**ffplayout-engine installation** ================ Here are a description on how to install *ffplayout engine* on a standard linux server. Requirements ----- - python version 3.6+ - **ffmpeg v4.2+** and **ffprobe** - systemd (if ffplayout should run as a daemon) Installation ----- - install ffmpeg, ffprobe (and ffplay if you need the preview mode) - clone repo: `git clone https://github.com/ffplayout/ffplayout-engine.git` - `cd ffplayout-engine` - run `make` - run `sudo make install USER=www-data`, use any other user which need write access - create playlists folder, in that format: **/playlists/year/month** - set variables in config file to your needs - use `docs/gen_playlist_from_subfolders.sh /path/to/mp4s/` as a starting point for your playlists (path in script needs to change) - activate service and start it: `sudo systemctl enable ffplayout && sudo systemctl start ffplayout` Cleanup ----- - run `make clean` to remove virtual environment Deinstallation ----- - run `sudo make uninstall` it will remove all created folders (also the **ffplayout.yml** configuration file!)