merge with master

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Baecker 2019-08-12 14:30:47 +02:00
parent 1d750d4204
commit c52e17df83
2 changed files with 205 additions and 164 deletions

View File

@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# set playlist_mode to False if you want to play clips from the [FOLDER] section
# sometimes it can happen, that a file is corrupt but still playable,
# this can produce an streaming error over all following files
# the only way in this case is, to stop ffplayout and start it again
@ -24,7 +22,6 @@
# best way is a systemd serivce on linux
# stop_threshold: stop ffplayout, if it is async in time above this value
playlist_mode = True
stop_on_error = True
stop_threshold = 11
@ -46,9 +43,11 @@ mail_level = ERROR
# Logging to file
# if log_to_file = False > log to stderr (console)
# path to /var/log/ only if you run this program as deamon
# log_level can be: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR
log_to_file = True
log_file = /var/log/ffplayout/ffplayout.log
log_level = INFO
@ -56,60 +55,48 @@ log_level = INFO
# output settings for the pre-compression
# all clips get prepared in that way,
# so the input for the final compression is unique
# it produce a uncompressed avi stream
# copy_mode means that there is no recomression
# aspect mus be a float number
# logo is only used if the path exist
# with logo_filter = overlay=W-w-12:12 you can modify the logo position
# live_protocols is for checking input, is input a live source ffplayout handles it a bit different
copy_mode = False
width = 1024
height = 576
aspect = 1.778
fps = 25
v_bitrate = 50000
logo = logo.png
logo_filter = overlay=W-w-12:12
live_protocols = ["http", "https", "ftp", "rtmp", "rtmpe", "rtmps", "rtp", "rtsp", "srt", "tcp", "udp"]
copy_mode = False
ffmpeg_copy_settings = ["-c", "copy", "-bsf:v", "h264_mp4toannexb", "-f", "mpegts", "-"]
# playlist settings
# set playlist_mode to False if you want to play clips from the [STORAGE] section
# put only the root path here, for example: "/playlists"
# subfolders are readed by the script
# subfolders needs this structur:
# "/playlists/2018/01" (/playlists/year/month)
# strings in playlist must have ampersan (&) as: &
# day_start means at which time the playlist should start
# leave day_start blank when playlist should always start at the begin
playlist_mode = True
path = /playlists
day_start = 05:59:25.000
# day_start means at witch hour starts the day, as integer
# play ordered or ramdomly files from path
# extensions: search only files with this extension, can be a list
# set shuffle to True to pick files randomly
# filler_path are for the GUI only at the moment
# filler_clip get handle different, when a new length needs to calculate
# filler_clip is for fill the end to reach 24 hours, it will loop when is necessary
# blackclip is for stream copy mode,
# best for this is a ~4 hours clip with black color and soft noise sound
# time_shift adds or subtract seconds to the clip start,
# this is usefull for example for hls, because it have a big delay
# the value will be added to the clip begin
# put 0 if you don't need it
# map_extension is only for special purpose,
# when your playlist have a different extension, then the originial clip
# example: map_extension = [".mp4", ".mkv"]
# life empty for no change
playlist_path = /playlists
clips_root = /media
path = /media
filler_path = /media/filler/filler-clips
filler_clip = /media/filler/seperator.clock.mp4
blackclip = /opt/dummy.mkv
day_start = 06:00:00.000
time_shift = 35
map_extension = []
# play ordered or ramdomly files from clips_root
# extensions can be a list
# set shuffle to True to pick files randomly
storage = /media
filler_clip = /media/filler/filler.mp4
blackclip = /media/dummy.mp4
extensions = ["*.mp4"]
shuffle = False
@ -121,7 +108,7 @@ shuffle = False
# on windows fontfile path need to be like this: C\:/WINDOWS/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf
# textfile has the same pattern
textfile = /opt/live.txt
