
693 lines
22 KiB
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2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
# This file is part of ffplayout.
# ffplayout is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ffplayout is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ffplayout. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import configparser
2018-01-10 09:41:56 -05:00
import logging
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
import re
import smtplib
2018-01-10 09:41:56 -05:00
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
from ast import literal_eval
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
2018-01-10 09:41:56 -05:00
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
from os import path
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
from shutil import copyfileobj
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
from types import SimpleNamespace
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
2018-01-07 16:31:06 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# read variables from config file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2018-01-07 11:56:54 -05:00
# read config
cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
if path.exists("/etc/ffplayout/ffplayout.conf"):
2018-01-07 11:56:54 -05:00
_mail = SimpleNamespace(
server=cfg.get('MAIL', 'smpt_server'),
port=cfg.getint('MAIL', 'smpt_port'),
s_addr=cfg.get('MAIL', 'sender_addr'),
s_pass=cfg.get('MAIL', 'sender_pass'),
recip=cfg.get('MAIL', 'recipient')
2018-01-10 09:41:56 -05:00
_log = SimpleNamespace(
path=cfg.get('LOGGING', 'log_file'),
level=cfg.get('LOGGING', 'log_level')
_pre_comp = SimpleNamespace(
w=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'width'),
h=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'height'),
2018-08-13 15:32:25 -04:00
'PRE_COMPRESS', 'width') / cfg.getfloat('PRE_COMPRESS', 'height'),
fps=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'fps'),
v_bitrate=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'v_bitrate'),
v_bufsize=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'v_bitrate'),
a_bitrate=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'a_bitrate'),
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
a_sample=cfg.getint('PRE_COMPRESS', 'a_sample'),
copy=cfg.getboolean('PRE_COMPRESS', 'copy_mode'),
copy_settings=literal_eval(cfg.get('PRE_COMPRESS', 'ffmpeg_copy_settings'))
_playlist = SimpleNamespace(
path=cfg.get('PLAYLIST', 'playlist_path'),
start=cfg.getint('PLAYLIST', 'day_start'),
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
filler=cfg.get('PLAYLIST', 'filler_clip'),
blackclip=cfg.get('PLAYLIST', 'blackclip')
_buffer = SimpleNamespace(
length=cfg.getint('BUFFER', 'buffer_length'),
tol=cfg.getfloat('BUFFER', 'buffer_tolerance'),
cli=cfg.get('BUFFER', 'buffer_cli'),
cmd=literal_eval(cfg.get('BUFFER', 'buffer_cmd'))
_playout = SimpleNamespace(
name=cfg.get('OUT', 'service_name'),
provider=cfg.get('OUT', 'service_provider'),
out_addr=cfg.get('OUT', 'out_addr'),
post_comp_video=literal_eval(cfg.get('OUT', 'post_comp_video')),
post_comp_audio=literal_eval(cfg.get('OUT', 'post_comp_audio')),
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
post_comp_extra=literal_eval(cfg.get('OUT', 'post_comp_extra')),
post_comp_copy=literal_eval(cfg.get('OUT', 'post_comp_copy'))
# set logo filtergraph
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
if path.exists(cfg.get('OUT', 'logo')):
_playout.logo = ['-thread_queue_size', '16', '-i', cfg.get('OUT', 'logo')]
_playout.filter = [
'-filter_complex', '[0:v][1:v]' + cfg.get('OUT', 'logo_o') + '[o]',
'-map', '[o]', '-map', '0:a'
_playout.logo = []
_playout.filter = []
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
2018-01-10 09:41:56 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# logging
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stdin_parser = ArgumentParser(description="python and ffmpeg based playout")
"-l", "--log", help="file to write log to (default '" + _log.path + "')"
# If the log file is specified on the command line then override the default
stdin_args = stdin_parser.parse_args()
if stdin_args.log:
_log.path = stdin_args.log
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(_log.path, when="midnight", backupCount=5)
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
2018-01-10 09:41:56 -05:00
# capture stdout and sterr in the log
class ffplayout_logger(object):
def __init__(self, logger, level):
