* random heap stuff * Fix dicts * Less hand coding. Now reads .map file for memory locations of stuff. * Display qstr chunk contents.
204 lines
7.9 KiB
204 lines
7.9 KiB
import sys
import binascii
import io
bytecode_format_sizes = {
"MP_OPCODE_VAR_UINT": None, # Unknown because uint encoding uses the top bit to indicate the end.
bytecodes = {
0x10: {"name": "MP_BC_LOAD_CONST_FALSE",
"format": "MP_OPCODE_BYTE"},
#define MP_BC_LOAD_CONST_NONE (0x11)
#define MP_BC_LOAD_CONST_TRUE (0x12)
#define MP_BC_LOAD_CONST_SMALL_INT (0x14) // signed var-int
#define MP_BC_LOAD_CONST_STRING (0x16) // qstr
#define MP_BC_LOAD_CONST_OBJ (0x17) // ptr
#define MP_BC_LOAD_NULL (0x18)
#define MP_BC_LOAD_FAST_N (0x19) // uint
#define MP_BC_LOAD_DEREF (0x1a) // uint
#define MP_BC_LOAD_NAME (0x1b) // qstr
#define MP_BC_LOAD_GLOBAL (0x1c) // qstr
#define MP_BC_LOAD_ATTR (0x1d) // qstr
#define MP_BC_LOAD_METHOD (0x1e) // qstr
#define MP_BC_LOAD_SUPER_METHOD (0x1f) // qstr
#define MP_BC_LOAD_BUILD_CLASS (0x20)
#define MP_BC_LOAD_SUBSCR (0x21)
#define MP_BC_STORE_FAST_N (0x22) // uint
#define MP_BC_STORE_DEREF (0x23) // uint
#define MP_BC_STORE_NAME (0x24) // qstr
#define MP_BC_STORE_GLOBAL (0x25) // qstr
#define MP_BC_STORE_ATTR (0x26) // qstr
#define MP_BC_STORE_SUBSCR (0x27)
#define MP_BC_DELETE_FAST (0x28) // uint
#define MP_BC_DELETE_DEREF (0x29) // uint
#define MP_BC_DELETE_NAME (0x2a) // qstr
#define MP_BC_DELETE_GLOBAL (0x2b) // qstr
#define MP_BC_DUP_TOP (0x30)
#define MP_BC_DUP_TOP_TWO (0x31)
#define MP_BC_POP_TOP (0x32)
#define MP_BC_ROT_TWO (0x33)
#define MP_BC_ROT_THREE (0x34)
#define MP_BC_JUMP (0x35) // rel byte code offset, 16-bit signed, in excess
#define MP_BC_POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE (0x36) // rel byte code offset, 16-bit signed, in excess
#define MP_BC_POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE (0x37) // rel byte code offset, 16-bit signed, in excess
#define MP_BC_JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP (0x38) // rel byte code offset, 16-bit signed, in excess
#define MP_BC_JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP (0x39) // rel byte code offset, 16-bit signed, in excess
#define MP_BC_SETUP_WITH (0x3d) // rel byte code offset, 16-bit unsigned
#define MP_BC_WITH_CLEANUP (0x3e)
#define MP_BC_SETUP_EXCEPT (0x3f) // rel byte code offset, 16-bit unsigned
#define MP_BC_SETUP_FINALLY (0x40) // rel byte code offset, 16-bit unsigned
#define MP_BC_END_FINALLY (0x41)
#define MP_BC_GET_ITER (0x42)
#define MP_BC_FOR_ITER (0x43) // rel byte code offset, 16-bit unsigned
#define MP_BC_POP_BLOCK (0x44)
#define MP_BC_POP_EXCEPT (0x45)
#define MP_BC_UNWIND_JUMP (0x46) // rel byte code offset, 16-bit signed, in excess; then a byte
#define MP_BC_GET_ITER_STACK (0x47)
#define MP_BC_BUILD_TUPLE (0x50) // uint
#define MP_BC_BUILD_LIST (0x51) // uint
#define MP_BC_BUILD_MAP (0x53) // uint
#define MP_BC_STORE_MAP (0x54)
#define MP_BC_BUILD_SET (0x56) // uint
#define MP_BC_BUILD_SLICE (0x58) // uint
#define MP_BC_STORE_COMP (0x57) // uint
#define MP_BC_UNPACK_SEQUENCE (0x59) // uint
#define MP_BC_UNPACK_EX (0x5a) // uint
#define MP_BC_RETURN_VALUE (0x5b)
#define MP_BC_RAISE_VARARGS (0x5c) // byte
#define MP_BC_YIELD_VALUE (0x5d)
#define MP_BC_YIELD_FROM (0x5e)
#define MP_BC_MAKE_FUNCTION (0x60) // uint