textfile = /media/live.txt
fontsize = 24
fontcolor = white
fontfile = /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf
@ -140,11 +127,11 @@ preview = False
service_name = Live Stream
service_provider =
post_comp_video = [
"-c:v", "libx264", "-crf", "23", "-x264-params", "keyint=50:min-keyint=50:no-scenecut",
"-c:v", "libx264", "-crf", "23", "-x264-params", "keyint=50:min-keyint=25:scenecut=-1",
"-maxrate", "1300k", "-bufsize", "2600k", "-preset", "medium", "-profile:v", "Main",
"-level", "3.1", "-refs", "3"
"-level", "3.1"
post_comp_audio = ["-c:a", "libfdk_aac", "-ar", "44100", "-b:a", "128k"]
post_comp_audio = ["-c:a", "aac", "-ar", "44100", "-b:a", "128k"]
post_comp_extra = ["-flags", "+global_header", "-f", "flv"]
post_comp_copy = ["-bsf:a", "aac_adtstoasc"]
out_addr = rtmp://

View File

@ -23,10 +23,12 @@ import configparser
import glob
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import random
import smtplib
import signal
import ssl
import smtplib
import socket
import sys
import time
@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ from shutil import copyfileobj
from subprocess import PIPE, CalledProcessError, Popen, check_output
from threading import Thread
from types import SimpleNamespace
from urllib import request
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# read variables from config file
@ -54,8 +57,7 @@ else:
_general = SimpleNamespace(
stop=cfg.getboolean('GENERAL', 'stop_on_error'),
threshold=cfg.getfloat('GENERAL', 'stop_threshold'),
playlist_mode=cfg.getboolean('GENERAL', 'playlist_mode')
threshold=cfg.getfloat('GENERAL', 'stop_threshold')
_mail = SimpleNamespace(
@ -69,42 +71,43 @@ _mail = SimpleNamespace(
_log = SimpleNamespace(
to_file=cfg.getboolean('LOGGING', 'log_to_file'),
path=cfg.get('LOGGING', 'log_file'),
level=cfg.get('LOGGING', 'log_level')
_pre_comp = SimpleNamespace(
copy=cfg.getboolean('PRE_COMPRESS', 'copy_mode'),
w=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'width'),
h=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'height'),
'PRE_COMPRESS', 'width') / cfg.getfloat('PRE_COMPRESS', 'height'),
aspect=cfg.getfloat('PRE_COMPRESS', 'aspect'),
fps=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'fps'),
v_bitrate=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'v_bitrate'),
v_bufsize=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'v_bitrate') / 2,
v_bitrate=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'width') * 50,
v_bufsize=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'width') * 50 / 2,
logo=cfg.get('PRE_COMPRESS', 'logo'),
logo_filter=cfg.get('PRE_COMPRESS', 'logo_filter'),
protocols=cfg.get('PRE_COMPRESS', 'live_protocols'),
copy=cfg.getboolean('PRE_COMPRESS', 'copy_mode'),
copy_settings=json.loads(cfg.get('PRE_COMPRESS', 'ffmpeg_copy_settings'))
protocols=cfg.get('PRE_COMPRESS', 'live_protocols')
stime = cfg.get('PLAYLIST', 'day_start').split(':')
if stime[0] and stime[1] and stime[2]:
start_t = float(stime[0]) * 3600 + float(stime[1]) * 60 + float(stime[2])
start_t = None
_playlist = SimpleNamespace(
path=cfg.get('PLAYLIST', 'playlist_path'),
t=cfg.get('PLAYLIST', 'day_start').split(':'),
filler=cfg.get('PLAYLIST', 'filler_clip'),
blackclip=cfg.get('PLAYLIST', 'blackclip'),
shift=cfg.getfloat('PLAYLIST', 'time_shift'),
map_ext=json.loads(cfg.get('PLAYLIST', 'map_extension'))
mode=cfg.getboolean('PLAYLIST', 'playlist_mode'),
path=cfg.get('PLAYLIST', 'path'),
_playlist.start = float(_playlist.t[0]) * 3600 + float(_playlist.t[1]) * 60 \
+ float(_playlist.t[2])
_folder = SimpleNamespace(
storage=cfg.get('FOLDER', 'storage'),
extensions=json.loads(cfg.get('FOLDER', 'extensions')),
shuffle=cfg.getboolean('FOLDER', 'shuffle')
_storage = SimpleNamespace(
path=cfg.get('STORAGE', 'path'),
filler=cfg.get('STORAGE', 'filler_clip'),
blackclip=cfg.get('STORAGE', 'blackclip'),
extensions=json.loads(cfg.get('STORAGE', 'extensions')),
shuffle=cfg.getboolean('STORAGE', 'shuffle')
_text = SimpleNamespace(
