.. a fast helper for animations. It is similar to and inspired by the PixelMap helper in Adafruit LED Animation library, but with an extremely fast 'paste' method for setting a series of pixels. This is a common operation for many animations, and can give a substantial speed improvement. It's named `adafruit_pixelmap` so that we can package a compatible version in pure Python for systems that can't fit it in C in flash, or for Blinka. This is a proof of concept and can make a very fast comet animation: ```python import time import adafruit_pixelbuf import adafruti_pixelmap import board import neopixel from supervisor import ticks_ms from adafruit_led_animation.animation.solid import Solid from adafruit_led_animation import color pixel_pin = board.GP0 pixel_num = 96 pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(pixel_pin, pixel_num, brightness=1, auto_write=False, pixel_order="RGB") evens = adafruit_pixelmap.PixelMap(pixels, tuple(range(0, pixel_num, 2))) odd_indices = tuple((i, i+2) for i in range(1, pixel_num, 4)) print(odd_indices) odds = adafruit_pixelbuf.PixelMap(pixels, odd_indices) assert len(odds) == len(odd_indices) comet_length = 16 comet1 = [color.calculate_intensity(color.GREEN, ((1+i) / comet_length) ** 2.4) for i in range(comet_length)] comet2 = [color.calculate_intensity(color.PURPLE, ((1+i) / comet_length) ** 2.4) for i in range(comet_length)] pos1 = 0 pos2 = 96//4 while True: evens.paste(comet1, pos1, wrap=True, reverse=False, others=0) pos1 = (pos1 + 1) % len(evens) odds.paste(comet2, pos2, wrap=True, reverse=True, others=0) pos2 = (pos2 - 1) % len(odds) pixels.show() m = ticks_ms() if m % 2000 > 1000: time.sleep(.02) ```
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