mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 05:53:07 -05:00
* Nascent tag menu on frontend * Hook up frontend to search * Tag intersection backend first pass * Update yarnlock * WIP * Fix for tags not searching correctly * Make radio buttons function * Simplify radio buttons with modeOption * Better naming * Rearrange options * Add all/any/none functionality on backend * Small PR cleanup * Move to service from scope * Small cleanup, add proper service tests * Don't use send with user input :D * Set appropriate column header * Handle auto updating timeline * Fix up toggle function * Use tag value correctly * A bit more correct to use 'self' rather than 'all' in status scope * Fix some style issues * Fix more code style issues * Style select dropdown more better * Only use to_id'ed value to ensure no SQL injection * Revamp frontend to allow for multiple selects * Update backend / col header to account for more flexible tagging * Update brakeman ignore * Codeclimate suggestions * Fix presenter tag_url * Implement initial PR feedback * Handle additional tag streaming * CodeClimate tweak
158 lines
4.9 KiB
158 lines
4.9 KiB
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