**ffplayout-engine Installation** ================ Here are a description on how to install *ffplayout engine* on a standard Linux server. Requirements ----- - python version 3.6+ - **ffmpeg v4.2+** and **ffprobe** Installation ----- - install **ffmpeg**, **ffprobe** (and **ffplay** if you need the preview mode) - clone repo to **/opt/**: `git clone https://github.com/ffplayout/ffplayout-engine.git` - `cd /opt/ffplayout-engine` - create virtual environment: `virtualenv -p python3 venv` - run `source ./venv/bin/activate` - install dependencies: `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` - create logging folder: **/var/log/ffplayout** - create playlists folder, in that format: **/playlists/year/month** - create folder for media storage: **/tv-media** - set variables in config file to your needs Single Channel Setup ----- **systemd** is required - copy **docs/ffplayout-engine.service** to **/etc/systemd/system/** - copy **ffplayout.yml** to **/etc/ffplayout/** - change user and group in service file (for example to **www-data**) - activate service: `sudo systemctl enable ffplayout-engine` - edit **/etc/ffplayout/ffplayout.yml** - when playlists are exists, run service: `sudo systemctl start ffplayout-engine` Multi Channel Setup ----- - copy **docs/ffplayout-engine-multichannel.service** to **/etc/systemd/system/** - change user and group in service file (for example to **www-data**) - copy **ffplayout.yml** to **/etc/ffplayout/ffplayout-001.yml** - copy **supervisor** folder to **/etc/ffplayout/** - every channel needs its own engine config **ffplayout-002.yml**, **ffplayout-003.yml**, etc. - every channel needs also its own service file under **/etc/ffplayout/supervisor/config.d** - create for every channel a subfolder for logging: **/var/log/ffplayout/channel-001**, **/var/log/ffplayout/channel-002**, etc. - edit **/etc/ffplayout/ffplayout-00*.yml** - when you want to use the web frontend, create only the first channel and the other ones in the frontend - activate service: `sudo systemctl enable ffplayout-engine-multichannel` - when playlists are exists, run service: `sudo systemctl start ffplayout-engine-multichannel` Using it Without Installation ----- Of course you can just run it too. Install only the dependencies from **requirements.txt** and run it with **python ffplayout.py [parameters]**.