general_helpTEXTNOTNULLDEFAULT"Sometimes it can happen that a file is corrupt but still playable. This can produce a streaming error for all following files. The only solution in this case is to stop ffplayout and start it again.\n'stop_threshold' stops ffplayout if it is asynchronous in time above this value. A number below 3 can cause unexpected errors.",
mail_helpTEXTNOTNULLDEFAULT"Send error messages to an email address, such as missing playlist, invalid JSON format, or missing clip path. Leave the recipient blank if you don't need this.\n'mail_level' can be INFO, WARNING, or ERROR.\n'interval' refers to the number of seconds until a new email is sent; the value must be in increments of 10.",
logging_helpTEXTNOTNULLDEFAULT"'ffmpeg_level/ingest_level' can be INFO, WARNING, or ERROR.\n'detect_silence' logs an error message if the audio line is silent for 15 seconds during the validation process.\n'ignore' allows logging to ignore strings that contain matched lines; the format is a semicolon-separated list.",
logging_ignoreTEXTNOTNULLDEFAULT"P sub_mb_type 4 out of range at;error while decoding MB;negative number of zero coeffs at;out of range intra chroma pred mode;non-existing SPS 0 referenced in buffering period",
processing_helpTEXTNOTNULLDEFAULT"Default processing for all clips ensures uniqueness. The mode can be either "playlist" or "folder".\nThe 'aspect' parameter must be a float number.\nThe 'audio_tracks' parameter specifies how many audio tracks should be processed.'audio_channels' can be used if the audio has more channels than stereo.\nThe 'logo' is used only if the path exists; the path is relative to your storage folder.\n'logo_scale' scales the logo to the target size. Leave it blank if no scaling is needed. The format is 'width:height', for example, '100:-1' for proportional scaling. The 'logo_opacity' option allows the logo to become transparent.'logo_position' is specified in the format 'x:y', which sets the logo's position.\nWith 'custom_filter', it is possible to apply additional filters. The filter outputs should end with [c_v_out] for video filters and [c_a_out] for audio filters.\n'vtt_enable' can only be used in HLS mode, and only when *.vtt files with the same filename as the video file exist.",
ingest_help"Run a server for an ingest stream. This stream will override the normal streaming until it is finished. There is only a very simple authentication mechanism, which checks if the stream name is correct.\n'custom_filter' can be used in the same way as the one in the process section.",
playlist_helpTEXTNOTNULLDEFAULT"'day_start' indicates at what time the playlist should start; leave 'day_start' blank if the playlist should always start at the beginning. 'length' represents the target length of the playlist; when it is blank, the real length will not be considered.\n'infinite: true' works with a single playlist file and loops it infinitely.",
storage_helpTEXTNOTNULLDEFAULT"'filler' is used to play in place of a missing file or to fill the remaining time to reach a total of 24 hours. It can be a file or folder and will loop when necessary.\n'extensions' specifies which files to search for by this extension. Activate 'shuffle' to pick files randomly.",
text_helpTEXTNOTNULLDEFAULT"Overlay text in combination with libzmq for remote text manipulation. 'font' is a relative path to your storage folder.\n'text_from_filename' activates the extraction of text from a filename. With 'style', you can define the drawtext parameters, such as position, color, etc. Posting text over the API will override this. With 'regex', you can format file names to extract a title from them.",
task_helpTEXTNOTNULLDEFAULT"Run an external program with a given media object. The media object is in JSON format and contains all the information about the current clip. The external program can be a script or a binary, but it should only run for a short time.",
output_helpTEXTNOTNULLDEFAULT"The final playout encoding, set the settings according to your needs. 'mode' has the options 'desktop', 'hls', 'null', and 'stream'. Use 'stream' and adjust the 'output_param:' settings when you want to stream to an RTMP/RTSP/SRT/... server.\nIn production, don't serve HLS playlists with ffplayout; use Nginx or another web server!",