2017-07-28 12:12:38 -07:00

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41 KiB

* \file
* \brief SAM I2S - Inter-IC Sound Controller
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* \asf_license_start
* \page License
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of Atmel may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
* 4. This software may only be redistributed and used in connection with an
* Atmel microcontroller product.
* \asf_license_stop
* Support and FAQ: visit <a href="http://www.atmel.com/design-support/">Atmel Support</a>
#ifndef I2S_H_INCLUDED
#define I2S_H_INCLUDED
* \defgroup asfdoc_sam0_i2s_group SAM Inter-IC Sound Controller (I2S) Driver
* This driver for Atmel&reg; | SMART ARM&reg;-based microcontrollers provides
* an interface for the configuration and management of the device's Inter-IC
* Sound Controller functionality.
* The following driver API modes are covered by this manual:
* - Polled APIs
* - Callback APIs
* \endif
* The following peripheral is used by this module:
* - I<SUP>2</SUP>S (Inter-IC Sound Controller)
* The following devices can use this module:
* - Atmel | SMART SAM D21
* - Atmel | SMART SAM DA1
* The outline of this documentation is as follows:
* - \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_prerequisites
* - \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview
* - \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_special_considerations
* - \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra_info
* - \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_examples
* - \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_api_overview
* \section asfdoc_sam0_i2s_prerequisites Prerequisites
* There are no prerequisites for this module.
* \section asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview Module Overview
* The I<SUP>2</SUP>S provides bidirectional, synchronous, digital audio link with
* external audio devices through these signal pins:
* - Serial Data (SDm)
* - Frame Sync (FSn)
* - Serial Clock (SCKn)
* - Master Clock (MCKn)
* The I<SUP>2</SUP>S consists of two Clock Units and two Serializers, which can be
* separately configured and enabled, to provide varies functionalities as follow:
* - Communicate to Audio CODECs as Master or Slave, or provides clock and
* frame sync signals as Controller
* - Communicate to DAC or ADC through dedicated I<SUP>2</SUP>S serial interface
* - Communicate to multi-slot or multiple stereo DACs or ADCs, via
* Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) format
* - Reading mono or stereo MEMS microphones, using the Pulse Density
* Modulation (PDM) interface
* The I<SUP>2</SUP>S supports compact stereo data word, where left channel data bits are
* in lower half and right channel data bits are in upper half. It reduces the
* number of data words for stereo audio data and the DMA bandwidth.
* In master mode, the frame is configured by number of slots and slot size, and
* allows range covering 16fs to 1024fs MCK, to provide oversampling clock to an
* external audio CODEC or digital signal processor (DSP).
* A block diagram of the I<SUP>2</SUP>S can be seen in
* \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_block_diagram "the figure below".
* \anchor asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_block_diagram
* \image html i2s_blocks.svg "I2S Block Diagram"
* This driver for I<SUP>2</SUP>S module provides an interface to:
* - Initialize and control I<SUP>2</SUP>S module
* - Configure and control the I<SUP>2</SUP>S Clock Unit and Serializer
* - Transmit/receive data through I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer
* \subsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_clocks Clocks
* To use I<SUP>2</SUP>S module, the I<SUP>2</SUP>S bus interface clock (clk_i2s)
* must be enabled via Power Manager.
* For each I<SUP>2</SUP>S Clock Unit, a generic clock (gclk_i2s_n) is connnected.
* When I<SUP>2</SUP>S works in master mode the generic clock is used. It should
* be prepared before clock unit is used. In master mode the input generic clock
* will be used as MCK for SCKn and FSn generation, in addition, the MCK could be
* devided and output to I<SUP>2</SUP>S MCKn pin, as oversampling clock to
* external audio device.
* The I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer uses clock and control signal from Clock Unit to handle
* transfer. Select different clock unit with different configurations allows
* the I<SUP>2</SUP>S to work as master or slave, to work on non-related clocks.
* When using the driver with ASF, enabling the register interface is normally
* done by the \c init function.
* The Generic Clock Controller (GCLK) source for the asynchronous domain is
* normally configured and set through the _configuration
* struct_ / _init_ function.
* If GCLK source != 0 is used, this source has to be configured and enabled
* through invoking the system_gclk driver function when needed, or modifying
* conf_clock.h to enable it at the beginning.