self.logger = logger
self.level = level
def write(self, message):
# Only log if there is a message (not just a new line)
if message.rstrip() != "":
self.logger.log(self.level, message.rstrip())
def flush(self):
# Replace stdout with logging to file at INFO level
sys.stdout = ffplayout_logger(logger, logging.INFO)
# Replace stderr with logging to file at ERROR level
sys.stderr = ffplayout_logger(logger, logging.ERROR)
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# global helper functions
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get time
def get_time(time_format):
t = datetime.today()
if time_format == 'hour':
return t.hour
elif time_format == 'full_sec':
sec = float(t.hour * 3600 + t.minute * 60 + t.second)
micro = float(t.microsecond) / 1000000
return sec + micro
return t.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
2018-01-07 16:31:06 -05:00
# get date
def get_date(seek_day):
if get_time('hour') < _playlist.start and seek_day:
yesterday = date.today() - timedelta(1)
return yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
2018-01-07 16:31:06 -05:00
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
# send error messages to email addresses
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
def mail_or_log(message, time, path):
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
if _mail.recip:
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['From'] = _mail.s_addr
msg['To'] = _mail.recip
msg['Subject'] = "Playout Error"
2018-01-23 07:14:50 -05:00
msg.attach(MIMEText('{} {}\n{}'.format(time, message, path), 'plain'))
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
text = msg.as_string()
server = smtplib.SMTP(_mail.server, int(_mail.port))
server.login(_mail.s_addr, _mail.s_pass)
server.sendmail(_mail.s_addr, _mail.recip, text)
2018-01-23 07:14:50 -05:00
logger.error('{} {}'.format(message, path))
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
# calculating the size for the buffer in KB
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
def calc_buffer_size():
# TODO: this calculation is only important when we compress in rawvideo
v_size = _pre_comp.w * _pre_comp.h * 3 / 2 * _pre_comp.fps * _buffer.length
a_size = (_pre_comp.a_sample * 16 * 2 * _buffer.length) / 8
return (v_size + a_size) / 1024
return (_pre_comp.v_bitrate + _pre_comp.a_bitrate) * 0.125 * _buffer.length
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
# check if processes a well
def check_process(watch_proc, terminate_proc):
while True:
if watch_proc.poll() is not None:
# check if path exist,
# when not send email and generate blackclip
def check_file_exist(in_file):
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
if path.exists(in_file):
return True
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
return False
2018-02-03 17:01:26 -05:00
# seek in clip and cut the end
def seek_in_cut_end(in_file, duration, seek, out):
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
if seek > 0.0:
2018-02-03 17:01:26 -05:00
inpoint = ['-ss', str(seek)]
fade_in_vid = 'fade=in:st=0:d=0.5'
fade_in_aud = 'afade=in:st=0:d=0.5'
inpoint = []
fade_in_vid = 'null'
fade_in_aud = 'anull'
if out < duration:
2018-02-04 14:29:17 -05:00
fade_out_time = out - seek - 1.0
cut_end = ['-t', str(out - seek)]
2018-02-03 17:01:26 -05:00
fade_out_vid = 'fade=out:st=' + str(fade_out_time) + ':d=1.0'
fade_out_aud = 'afade=out:st=' + str(fade_out_time) + ':d=1.0'
cut_end = []
fade_out_vid = 'null'
fade_out_aud = 'anull'
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
if _pre_comp.copy:
return inpoint + ['-i', in_file] + cut_end
return inpoint + ['-i', in_file] + cut_end + [
'-vf', fade_in_vid + ',' + fade_out_vid,
'-af', fade_in_aud + ',' + fade_out_aud
2018-01-22 14:43:52 -05:00
# generate a dummy clip, with black color and empty audiotrack
def gen_dummy(duration):
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
if _pre_comp.copy:
return ['-i', _playlist.blackclip]
return [
'-f', 'lavfi', '-i',
_pre_comp.w, _pre_comp.h, duration
'-f', 'lavfi', '-i', 'anullsrc=r=' + str(_pre_comp.a_sample),
# when source path exist, generate input with seek and out time
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
# when path not exist, generate dummy clip
def src_or_dummy(src, duration, seek, out, dummy_len=None):
2018-02-03 17:01:26 -05:00
if check_file_exist(src):
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
if seek > 0.0 or out < duration:
return seek_in_cut_end(src, duration, seek, out)