@ -144,7 +147,11 @@ stdin_parser.add_argument(
'-f', '--file', help='playlist file'
'-p', '--playlist', help='path from playlist'
'-f', '--folder', help='play folder content'
# If the log file is specified on the command line then override the default
@ -157,7 +164,11 @@ logger.setLevel(_log.level)
handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(_log.path, when='midnight', backupCount=5)
formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
if _log.to_file:
# capture stdout and sterr in the log
@ -262,7 +273,7 @@ def terminate_processes(decoder, encoder, watcher):
def get_time(time_format):
t = + timedelta(seconds=_playlist.shift)
t =
if time_format == 'hour':
return t.hour
elif time_format == 'full_sec':
@ -275,8 +286,8 @@ def get_time(time_format):
def get_date(seek_day):
d = + timedelta(seconds=_playlist.shift)
if seek_day and get_time('full_sec') < _playlist.start:
d =
if _playlist.start and seek_day and get_time('full_sec') < _playlist.start:
yesterday = d - timedelta(1)
return yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
@ -307,7 +318,8 @@ def check_sync(begin, encoder):
time_now = get_time('full_sec')
time_distance = begin - time_now
if 0 <= time_now < _playlist.start and not begin == _playlist.start:
if _playlist.start and 0 <= time_now < _playlist.start and \
not begin == _playlist.start:
time_distance -= 86400.0
# check that we are in tolerance time
@ -320,26 +332,13 @@ def check_sync(begin, encoder):
# check begin and length
def check_start_and_length(json_nodes, counter):
# check start time and set begin
if 'begin' in json_nodes:
h, m, s = json_nodes["begin"].split(':')
if is_float(h) and is_float(m) and is_float(s):
begin = float(h) * 3600 + float(m) * 60 + float(s)
begin = -100.0
begin = -100.0
# check if playlist is long enough
# check if playlist is long enough
def check_length(json_nodes, total_play_time):
if 'length' in json_nodes:
l_h, l_m, l_s = json_nodes["length"].split(':')
if is_float(l_h) and is_float(l_m) and is_float(l_s):
length = float(l_h) * 3600 + float(l_m) * 60 + float(l_s)
total_play_time = begin + counter - _playlist.start
if 'date' in json_nodes:
date = json_nodes["date"]
@ -356,13 +355,8 @@ def check_start_and_length(json_nodes, counter):
# validate json values in new Thread
# and test if file path exist
# TODO: we need better and unique validation,
# now it is messy - the file get readed twice
# and values get multiple time evaluate
# IDEA: open one time the playlist,
# not in a thread and build from it a new clean dictionary
# validate json values in new thread
# and test if source paths exist
def validate_thread(clip_nodes):
def check_json(json_nodes):
error = ''
@ -370,17 +364,11 @@ def validate_thread(clip_nodes):
# check if all values are valid
for node in json_nodes["program"]:
if _playlist.map_ext:
source = node["source"].replace(
_playlist.map_ext[0], _playlist.map_ext[1])
source = node["source"]
source = node["source"]
prefix = source.split('://')[0]
missing = []
if prefix in _pre_comp.protocols:
if source and prefix in _pre_comp.protocols:
cmd = [
'ffprobe', '-v', 'error',
'-show_entries', 'format=duration',
@ -415,7 +403,7 @@ def validate_thread(clip_nodes):
'values are missing:\n{}'.format(error)
check_start_and_length(json_nodes, counter)
check_length(json_nodes, counter)
validate = Thread(name='check_json', target=check_json, args=(clip_nodes,))
validate.daemon = True
@ -441,7 +429,7 @@ def set_length(duration, seek, out):
# generate a dummy clip, with black color and empty audiotrack
def gen_dummy(duration):
if _pre_comp.copy:
return ['-i', _playlist.blackclip, '-t', str(duration)]
return ['-i', _storage.blackclip, '-t', str(duration)]
color = '#121212'
# TODO: add noise could be an config option
@ -456,6 +444,41 @@ def gen_dummy(duration):
# when playlist is not 24 hours long, we generate a loop from filler clip
def gen_filler_loop(duration):
if not _storage.filler:
# when no filler is set, generate a dummy
logger.warning('No filler is set!')