* \subsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_frame Audio Frame Generation
* Audio sample data for all channels are sent in frames, one frame can consist
* 1 - 8 slots where each slot can be configured to a size 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit,
* or 32-bit. The audio frame synch clock is generated by the I<SUP>2</SUP>S
* Clock unit in the master/controller mode. The frame rate (or frame sync
* frequency) is calculated as follows:
* FS = SCK / number_of_slots / number_of_bits_in_slot
* The serial clock (SCK) source is either an external source (slave mode) or
* generated by the I<SUP>2</SUP>S clock unit (controller or master mode) using
* the MCK as source.
* SCK = MCK / sck_div
* \note SCK generation division value is MCKDIV in register.
* MCK is either an external source or generated using the GCLK input from a
* generic clock generator.
* \subsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_mode Master, Controller, and Slave Modes
* The I<SUP>2</SUP>S module has three modes: master, controller, and slave.
* \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_mode_mst Master
* In master mode the module will control the data flow on the I<SUP>2</SUP>S bus and can
* be responsible for clock generation. The Serializers are enabled and will
* transmit/receive data. On a bus with only master and slave the SCK, and FS
* clock signal will be outputted on the SCK and FS pin on the master module.
* MCK can optionally be outputted on the MCK pin, if there is a controller
* module on the bus the SCK, FS, and optionally the MCK clock is sourced from
* the same pins. Serial data will be trancieved on the SD pin in both
* scenarios.
* \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_mode_ctl Controller
* In controller mode the module will generate the clock signals, but the
* Serializers are disabled and no data will be transmitted/received by the
* module in this mode. The clock signals is outputted on the SCK, FS and
* optionally the MCK pin.
* \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_mode_slv Slave
* In slave mode the module will use the SCK and FS clock source from the master
* or the controller which is received on the SCK and FS pin. The MCK can
* optionally be sourced externally on the MCK pin. The Serializers are enabled
* and will tranceive data on the SD pin. All data flow is controlled by the
* master.
* \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_mode_chg Switch Modes
* The mode switching between master, controller, and slave modes are actually
* done by modifying the source mode of I<SUP>2</SUP>S pins.
* The source mode of I<SUP>2</SUP>S pins are selected by writing corresponding
* bits in CLKCTRLn.
* Since source mode switching changes the direction of pin, the mode must be
* changed when the I<SUP>2</SUP>S Clock Unit is stopped.
* \subsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_data Data Stream Reception/Transmission
* The I<SUP>2</SUP>S module support several data stream formats:
* - I<SUP>2</SUP>S format
* - Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) format
* - Pulse Density Modulation (PDM) format (reception only)
* Basically the I<SUP>2</SUP>S module can send several words within each frame,
* it's more like TDM format. With adjust to the number of data words in a frame,
* the FS width, the FS to data bits delay, etc., the module is able to handle
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S compliant data stream.
* Also the Serializer can receive PDM format data stream, which allows the
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S module receive 1 PDM data on each SCK edge.
* \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_data_i2s I2S Stream Reception/Transmission
* For 2-channel I<SUP>2</SUP>S compliant data stream format the I<SUP>2</SUP>S
* module uses the FS line as word select (WS) signal and will send left channel
* data word on low WS level and right channel data word on high WS level as
* specified in the I<SUP>2</SUP>S standard. The supported word sizes are 8-,
* 16-, 18-, 20-, 24-, and 32- bit.
* Thus for I<SUP>2</SUP>S stream, the following settings should be applied to the module:
* - Data starting delay after FS transition : one SCK period
* - FS width : half of frame
* - Data bits adjust in word : left-adjusted
* - Bit transmitting order : MSB first
* Following is an example for I<SUP>2</SUP>S application connections and waveforms. See
* the figure below.
* \anchor asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_i2s_example_diagram
* \image html i2s_example.svg "I2S Example Diagram"
* \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_data_tdm TDM Stream Reception/Transmission
* In TDM format, the module sends several data words in each frame. For this
* data stream format most of the configurations could be adjusted:
* - Main Frame related settings are as follow:
* - Frame Sync (FS) options:
* - The active edge of the FS (or if FS is inverted before use)
* - The width of the FS
* - The delay between FS to first data bit
* - Data alignment in slot
* - The number of slots and slot size can be adjusted, it has been mentioned
* in \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_frame
* - The data word size is controlled by Serializer, it can be chosen among
* 8, 16, 18, 20, 24, and 32 bits.
* The general TDM waveform generation is as follows:
* \anchor asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_tdm_wave_diagram
* \image html tdm_wave.svg "TDM Waveform Generation"
* Some other settings could also be found to set up clock, data formatting and
* pin multiplexer (MUX).
