488 lines
17 KiB
488 lines
17 KiB
<div class="h-[calc(100vh-140px)]">
<nav class="text-sm breadcrumbs px-4">
v-for="(crumb, index) in mediaStore.crumbs"
:active="index === mediaStore.crumbs.length - 1"
<a v-if="mediaStore.crumbs.length > 1 && mediaStore.crumbs.length - 1 > index" href="#">
<i class="bi-folder me-1" />
{{ crumb.text }}
<span v-else><i class="bi-folder me-1" /> {{ crumb.text }}</span>
<div class="h-[calc(100%-34px)]">
class="w-full h-[calc(100%-174px)] absolute z-10 flex justify-center bg-base-100/70"
<span class="loading loading-spinner loading-lg"></span>
<pane min-size="14" max-size="80" size="24" class="h-full px-2">
<ul v-if="mediaStore.folderTree.parent" class="overflow-auto h-full m-1">
class="grid grid-cols-[auto_18px] gap-1"
v-for="folder in mediaStore.folderTree.folders"
class="truncate text-left"
<i class="bi-folder-fill" />
{{ folder.name }}
class="opacity-30 hover:opacity-100"
;(showDeleteModal = true),
(deleteName = `/${mediaStore.folderTree.source}/${folder.name}`.replace(
<i class="bi-x-circle-fill" />
<pane class="h-full px-2">
<ul v-if="mediaStore.folderTree.parent" class="h-full overflow-auto m-1">
v-for="(element, index) in mediaStore.folderTree.files"
class="grid grid-cols-[auto_176px]"
<div class="truncate">
<i v-if="mediaType(element.name) === 'audio'" class="bi-music-note-beamed" />
<i v-else-if="mediaType(element.name) === 'video'" class="bi-film" />
<i v-else-if="mediaType(element.name) === 'image'" class="bi-file-earmark-image" />
<i v-else class="bi-file-binary" />
{{ element.name }}
<button class="w-7" @click=";(showPreviewModal = true), setPreviewData(element.name)">
<i class="bi-play-fill" />
<div class="inline-block w-[82px]">{{ toMin(element.duration) }}</div>
;(showRenameModal = true),
<i class="bi-pencil-square" />
class="w-7 opacity-30 hover:opacity-100"
;(showDeleteModal = true),
(deleteName = `/${mediaStore.folderTree.source}/${element.name}`.replace(
<i class="bi-x-circle-fill" />
<div class="flex justify-end pe-10 mt-7">
<div class="join">
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary join-item" title="Create Folder" @click="showCreateModal = true">
<i class="bi-folder-plus" />
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary join-item" title="Upload File" @click="showUploadModal = true">
<i class="bi-upload" />
title="Delete File/Folder"
:text="`Are you sure that you want to delete:<br /><strong>${deleteName}</strong>`"
<Modal :show="showPreviewModal" :title="`Preview: ${previewName}`" :modal-action="closePlayer">
<div class="w-[1024px] max-w-full aspect-video">
<VideoPlayer v-if="isVideo && previewOpt" reference="previewPlayer" :options="previewOpt" />
<img v-else :src="previewUrl" class="img-fluid" :alt="previewName" />
<Modal :show="showRenameModal" title="Rename File" :modal-action="renameFile">
<label class="form-control w-full max-w-md">
<div class="label">
<span class="label-text">New filename</span>
<input type="text" class="input input-bordered w-full" v-model="renameNewName" />
<Modal :show="showCreateModal" title="Create Folder" :modal-action="createFolder">
<label class="form-control w-full max-w-md">
<div class="label">
<span class="label-text">Foldername</span>
<input type="text" class="input input-bordered w-full" v-model="folderName.name" />
<Modal :show="showUploadModal" title="Upload Files" :modal-action="uploadFiles">
<div class="w-[700px] max-w-full">
class="file-input file-input-bordered w-full"
<label class="form-control w-full mt-3">
<div class="label">
<span class="label-text">Current:</span>
<progress class="progress progress-accent" :value="currentProgress" max="100" />
<label class="form-control w-full mt-1">
<div class="label">
<span class="label-text">Overall ({{ currentNumber }}/{{ inputFiles.length }}):</span>
<progress class="progress progress-accent" :value="overallProgress" max="100" />
<label class="form-control w-full mt-1">
<div class="label">
<span class="label-text">Uploading:</span>
<input type="text" class="input input-sm input-bordered w-full" v-model="uploadTask" disabled />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
const authStore = useAuth()
const configStore = useConfig()
const indexStore = useIndex()
const mediaStore = useMedia()
const { toMin, mediaType } = stringFormatter()
const contentType = { 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8' }
const { configID } = storeToRefs(useConfig())
title: 'Media | ffplayout',
const browserIsLoading = ref(false)
const deleteName = ref('')
const renameOldName = ref('')
const renameNewName = ref('')
const previewName = ref('')
const previewUrl = ref('')
const previewOpt = ref()
const isVideo = ref(false)
const showDeleteModal = ref(false)
const showPreviewModal = ref(false)
const showRenameModal = ref(false)
const showCreateModal = ref(false)
const showUploadModal = ref(false)
const extensions = ref('')
const folderName = ref({} as Folder)
const inputFiles = ref([] as File[])
const fileInputName = ref()
const currentNumber = ref(0)
const uploadTask = ref('')
const overallProgress = ref(0)
const currentProgress = ref(0)
const lastPath = ref('')
const xhr = ref(new XMLHttpRequest())
onMounted(async () => {
let config_extensions = configStore.configPlayout.storage.extensions
let extra_extensions = configStore.configGui[configStore.configID].extra_extensions
if (typeof config_extensions === 'string') {
config_extensions = config_extensions.split(',')
if (typeof extra_extensions === 'string') {
extra_extensions = extra_extensions.split(',')
const exts = [...config_extensions, ...extra_extensions].map((ext) => {
return `.${ext}`
extensions.value = exts.join(', ')
if (!mediaStore.folderTree.parent) {
watch([configID], () => {
async function getPath(path: string) {
browserIsLoading.value = true
await mediaStore.getTree(path)
browserIsLoading.value = false
function setPreviewData(path: string) {
Set path and player options for video preview.
