export const state = () => ({ playlist: null, playlistToday: [], progressValue: 0, currentClip: 'No clips is playing', currentClipIndex: null, currentClipStart: null, currentClipDuration: null, currentClipIn: null, currentClipOut: null, timeStr: '00:00:00', timeLeft: '00:00:00' }) export const mutations = { UPDATE_PLAYLIST (state, list) { state.playlist = list }, UPDATE_TODAYS_PLAYLIST (state, list) { state.playlistToday = list }, SET_PROGRESS_VALUE (state, value) { state.progressValue = value }, SET_CURRENT_CLIP (state, clip) { state.currentClip = clip }, SET_CURRENT_CLIP_INDEX (state, index) { state.currentClipIndex = index }, SET_CURRENT_CLIP_START (state, start) { state.currentClipStart = start }, SET_CURRENT_CLIP_DURATION (state, dur) { state.currentClipDuration = dur }, SET_CURRENT_CLIP_IN (state, _in) { state.currentClipIn = _in }, SET_CURRENT_CLIP_OUT (state, out) { state.currentClipOut = out }, SET_TIME (state, time) { state.timeStr = time }, SET_TIME_LEFT (state, time) { state.timeLeft = time } } export const actions = { async getPlaylist ({ commit, dispatch, state }, { dayStart, date }) { const response = await this.$axios.get(`api/player/playlist/?date=${date}`) if (response.data && response.data.program) { commit('UPDATE_PLAYLIST', this.$processPlaylist(dayStart, response.data.program)) if (date === this.$dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD')) { commit('UPDATE_TODAYS_PLAYLIST', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response.data.program))) dispatch('setCurrentClip') } } else { commit('UPDATE_PLAYLIST', []) } }, setCurrentClip ({ commit, dispatch, state, rootState }) { let start = this.$timeToSeconds(rootState.config.configPlayout.playlist.day_start) for (let i = 0; i < state.playlistToday.length; i++) { const duration = state.playlistToday[i].out - state.playlistToday[i].in const playTime = this.$timeToSeconds(this.$dayjs().format('HH:mm:ss')) - start // animate the progress bar if (playTime <= duration) { const progValue = playTime * 100 / duration commit('SET_PROGRESS_VALUE', progValue) commit('SET_CURRENT_CLIP', state.playlistToday[i].source) commit('SET_CURRENT_CLIP_INDEX', i) commit('SET_CURRENT_CLIP_START', start) commit('SET_CURRENT_CLIP_DURATION', duration) commit('SET_CURRENT_CLIP_IN', state.playlistToday[i].in) commit('SET_CURRENT_CLIP_OUT', state.playlistToday[i].out) break } start += duration } }, animClock ({ commit, dispatch, state }) { const time = this.$dayjs().format('HH:mm:ss') const timeSec = this.$timeToSeconds(time) const playTime = timeSec - state.currentClipStart const progValue = playTime * 100 / state.currentClipDuration if (timeSec < state.currentClipStart) { return } // animate the progress bar if (playTime <= state.currentClipDuration && progValue >= 0) { commit('SET_PROGRESS_VALUE', progValue) commit('SET_TIME', time) commit('SET_TIME_LEFT', this.$secToHMS(state.currentClipDuration - playTime)) } else { commit('SET_PROGRESS_VALUE', 0) dispatch('setCurrentClip') } } }