ffplayout-frontend ===== This web GUI is for managing [ffplayout](https://github.com/ffplayout/ffplayout). **The Interface is mostly made for 24/7 streaming.** Other scenarios like streaming in folder mode or playlists with no starting time will work, but is not shown correctly. For a better understanding about the functionality, take a look to the screenshots below. Read [install.md](docs/INSTALL.md) for manual installation. After installations you have to setup ssl for your **https** connections. ## Some Impressions: #### Login ![login](/docs/images/login.png) #### Control Page ![control](/docs/images/control.png) #### Media Page ![media](/docs/images/media.png) #### Media Page / Upload ![media-upload](/docs/images/media-upload.png) #### Message Page ![message](/docs/images/message.png) #### Logging Page ![logging](/docs/images/logging.png) #### Configuration Page / GUI ![config-gui](/docs/images/config-gui.png)