If none of these flags are provided, the .mtl is assumed to contain traditional Blinn-Phong materials which will be converted to metallic-roughness PBR.
There may be some quality loss as traditional materials do not map perfectly to PBR materials.
Commonly in PBR workflows the the .mtl file may not exist or its values may be outdated or incorrect.
|`-t`, `--separateTextures`|Write out separate textures only.|No, default `false`|
|`--checkTransparency`|Do a more exhaustive check for texture transparency by looking at the alpha channel of each pixel. By default textures are considered to be opaque.|No, default `false`|
|`--metallicRoughness`|The values in the mtl file are already metallic-roughness PBR values and no conversion step should be applied. Metallic is stored in the Ks and map_Ks slots and roughness is stored in the Ns and map_Ns slots.|No, default `false`|
|`--specularGlossiness`|The values in the mtl file are already specular-glossiness PBR values and no conversion step should be applied. Specular is stored in the Ks and map_Ks slots and glossiness is stored in the Ns and map_Ns slots. The glTF will be saved with the `KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness` extension.|No, default `false`|
|`--materialsCommon`|The glTF will be saved with the KHR_materials_common extension.|No, default `false`|
|`--metallicRoughnessOcclusionTexture`|Path to the metallic-roughness-occlusion texture that should override textures in the .mtl file, where occlusion is stored in the red channel, roughness is stored in the green channel, and metallic is stored in the blue channel. The model will be saved with a pbrMetallicRoughness material. This is often convenient in workflows where the .mtl does not exist or is not set up to use PBR materials. Intended for models with a single material.|No|
|`--specularGlossinessTexture`|Path to the specular-glossiness texture that should override textures in the .mtl file, where specular color is stored in the red, green, and blue channels and specular glossiness is stored in the alpha channel. The model will be saved with a material using the KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness extension.|No|
|`--occlusionTexture`|Path to the occlusion texture that should override textures in the .mtl file.|No|
|`--normalTexture`|Path to the normal texture that should override textures in the .mtl file.|No|
|`--baseColorTexture`|Path to the baseColor/diffuse texture that should override textures in the .mtl file.|No|
|`--emissiveTexture`|Path to the emissive texture that should override textures in the .mtl file.|No|
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