2018-02-03 17:01:26 -05:00
return ['-i', src]
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
'Clip not exist:', get_time(None),
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
if dummy_len and not _pre_comp.copy:
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
return gen_dummy(dummy_len)
return gen_dummy(out - seek)
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
2018-02-19 09:13:24 -05:00
# compare clip play time with real time,
# to see if we are sync
def check_sync(begin):
time_now = get_time('full_sec')
start = float(_playlist.start * 3600)
tolerance = _buffer.tol * 2
2018-02-19 09:13:24 -05:00
t_dist = begin - time_now
if 0 <= time_now < start and not begin == start:
2018-02-19 09:13:24 -05:00
t_dist -= 86400.0
# check that we are in tolerance time
if not _buffer.length - tolerance < t_dist < _buffer.length + tolerance:
2018-02-19 09:13:24 -05:00
'Playlist is not sync!', get_time(None),
str(t_dist) + ' seconds async'
2018-02-19 09:13:24 -05:00
# prepare input clip
# check begin and length from clip
# return clip only if we are in 24 hours time range
def gen_input(src, begin, dur, seek, out, last):
2018-02-19 09:13:24 -05:00
start = float(_playlist.start * 3600)
day_in_sec = 86400.0
ref_time = day_in_sec + start
2018-02-28 15:16:17 -05:00
time = get_time('full_sec')
if 0 <= time < start:
time += day_in_sec
# calculate time difference to see if we are sync
time_diff = _buffer.length + _buffer.tol + out - seek + time
if (time_diff <= ref_time or begin < day_in_sec) and not last:
# when we are in the 24 houre range, get the clip
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
return src_or_dummy(src, dur, seek, out, 20), None
elif time_diff < ref_time and last:
# when last clip is passed and we still have too much time left
# check if duration is larger then out - seek
time_diff = _buffer.length + _buffer.tol + dur + time
new_len = dur - (time_diff - ref_time)
logger.info('we are under time, new_len is: {}'.format(new_len))
if time_diff >= ref_time:
if src == _playlist.filler:
# when filler is something like a clock,
# is better to start the clip later and to play until end
src_cmd = src_or_dummy(src, dur, dur - new_len, dur)
src_cmd = src_or_dummy(src, dur, 0, new_len)
2018-02-28 15:16:17 -05:00
src_cmd = src_or_dummy(src, dur, 0, dur)
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
'playlist is not long enough:', get_time(None),
str(new_len) + ' seconds needed.'
return src_cmd, new_len - dur
elif time_diff > ref_time:
new_len = out - seek - (time_diff - ref_time)
# when we over the 24 hours range, trim clip
logger.info('we are over time, new_len is: {}'.format(new_len))
if new_len > 5.0:
if src == _playlist.filler:
src_cmd = src_or_dummy(src, dur, out - new_len, out)
src_cmd = src_or_dummy(src, dur, seek, new_len)
elif new_len > 1.0:
src_cmd = gen_dummy(new_len)
src_cmd = None
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
return src_cmd, 0.0
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
# test if value is float
def is_float(value, text, convert):
if convert:
return float(value)
return ''
except ValueError:
return text
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
# check last item, when it is None or a dummy clip,
# set true and seek in playlist
def check_last_item(src_cmd, last_time, last):
if None in src_cmd and not last:
first = True
last_time = get_time('full_sec')
if 0 <= last_time < _playlist.start * 3600:
last_time += 86400
elif 'lavfi' in src_cmd and not last:
first = True
last_time = get_time('full_sec') + _buffer.length + _buffer.tol
if 0 <= last_time < _playlist.start * 3600:
last_time += 86400
first = False
return first, last_time
# validate xml values in new Thread
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
# and test if file path exist
def validate_thread(clip_nodes):
def check_xml(xml_nodes):
error = ''
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
# check if all values are valid
for xml_node in xml_nodes:
if check_file_exist(xml_node.get('src')):
a = ''
a = 'File not exist! '
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
b = is_float(xml_node.get('begin'), 'No Start Time! ', False)
c = is_float(xml_node.get('dur'), 'No Duration! ', False)
d = is_float(xml_node.get('in'), 'No In Value! ', False)
e = is_float(xml_node.get('out'), 'No Out Value! ', False)
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
line = a + b + c + d + e
if line:
error += line + 'In line: ' + str(xml_node.attrib) + '\n'