* Refer to \ref i2s_clock_unit_config "Clock Unit Configurations"
* and \ref i2s_serializer_config "Serializer Configurations" for more
* details.
* Following is examples for different application use cases.
* See \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_tdm_timeslot_example_diagram "here" for
* the Time Slot Application connection and waveform example.
* \anchor asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_tdm_timeslot_example_diagram
* \image html tdm_timeslot_example.svg "Codec Example Diagram"
* See \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_tdm_codec_example_diagram "here" for the
* Codec Application connection and waveform example.
* \anchor asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_tdm_codec_example_diagram
* \image html tdm_codec_example.svg "Time Slot Example Diagram"
* \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_data_pdm PDM Reception
* The I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer integrates PDM reception feature, to use this feature,
* simply select PDM2 mode in Serializer configuration. In PDM2 mode, it assumes
* two microphones are input for stereo stream. The left microphone bits will
* be stored in lower half and right microphone bits in upper half of the data
* word, like in compact stereo format.
* See \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_pdm_example_diagram "following figure" for an
* example of PDM Microphones Application with both left and right channel
* microphone connected.
* \anchor asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_pdm_example_diagram
* \image html pdm_example.svg "Time PDM2 Example Diagram"
* \subsubsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_data_fmt MONO and Compact Data
* The I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer can accept some pre-defined data format and generates
* the data stream in specified way.
* When transmitting data, the Serializer can work in MONO mode: assum input
* is single channel mono data on left channel and copy it to right channel
* automatically.
* Also the I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer can support compact stereo data word. The data word
* size of the Serializer can be set to \ref I2S_DATA_SIZE_16BIT_COMPACT
* "16-bit compact" or \ref I2S_DATA_SIZE_8BIT_COMPACT "8-bit compact", with
* these option I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer will compact left channel data and right channel
* data together, the left channel data will take lower bytes and right channel
* data take higher bytes.
* \subsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_loop Loop-back Mode
* The I<SUP>2</SUP>S can be configured to loop back the Transmitter to Receiver. In this
* mode Serializer's input will be connected to another Serializer's output
* internally.
* \subsection asfdoc_sam0_i2s_module_overview_sleep Sleep Modes
* The I<SUP>2</SUP>S will continue to operate in any sleep mode, where the selected source
* clocks are running.
* \section asfdoc_sam0_i2s_special_considerations Special Considerations
* There is no special considerations for I<SUP>2</SUP>S module.
* \section asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra_info Extra Information
* For extra information see \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra. This includes:
* - \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra_acronyms
* - \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra_dependencies
* - \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra_errata
* - \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra_history
* \section asfdoc_sam0_i2s_examples Examples
* For a list of examples related to this driver, see
* \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_exqsg.
* \section asfdoc_sam0_i2s_api_overview API Overview
* @{
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <compiler.h>
#include <system.h>
#if I2S_CALLBACK_MODE == true
# include <system_interrupt.h>
#if !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
extern struct i2s_module *_i2s_instances[I2S_INST_NUM];
/** Forward definition of the device instance */
struct i2s_module;
/** Type of the callback functions. */
typedef void (*i2s_serializer_callback_t)
(struct i2s_module *const module);
* \brief I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer Callback enum
enum i2s_serializer_callback {
/** Callback for buffer read/write finished */
/** Callback for Serializer overrun/underrun */
# if !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
# endif
#endif /* #if I2S_CALLBACK_MODE == true */
* \name Module Status Flags
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S status flags, returned by \ref i2s_get_status() and cleared by
* \ref i2s_clear_status().
* @{
/** Module Serializer x (0~1) Transmit Underrun. */
#define I2S_STATUS_TRANSMIT_UNDERRUN(x) (1u << ((x)+0))
/** Module Serializer x (0~1) is ready to accept new data to be transmitted. */
#define I2S_STATUS_TRANSMIT_READY(x) (1u << ((x)+2))
/** Module Serializer x (0~1) Receive Overrun. */
#define I2S_STATUS_RECEIVE_OVERRUN(x) (1u << ((x)+4))
/** Module Serializer x (0~1) has received a new data. */
#define I2S_STATUS_RECEIVE_READY(x) (1u << ((x)+6))
/** Module is busy on synchronization. */
#define I2S_STATUS_SYNC_BUSY (1u << 8)
/** @} */
* Master Clock (MCK) source selection.
enum i2s_master_clock_source {
/** Master Clock (MCK) is from general clock */
/** Master Clock (MCK) is from MCK input pin */
* Serial Clock (SCK) source selection.
