import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { injectIntl, defineMessages, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
import { List as ImmutableList } from 'immutable';
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import FindInPageIcon from '@/material-icons/400-24px/find_in_page.svg?react';
import PeopleIcon from '@/material-icons/400-24px/group.svg?react';
import TagIcon from '@/material-icons/400-24px/tag.svg?react';
import { submitSearch, expandSearch } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/search';
import { Account } from 'flavours/glitch/components/account';
import { ImmutableHashtag as Hashtag } from 'flavours/glitch/components/hashtag';
import { Icon } from 'flavours/glitch/components/icon';
import ScrollableList from 'flavours/glitch/components/scrollable_list';
import Status from 'flavours/glitch/containers/status_container';
import { SearchSection } from './components/search_section';
const messages = defineMessages({
title: { id: 'search_results.title', defaultMessage: 'Search for {q}' },
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
isLoading: state.getIn(['search', 'isLoading']),
results: state.getIn(['search', 'results']),
q: state.getIn(['search', 'searchTerm']),
submittedType: state.getIn(['search', 'type']),
const hidePeek = list => {
if (list.size > INITIAL_PAGE_LIMIT && list.size % INITIAL_PAGE_LIMIT === 1) {
return list.skipLast(1);
} else {
return list;
const renderAccounts = accounts => hidePeek(accounts).map(id => (
const renderHashtags = hashtags => hidePeek(hashtags).map(hashtag => (
const renderStatuses = statuses => hidePeek(statuses).map(id => (
class Results extends PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
results: ImmutablePropTypes.contains({
accounts: ImmutablePropTypes.orderedSet,
statuses: ImmutablePropTypes.orderedSet,
hashtags: ImmutablePropTypes.orderedSet,
isLoading: PropTypes.bool,
multiColumn: PropTypes.bool,
dispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
q: PropTypes.string,
intl: PropTypes.object,
submittedType: PropTypes.oneOf(['accounts', 'statuses', 'hashtags']),
state = {
type: this.props.submittedType || 'all',
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
if (props.submittedType !== state.type) {
return {
type: props.submittedType || 'all',
return null;
handleSelectAll = () => {
const { submittedType, dispatch } = this.props;
// If we originally searched for a specific type, we need to resubmit
// the query to get all types of results
if (submittedType) {
this.setState({ type: 'all' });
handleSelectAccounts = () => {
const { submittedType, dispatch } = this.props;
// If we originally searched for something else (but not everything),
// we need to resubmit the query for this specific type
if (submittedType !== 'accounts') {
this.setState({ type: 'accounts' });
handleSelectHashtags = () => {
const { submittedType, dispatch } = this.props;
// If we originally searched for something else (but not everything),
// we need to resubmit the query for this specific type
if (submittedType !== 'hashtags') {
this.setState({ type: 'hashtags' });
handleSelectStatuses = () => {
const { submittedType, dispatch } = this.props;
// If we originally searched for something else (but not everything),
// we need to resubmit the query for this specific type
if (submittedType !== 'statuses') {
this.setState({ type: 'statuses' });
handleLoadMoreAccounts = () => this._loadMore('accounts');
handleLoadMoreStatuses = () => this._loadMore('statuses');
handleLoadMoreHashtags = () => this._loadMore('hashtags');
_loadMore (type) {
const { dispatch } = this.props;
handleLoadMore = () => {
const { type } = this.state;
if (type !== 'all') {
render () {
const { intl, isLoading, q, results } = this.props;
const { type } = this.state;
// We request 1 more result than we display so we can tell if there'd be a next page
const hasMore = type !== 'all' ? results.get(type, ImmutableList()).size > INITIAL_PAGE_LIMIT && results.get(type).size % INITIAL_PAGE_LIMIT === 1 : false;
let filteredResults;
const accounts = results.get('accounts', ImmutableList());
const hashtags = results.get('hashtags', ImmutableList());
const statuses = results.get('statuses', ImmutableList());
switch(type) {
case 'all':
filteredResults = (accounts.size + hashtags.size + statuses.size) > 0 ? (
{accounts.size > 0 && (
>} onClickMore={this.handleLoadMoreAccounts}>
{accounts.take(INITIAL_DISPLAY).map(id => )}
{hashtags.size > 0 && (
>} onClickMore={this.handleLoadMoreHashtags}>
{hashtags.take(INITIAL_DISPLAY).map(hashtag => )}
{statuses.size > 0 && (
>} onClickMore={this.handleLoadMoreStatuses}>
{statuses.take(INITIAL_DISPLAY).map(id => )}
) : [];
case 'accounts':
filteredResults = renderAccounts(accounts);
case 'hashtags':
filteredResults = renderHashtags(hashtags);
case 'statuses':
filteredResults = renderStatuses(statuses);
return (
{intl.formatMessage(messages.title, { q })}
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(injectIntl(Results));