return gen_dummy(duration)
# get duration from filler
cmd = [
'ffprobe', '-v', 'error', '-show_entries', 'format=duration',
'-of', 'default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1', _storage.filler]
f_dur = float(check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8'))
except (CalledProcessError, ValueError):
f_dur = None
if f_dur:
if f_dur > duration:
# cut filler'Generate filler with {} seconds'.format(duration))
return ['-i', _storage.filler] + set_length(
f_dur, 0, duration)
# loop filles n times
loop_count = math.ceil(duration / f_dur)'Loop filler {} times, total duration: {}'.format(
loop_count, duration))
return ['-stream_loop', str(loop_count),
'-i', _storage.filler, '-t', str(duration)]
logger.error("Can't get filler length, generate dummy!")
return gen_dummy(duration)
# when source path exist, generate input with seek and out time
# when path not exist, generate dummy clip
def src_or_dummy(src, dur, seek, out):
@ -480,11 +503,14 @@ def src_or_dummy(src, dur, seek, out):
# return clip only if we are in 24 hours time range
def gen_input(has_begin, src, begin, dur, seek, out, last):
day_in_sec = 86400.0
ref_time = day_in_sec + _playlist.start
ref_time = day_in_sec
time = get_time('full_sec')
if 0 <= time < _playlist.start:
time += day_in_sec
if _playlist.start:
ref_time = day_in_sec + _playlist.start
if 0 <= time < _playlist.start:
time += day_in_sec
# calculate time difference to see if we are sync
time_diff = out - seek + time
@ -501,7 +527,7 @@ def gen_input(has_begin, src, begin, dur, seek, out, last):'we are under time, new_len is: {}'.format(new_len))
if time_diff >= ref_time:
if src == _playlist.filler:
if src == _storage.filler:
# when filler is something like a clock,
# is better to start the clip later and to play until end
src_cmd = src_or_dummy(src, dur, dur - new_len, dur)
@ -524,7 +550,7 @@ def gen_input(has_begin, src, begin, dur, seek, out, last):'we are over time, new_len is: {}'.format(new_len))
if new_len > 5.0:
if src == _playlist.filler:
if src == _storage.filler:
src_cmd = src_or_dummy(src, dur, out - new_len, out)
src_cmd = src_or_dummy(src, dur, seek, new_len)
@ -537,6 +563,7 @@ def gen_input(has_begin, src, begin, dur, seek, out, last):
# blend logo and fade in / fade out
# TODO: simple deinterlace, pad and fps conversion, if is necessary
def build_filtergraph(first, duration, seek, out, ad, ad_last, ad_next, dummy):
length = out - seek - 1.0
logo_chain = []
@ -728,7 +755,7 @@ class GetSourceIter(object):
self._encoder = encoder
self.last_time = get_time('full_sec')
if 0 <= self.last_time < _playlist.start:
if _playlist.start and 0 <= self.last_time < _playlist.start:
self.last_time += 86400
self.last_mod_time = 0.0
@ -754,14 +781,33 @@ class GetSourceIter(object):
self.ad_next = False
def get_playlist(self):
if stdin_args.file:
self.json_file = stdin_args.file
if stdin_args.playlist:
self.json_file = stdin_args.playlist
year, month, day = self.list_date.split('-')
self.json_file = os.path.join(
_playlist.path, year, month, self.list_date + '.json')
if os.path.isfile(self.json_file):
if '://' in self.json_file:
self.json_file = self.json_file.replace('\\', '/')
req = request.urlopen(self.json_file,
b_time = req.headers['last-modified']
temp_time = time.strptime(b_time, "%a, %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %Z")
mod_time = time.mktime(temp_time)
if mod_time > self.last_mod_time:
self.clip_nodes = json.load(req)
