nut trap
function nut_trap_flat_radius(nut, horizontal = false) = nut_trap_radius(nut, horizontal) * cos(30); //! Radius across the flats of a nut trap
module nut_trap(screw, nut, depth = 0, horizontal = false, supported = false, h = 200) { //! Make a nut trap
nut_r = is_list(nut) ? nut_trap_radius(nut, horizontal) : nut + (horizontal ? layer_height / 4 : 0);
nut_d = depth ? depth : nut_trap_depth(nut);
screw_r = is_list(screw) ? screw_clearance_radius(screw) : screw;
render(convexity = 5) union() {
if(horizontal) {
teardrop_plus(r = screw_r, h = h);
cylinder(r = nut_r, h = nut_d * 2, center = true, $fn = 6);
else {
difference() {
union() {
poly_cylinder(r = screw_r, h = h, center = true);
cylinder(r = nut_r, h = nut_d * 2, center = true, $fn = 6);
translate_z(nut_d - eps)
cylinder(r = nut_r + eps, h = layer_height, center = false);