152 lines
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152 lines
4.1 KiB
The configuration file **ffplayout.yml** have this sections:
stop_on_error: True
stop_threshold: 11
sometimes it can happen, that a file is corrupt but still playable,
this can produce an streaming error over all following files.
The only way in this case is, to stop ffplayout and start it again
here we only say it can stop, the starting process is in your hand
best way is a **systemd serivce** on linux.
`stop_threshold:` stop ffplayout, if it is async in time above this value.
subject: "Playout Error"
smpt_server: "mail.example.org"
smpt_port: 587
sender_addr: "ffplayout@example.org"
sender_pass: "12345"
mail_level: "ERROR"
Send error messages to email address, like:
- missing playlist
- unvalid json format
- missing clip path
leave recipient blank, if you don't need this.
`mail_level` can be: **WARNING, ERROR**
log_to_file: True
backup_count: 7
log_path: "/var/log/ffplayout/"
log_level: "DEBUG"
ffmpeg_level: "ERROR"
Logging to file, if `log_to_file = False` > log to console.
`backup_count` says how long log files will be saved in days.
Path to **/var/log/** only if you run this program as *deamon*.
`log_level` can be: **DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR**
`ffmpeg_level` can be: **INFO, WARNING, ERROR**
width: 1024
height: 576
aspect: 1.778
fps: 25
add_logo: True
logo: "docs/logo.png"
logo_opacity: 0.7
logo_filter: "overlay=W-w-12:12"
add_loudnorm: False
loud_I: -18
loud_TP: -1.5
loud_LRA: 11
ffmpeg pre-compression settings, all clips get prepared in that way,
so the input for the final compression is unique.
- `aspect` mus be a float number.
- with `logo_opacity` logo can make transparent
- with `logo_filter = overlay=W-w-12:12` you can modify the logo position
- with use_loudnorm you can activate single pass EBU R128 loudness normalization
- loud_* can adjust the loudnorm filter
**INFO:** output is progressive!
playlist_mode: True
path: "/playlists"
day_start: "5:59:25"
length: "24:00:00"
Playlist settings -
set `playlist_mode` to **False** if you want to play clips from the `storage:` section
put only the root path here, for example: **"/playlists"**.
Subfolders is read by the script and needs this structur:
- **"/playlists/2018/01"** (/playlists/year/month)
`day_start` means at which time the playlist should start. Leave `day_start` blank when playlist should always start at the begin.
`length` represent the target length from playlist, when is blank real length will not consider.
path: "/mediaStorage"
filler_clip: "/mediaStorage/filler/filler.mp4"
- ".mp4"
- ".mkv"
shuffle: True
Play ordered or ramdomly files from path, `filler_clip` is for fill the end
to reach 24 hours, it will loop when is necessary. `extensions:` search only files
with this extension, add as many as you want. Set `shuffle` to **True** to pick files randomly.
add_text: True
bind_address: "tcp://"
fontfile: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf"
Overlay text in combination with [messenger](https://github.com/ffplayout/messenger).
On windows `fontfile` path need to be like this: **C\:/WINDOWS/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf**.
In a standard environment the filter drawtext node is: **Parsed_drawtext_2**.
preview: False
service_name: "Live Stream"
service_provider: "example.org"
post_ffmpeg_param: >-
-c:v libx264
-crf 23
-x264-params keyint=50:min-keyint=25:scenecut=-1
-maxrate 1300k
-bufsize 2600k
-preset medium
-profile:v Main
-level 3.1
-c:a aac
-ar 44100
-b:a 128k
-flags +global_header
-f flv
out_addr: "rtmp://localhost/live/stream"
The final ffmpeg post compression, Set the settings to your needs!
`preview` works only on a desktop system with ffplay!! Set it to **True**, if you need it.