**This is only an _experimental feature_. Please be aware that bugs and unexpected behavior may occur. To utilize this feature, a version after 7.1 of FFmpeg is required. Importantly, there is currently no official support for this functionality.**
**ffplayout** can handle closed captions in WebVTT format for HLS streaming.
The captions can be embedded in the file, such as in a [Matroska](https://www.matroska.org/technical/subtitles.html) file, or they can be a separate *.vtt file that shares the same filename as the video file. In either case, the processing option **vtt_enable** must be enabled, and the path to the **vtt_dummy** file must exist.
To encode the closed captions, the **hls** mode needs to be enabled, and specific output parameters must be provided. Here’s an example: