Karin Hawley f9ae1ee172 Cleaning up and fixing the docs generation Makefile and README instructions
- moving Makefile to parent folder.  This resolves some of the weird path/build issues
- remove trace references to cpydiff and original file (no longer used anywhere)
- converting SOURCEDIR to a changeable variable, passed through all sphinx-build calls
- adding path to conf.py, in case it moves again
- making `-v` default with VERBOSE
- making `-E` default with FORCE
- creating BASEOPTS to store all the dirs, paths, and settings, passing them to sphinx-build in one long chain, instead of individually
- updating README to use the make command as default.  Also added text explaining some of the customization you can add into a make command
2018-05-14 11:02:25 -07:00
2018-05-06 12:31:54 -05:00
2017-07-28 16:33:07 -07:00
2017-07-19 15:13:23 -04:00
2018-03-27 14:25:14 -07:00

Adafruit's CircuitPython Documentation

The latest documentation can be found at: http://circuitpython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

The documentation you see there is generated from the files in the whole tree: https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/tree/master

Building the documentation locally

If you're making changes to the documentation, you should build the documentation locally so that you can preview your changes.

Install Sphinx, recommonmark, and optionally (for the RTD-styling), sphinx_rtd_theme, preferably in a virtualenv:

 pip install sphinx
 pip install recommonmark
 pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

In circuitpython/, build the docs:

make html

You'll find the index page at _build/html/index.html.

More flexibility

Running make by itself will list out the multiple doc generating commands available.

All commands will, by default, run with -E (forces a rebuild from scratch of docs) and -v (verbosity level 1). This can be customized as desired:

# will turn OFF the force rebuild
make html FORCE=

# will turn OFF the verbosity
make html VERBOSE=

# will turn OFF the force rebuild and make it doubly verbose when running
make html FORCE= VERBOSE="-v -v"

You can also pass other options to sphinx by using SPHINXOPTS.

make html SPHINXOPTS="-T"

For more flexibility and customization, take a look at the Makefile for all variables you can pass in and overwrite.