import api, { getLinks } from 'flavours/glitch/util/api'; import IntlMessageFormat from 'intl-messageformat'; import { fetchRelationships } from './accounts'; import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import { unescapeHTML } from 'flavours/glitch/util/html'; export const NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE = 'NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE'; // tracking the notif cleaning request export const NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_REQUEST = 'NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_REQUEST'; export const NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_SUCCESS = 'NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_SUCCESS'; export const NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_FAIL = 'NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_FAIL'; export const NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_ALL_FOR_DELETE = 'NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_ALL_FOR_DELETE'; export const NOTIFICATIONS_ENTER_CLEARING_MODE = 'NOTIFICATIONS_ENTER_CLEARING_MODE'; // arg: yes // Unmark notifications (when the cleaning mode is left) export const NOTIFICATIONS_UNMARK_ALL_FOR_DELETE = 'NOTIFICATIONS_UNMARK_ALL_FOR_DELETE'; // Mark one for delete export const NOTIFICATION_MARK_FOR_DELETE = 'NOTIFICATION_MARK_FOR_DELETE'; export const NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_REQUEST = 'NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_REQUEST'; export const NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_SUCCESS = 'NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_SUCCESS'; export const NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_FAIL = 'NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_FAIL'; export const NOTIFICATIONS_CLEAR = 'NOTIFICATIONS_CLEAR'; export const NOTIFICATIONS_SCROLL_TOP = 'NOTIFICATIONS_SCROLL_TOP'; defineMessages({ mention: { id: 'notification.mention', defaultMessage: '{name} mentioned you' }, }); const fetchRelatedRelationships = (dispatch, notifications) => { const accountIds = notifications.filter(item => item.type === 'follow').map(item =>; if (accountIds > 0) { dispatch(fetchRelationships(accountIds)); } }; export function updateNotifications(notification, intlMessages, intlLocale) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const showAlert = getState().getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'alerts', notification.type], true); const playSound = getState().getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'sounds', notification.type], true); dispatch({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE, notification, account: notification.account, status: notification.status, meta: playSound ? { sound: 'boop' } : undefined, }); fetchRelatedRelationships(dispatch, [notification]); // Desktop notifications if (typeof window.Notification !== 'undefined' && showAlert) { const title = new IntlMessageFormat(intlMessages[`notification.${notification.type}`], intlLocale).format({ name: notification.account.display_name.length > 0 ? notification.account.display_name : notification.account.username }); const body = (notification.status && notification.status.spoiler_text.length > 0) ? notification.status.spoiler_text : unescapeHTML(notification.status ? notification.status.content : ''); const notify = new Notification(title, { body, icon: notification.account.avatar, tag: }); notify.addEventListener('click', () => { window.focus(); notify.close(); }); } }; }; const excludeTypesFromSettings = state => state.getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'shows']).filter(enabled => !enabled).keySeq().toJS(); const noOp = () => {}; export function expandNotifications({ maxId } = {}, done = noOp) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const notifications = getState().get('notifications'); if (notifications.get('isLoading')) { done(); return; } const params = { max_id: maxId, exclude_types: excludeTypesFromSettings(getState()), }; if (!maxId && notifications.get('items').size > 0) { params.since_id = notifications.getIn(['items', 0]); } dispatch(expandNotificationsRequest()); api(getState).get('/api/v1/notifications', { params }).then(response => { const next = getLinks(response).refs.find(link => link.rel === 'next'); dispatch(expandNotificationsSuccess(, next ? next.uri : null)); fetchRelatedRelationships(dispatch,; done(); }).catch(error => { dispatch(expandNotificationsFail(error)); done(); }); }; }; export function expandNotificationsRequest() { return { type: NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_REQUEST, }; }; export function expandNotificationsSuccess(notifications, next) { return { type: NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_SUCCESS, notifications, accounts: => item.account), statuses: => item.status).filter(status => !!status), next, }; }; export function expandNotificationsFail(error) { return { type: NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_FAIL, error, }; }; export function clearNotifications() { return (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_CLEAR, }); api(getState).post('/api/v1/notifications/clear'); }; }; export function scrollTopNotifications(top) { return { type: NOTIFICATIONS_SCROLL_TOP, top, }; }; export function deleteMarkedNotifications() { return (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch(deleteMarkedNotificationsRequest()); let ids = []; getState().getIn(['notifications', 'items']).forEach((n) => { if (n.get('markedForDelete')) { ids.push(n.get('id')); } }); if (ids.length === 0) { return; } api(getState).delete(`/api/v1/notifications/destroy_multiple?ids[]=${ids.join('&ids[]=')}`).then(() => { dispatch(deleteMarkedNotificationsSuccess()); }).catch(error => { console.error(error); dispatch(deleteMarkedNotificationsFail(error)); }); }; }; export function enterNotificationClearingMode(yes) { return { type: NOTIFICATIONS_ENTER_CLEARING_MODE, yes: yes, }; }; export function markAllNotifications(yes) { return { type: NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_ALL_FOR_DELETE, yes: yes, // true, false or null. null = invert }; }; export function deleteMarkedNotificationsRequest() { return { type: NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_REQUEST, }; }; export function deleteMarkedNotificationsFail() { return { type: NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_FAIL, }; }; export function markNotificationForDelete(id, yes) { return { type: NOTIFICATION_MARK_FOR_DELETE, id: id, yes: yes, }; }; export function deleteMarkedNotificationsSuccess() { return { type: NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_SUCCESS, }; };