# OBJ2GLTF Convert OBJ assets to [glTF](https://www.khronos.org/gltf) 1.0. ## Getting Started Install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) if you don't already have it, clone this repo, and then: ``` cd OBJ2GLTF npm install ``` Run `node bin/obj2gltf.js` and pass it the path to an OBJ file. ## Usage ###Command line flags: |Flag|Description|Required| |----|-----------|--------| |`-i`|Path to the input OBJ file.| :white_check_mark: Yes| |`-o`|Directory or filename for the exported glTF file.|No| |`-e`|Embed glTF resources, including images, into the exported glTF file.|No, default `false`| |`-t`|Shading technique. Possible values are `lambert`, `phong`, `blinn`, and `constant`. The shading technique is typically determined by the MTL file, but this allows more explicit control.|No| |`-h`|Display help|No| ###Examples: `node bin/obj2gltf.js model.obj` `node bin/obj2gltf.js model.obj model.gltf` `node bin/obj2gltf.js -i model.obj -o model.gltf` `node bin/obj2gltf.js -i model.obj -o model.gltf -c -t phong` ## Limitations This tool is still in development. We plan on adding additional features like gzip compression, binary glTF export, and a testing suite. ## Contributions Pull requests are appreciated. Please use the same [Contributor License Agreement (CLA)](https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) used for [Cesium](http://cesiumjs.org/). --- Developed by the Cesium team.