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
if error:
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
'Validation error, check xml playlist, values are missing:\n',
get_time(None), error
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
# check if playlist is long enough
last_begin = is_float(clip_nodes[-1].get('begin'), 0, True)
last_duration = is_float(clip_nodes[-1].get('dur'), 0, True)
start = float(_playlist.start * 3600)
total_play_time = last_begin + last_duration - start
if total_play_time < 86395.0:
'xml playlist is not long enough!',
get_time(None), "total play time is: " + str(total_play_time)
validate = Thread(name='check_xml', target=check_xml, args=(clip_nodes,))
validate.daemon = True
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
# exaption gets called, when there is no playlist,
# or the playlist is not long enough
def exeption(message, dummy_len, path, last):
src_cmd = gen_dummy(dummy_len)
if last:
last_time = float(_playlist.start * 3600 - 5)
first = False
last_time = (
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
get_time('full_sec') + dummy_len + _buffer.length + _buffer.tol
if 0 <= last_time < _playlist.start * 3600:
last_time += 86400
first = True
mail_or_log(message, get_time(None), path)
return src_cmd, last_time, first
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# read values from xml playlist
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
def iter_src_commands():
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
last_time = None
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
last_mod_time = 0.0
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
src_cmd = [None]
last = False
list_date = get_date(True)
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
dummy_len = 60
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
while True:
year, month, day = re.split('-', list_date)
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
xml_path = path.join(_playlist.path, year, month, list_date + '.xml')
if check_file_exist(xml_path):
# check last modification from playlist
2018-01-22 04:18:15 -05:00
mod_time = path.getmtime(xml_path)
if mod_time > last_mod_time:
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
xml_file = open(xml_path, "r")
xml_root = ET.parse(xml_file).getroot()
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
clip_nodes = xml_root.findall('body/video')
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
2018-01-22 04:18:15 -05:00
last_mod_time = mod_time
logger.info('open: ' + xml_path)
last_node = clip_nodes[-1]
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
# when last clip is None or a dummy,
# we have to jump to the right place in the playlist
first, last_time = check_last_item(src_cmd, last_time, last)
2018-02-28 15:29:42 -05:00
# loop through all clips in playlist
for clip_node in clip_nodes:
2018-02-03 17:01:26 -05:00
src = clip_node.get('src')
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
begin = is_float(clip_node.get('begin'), last_time, True)
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
duration = is_float(clip_node.get('dur'), dummy_len, True)
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
seek = is_float(clip_node.get('in'), 0, True)
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
out = is_float(clip_node.get('out'), dummy_len, True)
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
# first time we end up here
if first and last_time < begin + duration:
# calculate seek time
seek = last_time - begin + seek
src_cmd, time_left = gen_input(
src, begin, duration, seek, out, False
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
first = False
last_time = begin
elif last_time < begin:
if clip_node == last_node:
last = True
last = False
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
2018-02-19 09:13:24 -05:00
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
src_cmd, time_left = gen_input(
src, begin, duration, seek, out, last
if time_left is None:
# normal behavior
last_time = begin
elif time_left > 0.0:
# when playlist is finish and we have time left
last_time = begin
list_date = get_date(False)
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
dummy_len = time_left
# when there is no time left and we are in time,
# set right values for new playlist
list_date = get_date(False)
last_time = float(_playlist.start * 3600 - 5)
last_mod_time = 0.0
# when playlist exist but is empty, or not long enough,
# generate dummy and send log
src_cmd, last_time, first = exeption(