self.last_mod_time = mod_time'open: ' + self.json_file)
except (request.URLError, socket.timeout):
self.eof_handling('Get playlist from url failed!', False)
elif os.path.isfile(self.json_file):
# check last modification from playlist
mod_time = os.path.getmtime(self.json_file)
if mod_time > self.last_mod_time:
@ -775,14 +821,12 @@ class GetSourceIter(object):
# when we have no playlist for the current day,
# then we generate a black clip
# and calculate the seek in time, for when the playlist comes back
self.error_handling('Playlist not exist:')
self.eof_handling('Playlist not exist:', False)
# when begin is in playlist, get start time from it
if self.clip_nodes and 'begin' in self.clip_nodes:
h, m, s = self.clip_nodes["begin"].split(':')
if is_float(h) and is_float(m) and is_float(s):
self.has_begin = True
self.init_time = float(h) * 3600 + float(m) * 60 + float(s)
# when _playlist.start is set, use start time
if self.clip_nodes and _playlist.start:
self.has_begin = True
self.init_time = _playlist.start
self.has_begin = False
@ -802,33 +846,25 @@ class GetSourceIter(object):
self.out = self.duration
def map_extension(self, node):
if _playlist.map_ext:
self.src = node["source"].replace(
_playlist.map_ext[0], _playlist.map_ext[1])
self.src = node["source"]
def url_or_live_source(self):
prefix = self.src.split('://')[0]
# check if input is a live source
if prefix in _pre_comp.protocols:
if self.src and prefix in _pre_comp.protocols:
cmd = [
'ffprobe', '-v', 'error', '-show_entries', 'format=duration',
'-of', 'default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1', self.src]
output = check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8')
except CalledProcessError:
except CalledProcessError as err:
logger.error("ffprobe error: {}".format(err))
output = None
if not output:
self.duration = 20
mailer.error('Clip not exist:\n{}'.format(self.src))
logger.error('Clip not exist: {}'.format(self.src))
self.src = None
self.out = 20
elif is_float(output):
self.duration = float(output)
@ -882,18 +918,21 @@ class GetSourceIter(object):
self.first, self.duration,, self.out,, self.ad_last, self.ad_next, self.is_dummy)
def error_handling(self, message):
def eof_handling(self, message, filler): = 0.0
self.out = 20
self.duration = 20 = False
day_in_sec = 86400.0
ref_time = day_in_sec + _playlist.start
ref_time = day_in_sec
time = get_time('full_sec')
if 0 <= time < _playlist.start:
time += day_in_sec
if _playlist.start:
ref_time = day_in_sec + _playlist.start
if 0 <= time < _playlist.start:
time += day_in_sec
time_diff = self.out - + time
new_len = self.out - - (time_diff - ref_time)
@ -910,8 +949,15 @@ class GetSourceIter(object):
self.list_date = get_date(True)
self.last_time += self.out -
self.src_cmd = gen_dummy(self.out -
self.is_dummy = True
if filler:
self.src_cmd = gen_filler_loop(self.out -
if _storage.filler:
self.is_dummy = False
self.duration += 1
self.src_cmd = gen_dummy(self.out -
self.is_dummy = True
if get_time('stamp') - self.timestamp > 3600 \
@ -947,7 +993,8 @@ class GetSourceIter(object):
# calculate seek time = self.last_time - self.begin +
self.src = node["source"]
@ -966,7 +1013,8 @@ class GetSourceIter(object):
if self.has_begin:
check_sync(self.begin, self._encoder)
self.src = node["source"]
@ -982,7 +1030,8 @@ class GetSourceIter(object):
self.last_time = self.begin
self.out = self.time_left
self.error_handling('Playlist is not valid!')
