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synced 2025-02-28 21:44:20 -05:00
A few npm dependencies were major versions behind, so this updates `yargs`, `fs-extra`, and `jasmin-spec-reporter` to their latest versions. The major change here is `fs-extra`, which now has promise implementations of all functions by default, this means there's no reason to manually `Promisify` a function any more, the result is less code overall. There is one important edge case, `fs-extra` uses built-in native Node promises, which do not have a `finally` function. If you start a promise change with an `fs-extra` function, you need to wrap it in `Promise.resolve` in order to make use of finally at the end (assuming you are using finally at all, if not you don't need to worry about it. The upside is that your code will always error if you forget to do this.
143 lines
5.1 KiB
143 lines
5.1 KiB
'use strict';
var fsExtra = require('fs-extra');
var GltfPipeline = require('gltf-pipeline').Pipeline;
var os = require('os');
var path = require('path');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var obj2gltf = require('../../lib/obj2gltf');
var writeUris = require('../../lib/writeUris');
var objPath = 'specs/data/box-textured/box-textured.obj';
var gltfPath = 'specs/data/box-textured/box-textured.gltf';
var glbPath = 'specs/data/box-textured/box-textured.glb';
var objPathNonExistent = 'specs/data/non-existent.obj';
describe('obj2gltf', function() {
var tempDirectory;
beforeAll(function() {
tempDirectory = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'testPath');
spyOn(obj2gltf, '_getTempDirectory').and.returnValue(tempDirectory);
spyOn(fsExtra, 'outputJson');
spyOn(fsExtra, 'outputFile');
spyOn(fsExtra, 'remove');
beforeEach(function() {
spyOn(GltfPipeline, 'processJSONToDisk').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve());
it('converts an obj to gltf', function(done) {
expect(obj2gltf(objPath, gltfPath)
.then(function() {
var args = GltfPipeline.processJSONToDisk.calls.first().args;
var gltf = args[0];
var outputPath = args[1];
var options = args[2];
basePath : tempDirectory,
createDirectory : false,
binary : false,
embed : true,
embedImage : true,
encodeNormals : false,
quantize : false,
compressTextureCoordinates : false,
aoOptions : undefined,
kmcOptions : undefined,
smoothNormals : false,
optimizeForCesium : false,
textureCompressionOptions : undefined,
preserve : true
}), done).toResolve();
it('sets options', function(done) {
var textureCompressionOptions = {
format : 'dxt1',
quality : 10
var options = {
binary : true,
separate : true,
separateTextures : true,
compress : true,
optimize : true,
optimizeForCesium : true,
generateNormals : true,
ao : true,
kmc : true,
textureCompressionOptions : textureCompressionOptions,
checkTransparency : true,
secure : true,
inputUpAxis : 'Z',
outputUpAxis : 'X',
logger : obj2gltf.defaults.logger
expect(obj2gltf(objPath, gltfPath, options)
.then(function() {
var args = GltfPipeline.processJSONToDisk.calls.first().args;
var options = args[2];
basePath : tempDirectory,
createDirectory : false,
binary : true,
embed : false,
embedImage : false,
encodeNormals : true,
quantize : true,
compressTextureCoordinates : true,
aoOptions : {},
kmcOptions : {},
smoothNormals : true,
optimizeForCesium : true,
textureCompressionOptions : textureCompressionOptions,
preserve : false
expect(fsExtra.outputFile.calls.count()).toBe(2); // Saves out .png and .bin
}), done).toResolve();
it('saves as binary if gltfPath has a .glb extension', function(done) {
expect(obj2gltf(objPath, glbPath)
.then(function() {
var args = GltfPipeline.processJSONToDisk.calls.first().args;
var options = args[2];
}), done).toResolve();
it('bypassPipeline flag bypasses gltf-pipeline', function(done) {
var options = {
bypassPipeline : true
expect(obj2gltf(objPath, gltfPath, options)
.then(function() {
}), done).toResolve();
it('rejects if obj path does not exist', function(done) {
expect(obj2gltf(objPathNonExistent, gltfPath), done).toRejectWith(Error);
it('throws if objPath is undefined', function() {
expect(function() {
obj2gltf(undefined, gltfPath);
it('rejects if gltfPath is undefined', function() {
expect(function() {
obj2gltf(objPath, undefined);