Prior to this fix, enabling WebREPL for the first time via webrepl_setup did not work at all because "" did not contain any lines with "webrepl" in them that could be uncommented.
103 lines
2.7 KiB
103 lines
2.7 KiB
import sys
#import uos as os
import os
import machine
RC = "./"
CONFIG = "./"
def input_choice(prompt, choices):
while 1:
resp = input(prompt)
if resp in choices:
return resp
def getpass(prompt):
return input(prompt)
def input_pass():
while 1:
passwd1 = getpass("New password (4-9 chars): ")
if len(passwd1) < 4 or len(passwd1) > 9:
print("Invalid password length")
passwd2 = getpass("Confirm password: ")
if passwd1 == passwd2:
return passwd1
print("Passwords do not match")
def exists(fname):
with open(fname):
return True
except OSError:
return False
def get_daemon_status():
with open(RC) as f:
for l in f:
if "webrepl" in l:
if l.startswith("#"):
return False
return True
return None
def change_daemon(action):
LINES = ("import webrepl", "webrepl.start()")
with open(RC) as old_f, open(RC + ".tmp", "w") as new_f:
found = False
for l in old_f:
for patt in LINES:
if patt in l:
found = True
if action and l.startswith("#"):
l = l[1:]
elif not action and not l.startswith("#"):
l = "#" + l
if not found:
new_f.write("import webrepl\nwebrepl.start()\n")
# FatFs rename() is not POSIX compliant, will raise OSError if
# dest file exists.
os.rename(RC + ".tmp", RC)
def main():
status = get_daemon_status()
print("WebREPL daemon auto-start status:", "enabled" if status else "disabled")
print("\nWould you like to (E)nable or (D)isable it running on boot?")
print("(Empty line to quit)")
resp = input("> ").upper()
if resp == "E":
if exists(CONFIG):
resp2 = input_choice("Would you like to change WebREPL password? (y/n) ", ("y", "n", ""))
print("To enable WebREPL, you must set password for it")
resp2 = "y"
if resp2 == "y":
passwd = input_pass()
with open(CONFIG, "w") as f:
f.write("PASS = %r\n" % passwd)
if resp not in ("D", "E") or (resp == "D" and not status) or (resp == "E" and status):
print("No further action required")
change_daemon(resp == "E")
print("Changes will be activated after reboot")
resp = input_choice("Would you like to reboot now? (y/n) ", ("y", "n", ""))
if resp == "y":