A big change. Micro Python objects are allocated as individual structs with the first element being a pointer to the type information (which is itself an object). This scheme follows CPython. Much more flexible, not necessarily slower, uses same heap memory, and can allocate objects statically. Also change name prefix, from py_ to mp_ (mp for Micro Python).
104 lines
2.9 KiB
104 lines
2.9 KiB
// a mini library of useful types and functions
/** types *******************************************************/
typedef int bool;
enum {
false = 0,
true = 1
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned int uint;
/** memomry allocation ******************************************/
#define m_new(type, num) ((type*)(m_malloc(sizeof(type) * (num))))
#define m_new0(type, num) ((type*)(m_malloc0(sizeof(type) * (num))))
#define m_renew(type, ptr, num) ((type*)(m_realloc((ptr), sizeof(type) * (num))))
#define m_new_obj(type) (m_new(type, 1))
#define m_new_obj_var(obj_type, var_type, var_num) ((obj_type*)m_malloc(sizeof(obj_type) + sizeof(var_type) * (var_num)))
void m_free(void *ptr);
void *m_malloc(int num_bytes);
void *m_malloc0(int num_bytes);
void *m_realloc(void *ptr, int num_bytes);
int m_get_total_bytes_allocated(void);
/** unichar / UTF-8 *********************************************/
typedef int unichar; // TODO
unichar g_utf8_get_char(const char *s);
char *g_utf8_next_char(const char *s);
bool g_unichar_isspace(unichar c);
bool g_unichar_isalpha(unichar c);
bool g_unichar_isprint(unichar c);
bool g_unichar_isdigit(unichar c);
//char *g_strdup(const char *s);
/** blob ********************************************************/
unsigned short decode_le16(byte *buf);
unsigned int decode_le32(byte *buf);
void encode_le16(byte *buf, unsigned short i);
void encode_le32(byte *buf, unsigned int i);
/** string ******************************************************/
#define streq(s1, s2) (strcmp((s1), (s2)) == 0)
/** variable string *********************************************/
typedef struct _vstr_t {
int alloc;
int len;
char *buf;
bool had_error;
} vstr_t;
void vstr_init(vstr_t *vstr);
void vstr_clear(vstr_t *vstr);
vstr_t *vstr_new(void);
void vstr_free(vstr_t *vstr);
void vstr_reset(vstr_t *vstr);
bool vstr_had_error(vstr_t *vstr);
char *vstr_str(vstr_t *vstr);
int vstr_len(vstr_t *vstr);
void vstr_hint_size(vstr_t *vstr, int size);
char *vstr_add_len(vstr_t *vstr, int len);
void vstr_add_byte(vstr_t *vstr, byte v);
void vstr_add_char(vstr_t *vstr, unichar chr);
void vstr_add_str(vstr_t *vstr, const char *str);
void vstr_add_strn(vstr_t *vstr, const char *str, int len);
//void vstr_add_le16(vstr_t *vstr, unsigned short v);
//void vstr_add_le32(vstr_t *vstr, unsigned int v);
void vstr_cut_tail(vstr_t *vstr, int len);
void vstr_printf(vstr_t *vstr, const char *fmt, ...);
#ifdef va_start
void vstr_vprintf(vstr_t *vstr, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
/** unique string ***********************************************/
typedef unsigned int qstr;
void qstr_init(void);
qstr qstr_from_str_static(const char *str);
qstr qstr_from_str_take(char *str);
qstr qstr_from_strn_copy(const char *str, int len);
const char* qstr_str(qstr qstr);