enum i2s_serial_clock_source {
/** Serial Clock (SCK) is divided from Master Clock */
/** Serial Clock (SCK) is input from SCK input pin */
* Data delay from Frame Sync (FS).
enum i2s_data_delay {
/** Left Justified (no delay) */
/** I<SUP>2</SUP>S data delay (1-bit delay) */
/** Left Justified (no delay) */
/** I<SUP>2</SUP>S data delay (1-bit delay) */
* Frame Sync (FS) source.
enum i2s_frame_sync_source {
/** Frame Sync (FS) is divided from I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serial Clock */
/** Frame Sync (FS) is input from FS input pin */
* Frame Sync (FS) output pulse width.
enum i2s_frame_sync_width {
/** Frame Sync (FS) Pulse is one slot width */
/** Frame Sync (FS) Pulse is half a frame width */
/** Frame Sync (FS) Pulse is one bit width */
/** 1-bit wide Frame Sync (FS) per Data sample, only used when Data transfer
* is requested */
* Time Slot Size in number of I<SUP>2</SUP>S serial clocks (bits).
enum i2s_slot_size {
/** 8-bit slot */
/** 16-bit slot */
/** 24-bit slot */
/** 32-bit slot */
* DMA channels usage for I<SUP>2</SUP>S.
enum i2s_dma_usage {
/** Single DMA channel for all I<SUP>2</SUP>S channels */
/** One DMA channel per data channel */
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S data format, to extend mono data to two channels.
enum i2s_data_format {
/** Normal mode, keep data to its right channel */
/** Assume input is mono data for left channel, the data is duplicated to
* right channel */
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S data bit order.
enum i2s_bit_order {
/** Transfer Data Most Significant Bit first
* (Default for I<SUP>2</SUP>S protocol)
/** Transfer Data Least Significant Bit first */
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S data bit padding.
enum i2s_bit_padding {
/** Padding with 0 */
/** Padding with 1 */
/** Padding with MSBit */
/** Padding with LSBit */
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S data word adjust.
enum i2s_data_adjust {
/** Data is right adjusted in word */
/** Data is left adjusted in word */
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S data word size.
enum i2s_data_size {
/** 32-bit */
/** 24-bit */
/** 20-bit */
/** 18-bit */
/** 16-bit */
/** 16-bit compact stereo */
/** 8-bit */
/** 8-bit compact stereo */
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S data slot adjust.
enum i2s_slot_adjust {
/** Data is right adjusted in slot */
/** Data is left adjusted in slot */
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S data padding.
enum i2s_data_padding {
/** Padding 0 in case of under-run */
/** Padding last data in case of under-run */
/** Padding last data in case of under-run
/** Padding last data in case of under-run
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S line default value when slot disabled.
enum i2s_line_default_state {
/** Output default value is 0 */
/** Output default value is 1 */
/** Output default value is high impedance */
/** Output default value is high impedance
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer mode.
enum i2s_serializer_mode {
/** Serializer is used to receive data */
/** Serializer is used to transmit data */
/** Serializer is used to receive PDM data on each clock edge */
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S clock unit selection.
enum i2s_clock_unit {
/** Clock Unit channel 0 */
/** Clock Unit channel 1 */
/** Number of Clock Unit channels */
* I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer selection.
enum i2s_serializer {
/** Serializer channel 0 */
/** Serializer channel 1 */
/** Number of Serializer channels */
* Configure for I<SUP>2</SUP>S pin.
struct i2s_pin_config {
/** GPIO index to access the pin */
uint8_t gpio;
/** Pin function MUX */
uint8_t mux;
/** Enable this pin for I<SUP>2</SUP>S module */
bool enable;
* Configure for I<SUP>2</SUP>S clock (SCK).
struct i2s_clock_config {
/** Divide generic clock to master clock output (1~32, 0,1 means no div) */
uint8_t mck_out_div;
/** Divide generic clock to serial clock (1~32, 0,1 means no div) */
uint8_t sck_div;
/** Clock source selection */
enum gclk_generator gclk_src;
/** Master clock source selection: generated or input from pin */
enum i2s_master_clock_source mck_src;
/** Serial clock source selection: generated or input from pin */
enum i2s_serial_clock_source sck_src;
/** Invert master clock output */
bool mck_out_invert;
/** Invert serial clock output */
bool sck_out_invert;
/** Generate MCK clock output */
bool mck_out_enable;
* Configure for I<SUP>2</SUP>S frame sync (FS).
