import type { Reducer } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import { Record as ImmutableRecord, Stack } from 'immutable'; import { timelineDelete } from 'mastodon/actions/timelines_typed'; import type { ModalType } from '../actions/modal'; import { openModal, closeModal } from '../actions/modal'; export type ModalProps = Record; interface Modal { modalType: ModalType; modalProps: ModalProps; } const Modal = ImmutableRecord({ modalType: 'ACTIONS', modalProps: ImmutableRecord({})(), }); interface ModalState { ignoreFocus: boolean; stack: Stack>; } const initialState = ImmutableRecord({ ignoreFocus: false, stack: Stack(), })(); type State = typeof initialState; interface PopModalOption { modalType: ModalType | undefined; ignoreFocus: boolean; } const popModal = ( state: State, { modalType, ignoreFocus }: PopModalOption, ): State => { if ( modalType === undefined || modalType === state.get('stack').get(0)?.get('modalType') ) { return state .set('ignoreFocus', !!ignoreFocus) .update('stack', (stack) => stack.shift()); } else { return state; } }; const pushModal = ( state: State, modalType: ModalType, modalProps: ModalProps, previousModalProps?: ModalProps, ): State => { return state.withMutations((record) => { record.set('ignoreFocus', false); record.update('stack', (stack) => { let tmp = stack; // With this option, we update the previously opened modal, so that when the // current (new) modal is closed, the previous modal is re-opened with different // props. Specifically, this is useful for the confirmation modal. if (previousModalProps) { const previousModal = tmp.first() as Modal | undefined; if (previousModal) { tmp = tmp.shift().unshift( Modal({ modalType: previousModal.modalType, modalProps: { ...previousModal.modalProps, ...previousModalProps, }, }), ); } } tmp = tmp.unshift(Modal({ modalType, modalProps })); return tmp; }); }); }; export const modalReducer: Reducer = (state = initialState, action) => { if (openModal.match(action)) return pushModal( state, action.payload.modalType, action.payload.modalProps, action.payload.previousModalProps, ); else if (closeModal.match(action)) return popModal(state, action.payload); // TODO: type those actions else if (timelineDelete.match(action)) return state.update('stack', (stack) => stack.filterNot( (modal) => modal.get('modalProps').statusId === action.payload.statusId, ), ); else return state; };