'Playlist is not long enough!', False)
# when there is no time left and we are in time,
@ -995,16 +1044,17 @@ class GetSourceIter(object):
self.begin += self.out -
# when we reach currect end, stop script
if 'begin' not in self.clip_nodes or \
'length' not in self.clip_nodes and \
self.begin < get_time('full_sec'):
if not _playlist.start or 'length' not in self.clip_nodes:
# when we reach currect end, stop script'Playlist reach End!')
# when playlist exist but is empty, or not long enough,
# generate dummy and send log
self.error_handling('Playlist is not valid!')
elif self.begin == self.init_time:
# no clip was played, generate dummy
self.eof_handling('Playlist is empty!', False)
# playlist is not long enough, play filler
self.eof_handling('Playlist is not long enough!', True)
if self.src_cmd is not None:
yield self.src_cmd + self.filtergraph
@ -1012,9 +1062,10 @@ class GetSourceIter(object):
def main():
year = get_date(False).split('-')[0]
overlay = []
if _pre_comp.copy:
ff_pre_settings = _pre_comp.copy_settings
ff_pre_settings = ["-c", "copy", "-f", "mpegts", "-"]
ff_pre_settings = [
'-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-r', str(_pre_comp.fps),
@ -1027,18 +1078,16 @@ def main():
'-ar', '48000', '-ac', '2',
'-f', 'mpegts', '-']
if os.path.isfile(_text.textfile):'Use text file "{}" for overlay'.format(_text.textfile))
overlay = [
'-vf', ("drawtext=box={}:boxcolor='{}':boxborderw={}:fontsize={}"
":x='{}':y='{}'").format(, _text.boxcolor, _text.boxborderw,
_text.fontsize, _text.fontcolor, _text.fontfile,
_text.textfile, _text.x, _text.y)
overlay = []
if os.path.isfile(_text.textfile):'Overlay text file: "{}"'.format(_text.textfile))
overlay = [
'-vf', ("drawtext=box={}:boxcolor='{}':boxborderw={}"
":reload=1:x='{}':y='{}'").format(, _text.boxcolor, _text.boxborderw,
_text.fontsize, _text.fontcolor, _text.fontfile,
_text.textfile, _text.x, _text.y)
if _playout.preview:
@ -1053,7 +1102,8 @@ def main():
if _pre_comp.copy:
encoder_cmd = [
'ffmpeg', '-v', 'info', '-hide_banner', '-nostats',
'-re', '-i', 'pipe:0', '-c', 'copy'
'-re', '-thread_queue_size', '256',
'-i', 'pipe:0', '-c', 'copy'
] + _playout.post_comp_copy
encoder_cmd = [
@ -1072,16 +1122,16 @@ def main():
if _general.playlist_mode:
if _playlist.mode and not stdin_args.folder:
watcher = None
get_source = GetSourceIter(encoder)
else:"start folder mode")
media = MediaStore(_folder.extensions)
media = MediaStore(_storage.extensions)
watcher = MediaWatcher(, _folder.extensions, media)
get_source = GetSource(media, _folder.shuffle)
watcher = MediaWatcher(_storage.path, _storage.extensions, media)
get_source = GetSource(media, _storage.shuffle)
for src_cmd in
@ -1110,12 +1160,16 @@ def main():
logger.warning('program terminated')
terminate_processes(decoder, encoder, watcher)
# close encoder when nothing is to do anymore
if encoder.poll() is None:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not _general.playlist_mode:
if not _playlist.mode or stdin_args.folder:
from import PatternMatchingEventHandler
from watchdog.observers import Observer