struct i2s_frame_sync_config {
/** Frame Sync (FS) generated or input from pin */
enum i2s_frame_sync_source source;
/** Frame Sync (FS) width */
enum i2s_frame_sync_width width;
/** Invert Frame Sync (FS) signal before use */
bool invert_use;
/** Invert Frame Sync (FS) signal before output */
bool invert_out;
* Configure for I<SUP>2</SUP>S frame.
struct i2s_frame_config {
/** Number of slots in a frame (1~8, 0,1 means minimum 1) */
uint8_t number_slots;
/** Size of each slot in frame */
enum i2s_slot_size slot_size;
/** Data delay from Frame Sync (FS) to first data bit */
enum i2s_data_delay data_delay;
/** Frame sync (FS) */
struct i2s_frame_sync_config frame_sync;
* Configure for I<SUP>2</SUP>S clock unit.
struct i2s_clock_unit_config {
/** Configure clock generation */
struct i2s_clock_config clock;
/** Configure frame generation */
struct i2s_frame_config frame;
/** Configure master clock pin */
struct i2s_pin_config mck_pin;
/** Configure serial clock pin */
struct i2s_pin_config sck_pin;
/** Configure frame sync pin */
struct i2s_pin_config fs_pin;
* Configure for I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer.
struct i2s_serializer_config {
/** Configure Serializer data pin */
struct i2s_pin_config data_pin;
/** Set to \c true to loop-back output to input pin for test */
bool loop_back;
/** Set to \c true to assumes mono input and duplicate it (left channel) to
* right channel */
bool mono_mode;
/** Disable data slot */
bool disable_data_slot[8];
/** Set to \c true to transfer LSB first, \c false to transfer MSB first */
bool transfer_lsb_first;
/** Data Word Formatting Adjust,
* set to \c true to adjust bits in word to left */
bool data_adjust_left_in_word;
/** Data Slot Formatting Adjust,
* set to \c true to adjust words in slot to left */
bool data_adjust_left_in_slot;
/** Data Word Size */
enum i2s_data_size data_size;
/** Data Formatting Bit Extension */
enum i2s_bit_padding bit_padding;
/** Data padding when under-run */
enum i2s_data_padding data_padding;
/** DMA usage */
enum i2s_dma_usage dma_usage;
/** Clock unit selection */
enum i2s_clock_unit clock_unit;
/** Line default state where slot is disabled */
enum i2s_line_default_state line_default_state;
/** Serializer Mode */
enum i2s_serializer_mode mode;
* \brief I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer instance struct.
struct i2s_serializer_module {
#if I2S_CALLBACK_MODE == true
/** Callbacks list for Serializer */
i2s_serializer_callback_t callback[I2S_SERIALIZER_CALLBACK_N];
/** Job buffer */
void *job_buffer;
/** Requested data words to read/write */
uint32_t requested_words;
/** Transferred data words for read/write */
uint32_t transferred_words;
/** Callback mask for registered callbacks */
uint8_t registered_callback_mask;
/** Callback mask for enabled callbacks */
uint8_t enabled_callback_mask;
/** Status of the ongoing or last transfer job */
enum status_code job_status;
/** Serializer mode */
enum i2s_serializer_mode mode;
/** Serializer data word size */
enum i2s_data_size data_size;
* \brief I<SUP>2</SUP>S Software Module instance struct.
struct i2s_module {
/** Module HW register access base */
I2s *hw;
/** Module Serializer used */
struct i2s_serializer_module serializer[2];
* \brief Determines if the hardware module(s) are currently synchronizing to the bus.
* Checks to see if the underlying hardware peripheral module(s) are currently
* synchronizing across multiple clock domains to the hardware bus, This
* function can be used to delay further operations on a module until such time
* that it is ready, to prevent blocking delays for synchronization in the
* user application.
* \param[in] module_inst Pointer to the software module instance struct
* \return Synchronization status of the underlying hardware module(s).
* \retval false If the module has completed synchronization
* \retval true If the module synchronization is ongoing
static inline bool i2s_is_syncing(
const struct i2s_module *const module_inst)
/* Sanity check arguments */
return (module_inst->hw->SYNCBUSY.reg > 0);
* \name Driver Initialization
* @{
enum status_code i2s_init(
struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
I2s *hw);
/** @} */
* \name Enable/Disable/Reset
* @{
* \brief Enable the I<SUP>2</SUP>S module.
* Enables a I<SUP>2</SUP>S module that has been previously initialized.
