
101 lines
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Convert OBJ assets to [glTF](https://www.khronos.org/gltf) 1.0.
## Getting Started
Install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) if you don't already have it, and then:
npm install --save obj2gltf
Using obj2gltf as a library:
var obj2gltf = require('obj2gltf');
var options = {
separateTextures : true // Don't embed textures in the converted glTF
obj2gltf('model.obj', 'model.gltf', options)
.then(function() {
console.log('Converted model');
Using obj2gltf as a command-line tool:
`node bin/obj2gltf.js -i model.obj`
`node bin/obj2gltf.js -i model.obj -o model.gltf`
## Usage
### Command line flags:
|`-h`, `--help`|Display help.|No|
|`-i`, `--input`|Path to the obj file.| :white_check_mark: Yes|
|`-o`, `--output`|Path of the converted glTF file.|No|
|`-b`, `--binary`|Save as binary glTF.|No, default `false`|
|`-s`, `--separate`|Writes out separate geometry data files, shader files, and textures instead of embedding them in the glTF file.|No, default `false`|
|`-t`, `--separateTextures`|Write out separate textures only.|No, default `false`|
|`-c`, `--compress`|Quantize positions, compress texture coordinates, and oct-encode normals.|No, default `false`|
|`-z`, `--optimize`|Use the optimization stages in the glTF pipeline.|No, default `false`|
|`-n`, `--generateNormals`|Generate normals if they are missing.|No, default `false`|
|`--optimizeForCesium`|Optimize the glTF for Cesium by using the sun as a default light source.|No, default `false`|
|`--ao`|Apply ambient occlusion to the converted model.|No, default `false`|
|`--kmc`|Output glTF with the KHR_materials_common extension.|No, default `false`|
|`--bypassPipeline`|Bypass the gltf-pipeline for debugging purposes. This option overrides many of the options above and will save the glTF with the KHR_materials_common extension.|No, default `false`|
|`--checkTransparency`|Do a more exhaustive check for texture transparency by looking at the alpha channel of each pixel. By default textures are considered to be opaque.|No, default `false`|
|`--secure`|Prevent the converter from reading image or mtl files outside of the input obj directory.|No, default `false`|
|`--inputUpAxis`|Up axis of the obj. Choices are 'X', 'Y', and 'Z'.|No, default `Y`|
|`--outputUpAxis`|Up axis of the converted glTF. Choices are 'X', 'Y', and 'Z'.|No, default `Y`|
## Build Instructions
Run the tests:
npm run test
To run ESLint on the entire codebase, run:
npm run eslint
To run ESLint automatically when a file is saved, run the following and leave it open in a console window:
npm run eslint-watch
## Running Test Coverage
Coverage uses [nyc](https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc). Run:
npm run coverage
For complete coverage details, open `coverage/lcov-report/index.html`.
The tests and coverage covers the Node.js module; it does not cover the command-line interface, which is tiny.
## Generating Documentation
To generate the documentation:
npm run jsdoc
The documentation will be placed in the `doc` folder.
## Debugging
* To debug the tests in Webstorm, open the Gulp tab, right click the `test` task, and click `Debug 'test'`.
* To run a single test, change the test function from `it` to `fit`.
## Contributions
Pull requests are appreciated. Please use the same [Contributor License Agreement (CLA)](https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) used for [Cesium](http://cesiumjs.org/).
Developed by the Cesium team.
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<a href="http://cesiumjs.org/"><img src="doc/cesium.png" onerror="this.src='cesium.png'"/></a>