let fullPath = path
if (!path.includes('/')) {
fullPath = `/${mediaStore.folderTree.parent}/${mediaStore.folderTree.source}/${path}`.replace(/\/[/]+/g, '/')
previewName.value = fullPath.split('/').slice(-1)[0]
previewUrl.value = encodeURIComponent(`/file/${configStore.configGui[configStore.configID].id}${fullPath}`).replace(
const ext = previewName.value.split('.').slice(-1)[0].toLowerCase()
const fileType =
mediaType(previewName.value) === 'audio'
? `audio/${ext}`
: mediaType(previewName.value) === 'live'
? 'application/x-mpegURL'
: `video/${ext}`
if (configStore.configPlayout.storage.extensions.includes(`${ext}`)) {
isVideo.value = true
previewOpt.value = {
liveui: false,
controls: true,
suppressNotSupportedError: true,
autoplay: false,
preload: 'auto',
sources: [
type: fileType,
src: previewUrl.value,
} else {
isVideo.value = false
async function deleteFileOrFolder(del: boolean) {
Delete function, works for files and folders.
showDeleteModal.value = false
if (del) {
await fetch(`/api/file/${configStore.configGui[configStore.configID].id}/remove/`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { ...contentType, ...authStore.authHeader },
body: JSON.stringify({ source: deleteName.value }),
.then(async (response) => {
if (response.status !== 200) {
indexStore.msgAlert('alert-error', `${await response.text()}`, 5)
.catch((e) => {
indexStore.msgAlert('alert-error', `Delete error: ${e}`, 5)
deleteName.value = ''
function setRenameValues(path: string) {
renameNewName.value = path
renameOldName.value = path
async function renameFile(ren: boolean) {
Form submit for file rename request.
showRenameModal.value = false
if (ren) {
await fetch(`/api/file/${configStore.configGui[configStore.configID].id}/rename/`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { ...contentType, ...authStore.authHeader },
body: JSON.stringify({ source: renameOldName.value, target: renameNewName.value }),
.then(() => {
.catch((e) => {
indexStore.msgAlert('alert-error', `Delete error: ${e}`, 3)
renameOldName.value = ''
renameNewName.value = ''
function closePlayer() {
showPreviewModal.value = false
isVideo.value = false
async function createFolder(create: boolean) {
showCreateModal.value = false
if (create) {
const path = `${mediaStore.folderTree.source}/${folderName.value.name}`.replace(/\/[/]+/g, '/')
lastPath.value = mediaStore.folderTree.source
if (mediaStore.folderTree.folders.includes(folderName.value)) {
indexStore.msgAlert('alert-warning', `Folder "${folderName.value.name}" exists already!`, 2)
await $fetch(`/api/file/${configStore.configGui[configStore.configID].id}/create-folder/`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { ...contentType, ...authStore.authHeader },
body: JSON.stringify({ source: path }),
.then(() => {
indexStore.msgAlert('alert-success', 'Folder create done...', 2)
.catch((e: string) => {
indexStore.msgAlert('alert-error', `Folder create error: ${e}`, 3)
indexStore.alertVariant = 'alert-error'
folderName.value = {} as Folder
function onFileChange(evt: any) {
const files = evt.target.files || evt.dataTransfer.files
if (!files.length) {
inputFiles.value = files
async function upload(file: any): Promise<null | undefined> {
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append(file.name, file)
xhr.value = new XMLHttpRequest()
return new Promise((resolve) => {
mediaStore.crumbs[mediaStore.crumbs.length - 1].path
xhr.value.setRequestHeader('Authorization', `Bearer ${authStore.jwtToken}`)
xhr.value.upload.onprogress = (event: any) => {
currentProgress.value = Math.round((100 * event.loaded) / event.total)
xhr.value.upload.onerror = () => {
indexStore.msgAlert('alert-error', `Upload error: ${xhr.value.status}`, 3)
// upload completed successfully
xhr.value.onload = () => {
currentProgress.value = 100
async function uploadFiles(upl: boolean) {
if (upl) {
lastPath.value = mediaStore.folderTree.source
for (let i = 0; i < inputFiles.value.length; i++) {
const file = inputFiles.value[i]
uploadTask.value = file.name
currentProgress.value = 0
currentNumber.value = i + 1
if (mediaStore.folderTree.files.find((f) => f.name === file.name)) {
indexStore.msgAlert('alert-warning', 'File exists already!', 3)
} else {
await upload(file)
overallProgress.value = (currentNumber.value * 100) / inputFiles.value.length
uploadTask.value = 'Done...'
setTimeout(() => {
fileInputName.value = null
currentNumber.value = 0
currentProgress.value = 0
overallProgress.value = 0
inputFiles.value = []
uploadTask.value = ''
showUploadModal.value = false
}, 1500)
} else {
fileInputName.value = null
inputFiles.value = []
overallProgress.value = 0
currentProgress.value = 0
uploadTask.value = ''
showUploadModal.value = false