* \param[in] module_inst Pointer to the software module instance struct
static inline void i2s_enable(const struct i2s_module *const module_inst)
while (module_inst->hw->SYNCBUSY.reg & I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE) {
/* Sync wait */
module_inst->hw->CTRLA.reg |= I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE;
* \brief Disables the I<SUP>2</SUP>S module.
* Disables a I<SUP>2</SUP>S module.
* \param[in] module_inst Pointer to the software module instance struct
static inline void i2s_disable(const struct i2s_module *const module_inst)
while (module_inst->hw->SYNCBUSY.reg & I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE) {
/* Sync wait */
module_inst->hw->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENCLR_MASK;
module_inst->hw->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_MASK;
module_inst->hw->CTRLA.reg &= ~I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE;
* \brief Resets the I<SUP>2</SUP>S module.
* Resets the I<SUP>2</SUP>S module, restoring all hardware module registers to their
* default values and disabling the module. The I<SUP>2</SUP>S module will not be
* accessible while the reset is being performed.
* \param[in] module_inst Pointer to the software module instance struct
static inline void i2s_reset(const struct i2s_module *const module_inst)
/* Disable the module if it is running */
if (module_inst->hw->CTRLA.reg & I2S_CTRLA_ENABLE) {
while (i2s_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
/* Sync wait */
/* Reset the HW module */
module_inst->hw->CTRLA.reg = I2S_CTRLA_SWRST;
/** @} */
* \name Clock Unit Initialization and Configuration
* @{
* \brief Initializes config with predefined default values for I<SUP>2</SUP>S clock unit.
* This function will initialize a given I<SUP>2</SUP>S Clock Unit configuration structure
* to a set of known default values. This function should be called on any new
* instance of the configuration structures before being modified by the user
* application.
* The default configuration is as follows:
* - The clock unit does not generate output clocks (MCK, SCK, and FS)
* - The pins (MCK, SCK, and FS) and MUX configurations are not set
* \param[out] config Pointer to a I<SUP>2</SUP>S module clock unit configuration struct
* to set
static inline void i2s_clock_unit_get_config_defaults(
struct i2s_clock_unit_config *const config)
config->clock.mck_out_enable = false;
config->clock.gclk_src = GCLK_GENERATOR_0;
config->clock.mck_src = I2S_MASTER_CLOCK_SOURCE_GCLK;
config->clock.mck_out_div = 1;
config->clock.mck_out_invert = false;
config->clock.sck_src = I2S_SERIAL_CLOCK_SOURCE_MCKDIV;
config->clock.sck_div = 1;
config->clock.sck_out_invert = false;
config->frame.number_slots = 1;
config->frame.slot_size = I2S_SLOT_SIZE_32_BIT;
config->frame.data_delay = I2S_DATA_DELAY_I2S;
config->frame.frame_sync.source = I2S_FRAME_SYNC_SOURCE_SCKDIV;
config->frame.frame_sync.width = I2S_FRAME_SYNC_WIDTH_HALF_FRAME;
config->frame.frame_sync.invert_use = false;
config->frame.frame_sync.invert_out = false;
config->mck_pin.enable = false;
config->mck_pin.mux = 0;
config->mck_pin.gpio = 0;
config->sck_pin.enable = false;
config->sck_pin.mux = 0;
config->sck_pin.gpio = 0;
config->fs_pin.enable = false;
config->fs_pin.mux = 0;
config->fs_pin.gpio = 0;
enum status_code i2s_clock_unit_set_config(
struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
const enum i2s_clock_unit clock_unit,
const struct i2s_clock_unit_config *config);
/** @} */
* \name Clock Unit Enable/Disable
* @{
* \brief Enable the Specified Clock Unit of I<SUP>2</SUP>S module.
* Enables a Clock Unit in I<SUP>2</SUP>S module that has been previously initialized.
* \param[in] module_inst Pointer to the software module instance struct
* \param[in] clock_unit I<SUP>2</SUP>S Clock Unit to enable
static inline void i2s_clock_unit_enable(
const struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
const enum i2s_clock_unit clock_unit)
uint32_t cken_bit;
cken_bit = I2S_CTRLA_CKEN0 << clock_unit;
while (module_inst->hw->SYNCBUSY.reg & cken_bit) {
/* Sync wait */
module_inst->hw->CTRLA.reg |= cken_bit;
* \brief Disable the Specified Clock Unit of I<SUP>2</SUP>S module.
* Disables a Clock Unit in I<SUP>2</SUP>S module that has been previously initialized.