#define MP_BC_MAKE_FUNCTION_DEFARGS (0x61) // uint
#define MP_BC_MAKE_CLOSURE (0x62) // uint
#define MP_BC_MAKE_CLOSURE_DEFARGS (0x63) // uint
#define MP_BC_CALL_FUNCTION (0x64) // uint
#define MP_BC_CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW (0x65) // uint
#define MP_BC_CALL_METHOD (0x66) // uint
#define MP_BC_CALL_METHOD_VAR_KW (0x67) // uint
#define MP_BC_IMPORT_NAME (0x68) // qstr
#define MP_BC_IMPORT_FROM (0x69) // qstr
#define MP_BC_IMPORT_STAR (0x6a)
#define MP_BC_LOAD_CONST_SMALL_INT_MULTI (0x70) // + N(64)
#define MP_BC_LOAD_FAST_MULTI (0xb0) // + N(16)
#define MP_BC_STORE_FAST_MULTI (0xc0) // + N(16)
def read_uint(encoded_uint, peek=False):
unum = 0
i = 0
while True:
if peek:
b = encoded_uint.peek()[i]
b = encoded_uint.read(1)[0]
unum = (unum << 7) | (b & 0x7f)
if (b & 0x80) == 0:
i += 1
return unum
class Prelude:
def __init__(self, encoded_prelude):
self.n_state = read_uint(encoded_prelude)
self.n_exc_stack = read_uint(encoded_prelude)
self.scope_flags = encoded_prelude.read(1)[0]
self.n_pos_args = encoded_prelude.read(1)[0]
self.n_kwonly_args = encoded_prelude.read(1)[0]
self.n_def_pos_args = encoded_prelude.read(1)[0]
self.code_info_size = read_uint(encoded_prelude, peek=True)
class RawCode:
# mp_raw_code_kind_t kind : 3;
# mp_uint_t scope_flags : 7;
# mp_uint_t n_pos_args : 11;
# union {
# struct {
# const byte *bytecode;
# const mp_uint_t *const_table;
# mp_uint_t bc_len;
# uint16_t n_obj;
# uint16_t n_raw_code;
# #endif
# } u_byte;
# struct {
# void *fun_data;
# const mp_uint_t *const_table;
# mp_uint_t type_sig; // for viper, compressed as 2-bit types; ret is MSB, then arg0, arg1, etc
# } u_native;
# } data;
def __init__(self, encoded_raw_code):
bc_len = read_uint(encoded_raw_code)
bc = encoded_raw_code.read(bc_len)
prelude = Prelude(io.BufferedReader(io.BytesIO(bc)))
encoded_code_info = bc[:prelude.code_info_size]
bc_start = prelude.code_info_size
while bc[bc_start] == 0xff:
bc_start += 1
bc = bc[bc_start:]
self.qstrs = []
self.simple_name = self._load_qstr(encoded_raw_code)
self.source_file = self._load_qstr(encoded_raw_code)
# the simple name and source file qstr indexes get written back into the byte code somehow
self._load_bytecode_qstrs(encoded_raw_code, bc)
print(self.qstrs[self.simple_name], self.qstrs[self.source_file])
def _load_qstr(self, encoded_qstr):
string_len = read_uint(encoded_qstr)
string = encoded_qstr.read(string_len).decode("utf-8")
if string in self.qstrs:
return self.qstr.index(string)
new_index = len(self.qstrs)
return new_index
def _load_bytecode_qstrs(encoded_raw_code, bytecode):
i = 0
while i < len(bytecode):
opcode, opcode_size = mp_opcode_format(bytecode[i])
if opcode == MP_OPCODE_QSTR:
qstr_index = self._load_qstr(encoded_raw_code)
bytecode[i+1] = qstr_index
bytecode[i+2] = qstr_index >> 8
opcode += opcode_size
class mpyFile:
def __init__(self, encoded_mpy):
# this matches mp-raw_code_save in py/persistentcode.c
first_byte = encoded_mpy.read(1)
if first_byte != b'M':
raise ValueError("Not a valid first byte. Should be 'M' but is {}".format(first_byte))
self.version = encoded_mpy.read(1)[0]
self.feature_flags = encoded_mpy.read(1)[0]
self.small_int_bits = encoded_mpy.read(1)[0]
self.raw_code = RawCode(encoded_mpy)
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
mpy = mpyFile(f)