Adds support for the following Thumb2 VFP instructions, via the option MICROPY_EMIT_INLINE_THUMB_FLOAT: vcmp vsqrt vneg vcvt_f32_to_s32 vcvt_s32_to_f32 vmrs vmov vldr vstr vadd vsub vmul vdiv
16 lines
316 B
16 lines
316 B
@micropython.asm_thumb # r0 = (int)(r0*r1/r2)
def muldiv(r0, r1, r2):
vmov(s0, r0)
vcvt_f32_s32(s0, s0)
vmov(s1, r1)
vcvt_f32_s32(s1, s1)
vmov(s2, r2)
vcvt_f32_s32(s2, s2)
vmul(s7, s0, s1)
vdiv(s8, s7, s2)
vcvt_s32_f32(s31, s8)
vmov(r0, s31)
print(muldiv(100, 10, 50))