* \param[in] module_inst Pointer to the software module instance struct
* \param[in] clock_unit I<SUP>2</SUP>S Clock Unit to disable
static inline void i2s_clock_unit_disable(
const struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
const enum i2s_clock_unit clock_unit)
uint32_t cken_bit;
cken_bit = I2S_CTRLA_CKEN0 << clock_unit;
while (module_inst->hw->SYNCBUSY.reg & cken_bit) {
/* Sync wait */
module_inst->hw->CTRLA.reg &= ~cken_bit;
/** @} */
* \name Serializer Initialization and Configuration
* @{
* \brief Initializes config with predefined default values for I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer.
* This function will initialize a given I<SUP>2</SUP>S Clock Unit configuration structure
* to a set of known default values. This function should be called on any new
* instance of the configuration structures before being modified by the user
* application.
* The default configuration is as follows:
* - Output data does not internally loopback to input line
* - Does not extend mono data (left channel) to right channel
* - None of the data slot is disabled
* - MSB of I<SUP>2</SUP>S data is transferred first
* - In data word data is adjusted right
* - In slot data word is adjusted left
* - The data size is 16-bit width
* - I<SUP>2</SUP>S will padd 0 to not defined bits
* - I<SUP>2</SUP>S will padd 0 to not defined words
* - I<SUP>2</SUP>S will use single DMA channel for all data channels
* - I<SUP>2</SUP>S will use clock unit 0 to serve as clock
* - The default data line state is 0, when there is no data
* - I<SUP>2</SUP>S will transmit data to output line
* - The data pin and MUX configuration are not set
* \param[out] config Pointer to a I<SUP>2</SUP>S module Serializer configuration struct
* to set
static inline void i2s_serializer_get_config_defaults(
struct i2s_serializer_config *const config)
config->loop_back = false;
config->mono_mode = false;
config->disable_data_slot[0] = false;
config->disable_data_slot[1] = false;
config->disable_data_slot[2] = false;
config->disable_data_slot[3] = false;
config->disable_data_slot[4] = false;
config->disable_data_slot[5] = false;
config->disable_data_slot[6] = false;
config->disable_data_slot[7] = false;
config->transfer_lsb_first = false;
config->data_adjust_left_in_word = false;
config->data_adjust_left_in_slot = true;
config->data_size = I2S_DATA_SIZE_16BIT;
config->bit_padding = I2S_BIT_PADDING_0;
config->data_padding = I2S_DATA_PADDING_0;
config->dma_usage = I2S_DMA_USE_SINGLE_CHANNEL_FOR_ALL;
config->clock_unit = I2S_CLOCK_UNIT_0;
config->line_default_state = I2S_LINE_DEFAULT_0;
config->data_pin.enable = false;
config->data_pin.gpio = 0;
config->data_pin.mux = 0;
enum status_code i2s_serializer_set_config(
struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
const enum i2s_serializer serializer,
const struct i2s_serializer_config *config);
/** @} */
* \name Serializer Enable/Disable
* @{
* \brief Enable the Specified Serializer of I<SUP>2</SUP>S module.
* Enables a Serializer in I<SUP>2</SUP>S module that has been previously initialized.
* \param[in] module_inst Pointer to the software module instance struct
* \param[in] serializer I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer to enable
static inline void i2s_serializer_enable(
const struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
const enum i2s_serializer serializer)
uint32_t seren_bit;
seren_bit = I2S_CTRLA_SEREN0 << serializer;
while (module_inst->hw->SYNCBUSY.reg & seren_bit) {
/* Sync wait */
module_inst->hw->CTRLA.reg |= seren_bit;
* \brief Disable the Specified Serializer of I<SUP>2</SUP>S module.
* Disables a Serializer in I<SUP>2</SUP>S module that has been previously initialized.