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
'Playlist is not valid!', dummy_len, xml_path, last
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
begin = get_time('full_sec') + _buffer.length + _buffer.tol
last = False
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
dummy_len = 60
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
last_mod_time = 0.0
# when we have no playlist for the current day,
# then we generate a black clip
# and calculate the seek in time, for when the playlist comes back
src_cmd, last_time, first = exeption(
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
'Playlist not exist:', dummy_len, xml_path, last
2018-02-02 01:49:43 -05:00
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
begin = get_time('full_sec') + _buffer.length + _buffer.tol
last = False
2018-03-29 04:30:18 -04:00
dummy_len = 60
last_mod_time = 0.0
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
if src_cmd is not None:
yield src_cmd, begin
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
# independent thread for clip preparation
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
def play_clips(out_file, iter_src_commands):
2018-02-28 15:29:42 -05:00
# send current file from xml playlist to buffer stdin
for src_cmd, begin in iter_src_commands:
if begin > 86400:
tm_str = str(timedelta(seconds=int(begin - 86400)))
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
tm_str = str(timedelta(seconds=int(begin)))
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
logger.info('play at "{}": {}'.format(tm_str, src_cmd))
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
if _pre_comp.copy:
ff_pre_settings = _pre_comp.copy_settings
ff_pre_settings = [
'-s', '{}x{}'.format(_pre_comp.w, _pre_comp.h),
'-aspect', str(_pre_comp.aspect),
'-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-r', str(_pre_comp.fps),
'-af', 'apad', '-shortest',
'-c:v', 'mpeg2video', '-intra',
'-b:v', '{}k'.format(_pre_comp.v_bitrate),
'-minrate', '{}k'.format(_pre_comp.v_bitrate),
'-maxrate', '{}k'.format(_pre_comp.v_bitrate),
'-bufsize', '{}k'.format(_pre_comp.v_bufsize),
'-c:a', 'mp2', '-b:a', '{}k'.format(_pre_comp.a_bitrate),
'-ar', str(_pre_comp.a_sample), '-ac', '2',
'-threads', '2', '-f', 'mpegts', '-'
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
file_piper = Popen(
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
2018-02-02 01:49:43 -05:00
'ffmpeg', '-v', 'error', '-hide_banner', '-nostats'
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
] + src_cmd + list(ff_pre_settings),
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
copyfileobj(file_piper.stdout, out_file)
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
def main():
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
year, month, _day = re.split('-', get_date(False))
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
# open a buffer for the streaming pipeline
# stdin get the files loop
# stdout pipes to ffmpeg rtmp streaming
mbuffer = Popen(
2018-08-13 15:32:25 -04:00
[_buffer.cli] + list(_buffer.cmd)
+ [str(calc_buffer_size()) + 'k'],
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
# playout to rtmp
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
if _pre_comp.copy:
playout_pre = [
'ffmpeg', '-v', 'info', '-hide_banner', '-nostats', '-re',
'-i', 'pipe:0', '-c', 'copy'
] + list(_playout.post_comp_copy)
playout_pre = [
2018-01-22 04:18:15 -05:00
'ffmpeg', '-v', 'info', '-hide_banner', '-nostats', '-re',
'-thread_queue_size', '256', '-fflags', '+igndts',
'-i', 'pipe:0', '-fflags', '+genpts'
2018-08-13 15:32:25 -04:00
+ list(_playout.logo)
+ list(_playout.filter)
+ list(_playout.post_comp_video)
+ list(_playout.post_comp_audio)
2018-04-29 12:07:42 -04:00
playout = Popen(
2018-08-13 15:46:21 -04:00
2018-08-13 15:32:25 -04:00
+ [
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
'-metadata', 'service_name=' + _playout.name,
'-metadata', 'service_provider=' + _playout.provider,
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
'-metadata', 'year=' + year
2018-08-13 15:32:25 -04:00
+ list(_playout.post_comp_extra)
+ [
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
2018-02-13 08:23:34 -05:00
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
play_thread = Thread(
2018-01-16 03:31:59 -05:00
name='play_clips', target=play_clips, args=(
2018-01-07 07:58:45 -05:00
play_thread.daemon = True
check_process(playout, mbuffer)
if __name__ == '__main__':