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# frozen_string_literal: true
module Account::Associations
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# Core associations
with_options dependent: :destroy do
# Association where account owns record
with_options inverse_of: :account do
has_many :account_moderation_notes
has_many :account_pins
has_many :account_warnings
has_many :aliases, class_name: 'AccountAlias'
has_many :bookmarks
has_many :conversations, class_name: 'AccountConversation'
has_many :custom_filters
has_many :favourites
has_many :featured_tags, -> { includes(:tag) }
has_many :list_accounts
has_many :media_attachments
has_many :mentions
has_many :migrations, class_name: 'AccountMigration'
has_many :notification_permissions
has_many :notification_requests
has_many :notifications
has_many :owned_lists, class_name: 'List'
has_many :polls
has_many :report_notes
has_many :reports
has_many :scheduled_statuses
has_many :status_pins
has_many :statuses
has_one :deletion_request, class_name: 'AccountDeletionRequest'
has_one :follow_recommendation_suppression
has_one :notification_policy
has_one :statuses_cleanup_policy, class_name: 'AccountStatusesCleanupPolicy'
has_one :user
# Association where account is targeted by record
with_options foreign_key: :target_account_id, inverse_of: :target_account do
has_many :strikes, class_name: 'AccountWarning'
has_many :targeted_moderation_notes, class_name: 'AccountModerationNote'
has_many :targeted_reports, class_name: 'Report'
# Status records pinned by the account
has_many :pinned_statuses, -> { reorder(status_pins: { created_at: :desc }) }, through: :status_pins, class_name: 'Status', source: :status
# Account records endorsed (pinned) by the account
has_many :endorsed_accounts, through: :account_pins, class_name: 'Account', source: :target_account
# List records the account has been added to (not owned by the account)
has_many :lists, through: :list_accounts
# Account record where account has been migrated
belongs_to :moved_to_account, class_name: 'Account', optional: true
# Tag records applied to account
has_and_belongs_to_many :tags # rubocop:disable Rails/HasAndBelongsToMany
# FollowRecommendation for account (surfaced via view)
has_one :follow_recommendation, inverse_of: :account, dependent: nil
# BulkImport records owned by account
has_many :bulk_imports, inverse_of: :account, dependent: :delete_all