* \param[in] module_inst Pointer to the software module instance struct
* \param[in] serializer I<SUP>2</SUP>S Serializer to disable
static inline void i2s_serializer_disable(
const struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
const enum i2s_serializer serializer)
uint32_t seren_bit;
seren_bit = I2S_CTRLA_SEREN0 << serializer;
while (module_inst->hw->SYNCBUSY.reg & seren_bit) {
/* Sync wait */
module_inst->hw->CTRLA.reg &= ~seren_bit;
/** @} */
* \name Status Management
* @{
uint32_t i2s_get_status(
const struct i2s_module *const module_inst);
void i2s_clear_status(
const struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
uint32_t status);
enum status_code i2s_enable_status_interrupt(
struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
uint32_t status);
void i2s_disable_status_interrupt(
struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
uint32_t status);
/** @}*/
* \name Data Read/Write
* @{
* \brief Write a data word to the specified Serializer of I<SUP>2</SUP>S module
* \param[in] module_inst Pointer to the software module instance struct
* \param[in] serializer The Serializer to write to
* \param[in] data The data to write
static inline void i2s_serializer_write_wait(
const struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
enum i2s_serializer serializer,
uint32_t data)
uint32_t sync_bit, ready_bit;
ready_bit = I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY0 << serializer;
while (!(module_inst->hw->INTFLAG.reg & ready_bit)) {
/* Wait until ready to transmit */
sync_bit = I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 << serializer;
while (module_inst->hw->SYNCBUSY.reg & sync_bit) {
/* Wait sync */
/* Write data */
module_inst->hw->DATA[serializer].reg = data;
module_inst->hw->INTFLAG.reg = ready_bit;
* \brief Read a data word from the specified Serializer of I<SUP>2</SUP>S module
* \param[in] module_inst Pointer to the software module instance struct
* \param[in] serializer The Serializer to read
static inline uint32_t i2s_serializer_read_wait(
const struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
enum i2s_serializer serializer)
uint32_t sync_bit, ready_bit;
uint32_t data;
ready_bit = I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY0 << serializer;
while (!(module_inst->hw->INTFLAG.reg & ready_bit)) {
/* Wait until ready to transmit */
sync_bit = I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 << serializer;
while (module_inst->hw->SYNCBUSY.reg & sync_bit) {
/* Wait sync */
/* Read data */
data = module_inst->hw->DATA[serializer].reg;
module_inst->hw->INTFLAG.reg = ready_bit;
return data;
enum status_code i2s_serializer_write_buffer_wait(
const struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
enum i2s_serializer serializer,
void *buffer, uint32_t size);
enum status_code i2s_serializer_read_buffer_wait(
const struct i2s_module *const module_inst,
enum i2s_serializer serializer,
void *buffer, uint32_t size);
/** @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** @} */
* \page asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra Extra Information for I2S Driver
* \section asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra_acronyms Acronyms
* Below is a table listing the acronyms used in this module, along with their
* intended meanings.
* <table>
* <tr>
* <th>Acronym</th>
* <th>Description</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>I<SUP>2</SUP>S, IIS</td>
* <td>Inter-IC Sound Controller</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>MCK</td>
* <td>Master Clock</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>SCK</td>
* <td>Serial Clock</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>FS</td>
* <td>Frame Sync</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>SD</td>
* <td>Serial Data</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>ADC</td>
* <td>Analog-to-Digital Converter</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>DAC</td>
* <td>Digital-to-Analog Converter</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>TDM</td>
* <td>Time Division Multiplexed</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>PDM</td>
* <td>Pulse Density Modulation</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>LSB</td>
* <td>Least Significant Bit</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>MSB</td>
* <td>Most Significant Bit</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>DSP</td>
* <td>Digital Signal Processor</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \section asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra_dependencies Dependencies
* This driver has the following dependencies:
* - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_pinmux_group "System Pin Multiplexer Driver"
* \section asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra_errata Errata
* There are no errata related to this driver.
* \section asfdoc_sam0_i2s_extra_history Module History
* An overview of the module history is presented in the table below, with
* details on the enhancements and fixes made to the module since its first
* release. The current version of this corresponds to the newest version in
* the table.
* <table>
* <tr>
* <th>Changelog</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Initial Release</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \page asfdoc_sam0_i2s_exqsg Examples for I2S Driver
* This is a list of the available Quick Start guides (QSGs) and example
* applications for \ref asfdoc_sam0_i2s_group. QSGs are simple examples with
* step-by-step instructions to configure and use this driver in a selection of
* use cases. Note that QSGs can be compiled as a standalone application or be
* added to the user application.
* - \subpage asfdoc_sam0_i2s_basic_use_case
* - \subpage asfdoc_sam0_i2s_callback_use_case
* \endif
* - \subpage asfdoc_sam0_i2s_dma_use_case
* \page asfdoc_sam0_i2s_document_revision_history Document Revision History
* <table>
* <tr>
* <th>Doc. Rev.</th>
* <th>Date</th>
* <th>Comments</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>42255B</td>
* <td>12/2015</td>
* <td>Added support for SAM DA1</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>42255A</td>
* <td>01/2014</td>
* <td>Initial release</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
#endif /* #ifndef I2S_H_INCLUDED */