This implements flow control in case user does not call recv method often enough (it tells host side to stop sending more data).
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#ifndef _USB_CDC_MSC_CORE_H_
#define _USB_CDC_MSC_CORE_H_
#include "usbd_cdc_msc_hid0.h"
#include "usbd_msc_bot.h"
#include "usbd_msc_scsi.h"
#include "usbd_ioreq.h"
// CDC, MSC and HID packet sizes
#define CDC_DATA_FS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE (64) // endpoint IN & OUT packet size
#define MSC_MEDIA_PACKET (2048) // was 8192; how low can it go whilst still working?
#define HID_DATA_FS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE (64) // endpoint IN & OUT packet size
// Need to define here for BOT and SCSI layers
#define MSC_IN_EP (0x81)
#define MSC_OUT_EP (0x01)
// Need to define here for usbd_cdc_interface.c (it needs CDC_IN_EP)
#define CDC_IN_EP (0x83)
#define CDC_OUT_EP (0x03)
#define CDC_CMD_EP (0x82)
typedef struct {
uint32_t bitrate;
uint8_t format;
uint8_t paritytype;
uint8_t datatype;
} USBD_CDC_LineCodingTypeDef;
typedef struct _USBD_CDC_Itf {
int8_t (* Init) (void);
int8_t (* DeInit) (void);
int8_t (* Control) (uint8_t, uint8_t * , uint16_t);
int8_t (* Receive) (uint8_t *, uint32_t *);
} USBD_CDC_ItfTypeDef;
typedef struct {
uint32_t data[CDC_DATA_FS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE/4]; /* Force 32bits alignment */
uint8_t CmdOpCode;
uint8_t CmdLength;
uint8_t *RxBuffer;
uint8_t *TxBuffer;
uint32_t RxLength;
uint32_t TxLength;
__IO uint32_t TxState;
__IO uint32_t RxState;
} USBD_CDC_HandleTypeDef;
typedef struct _USBD_HID_Itf {
int8_t (* Init) (void);
int8_t (* Receive)(uint8_t *, uint32_t);
} USBD_HID_ItfTypeDef;
typedef struct _USBD_STORAGE {
int8_t (* Init) (uint8_t lun);
int8_t (* GetCapacity) (uint8_t lun, uint32_t *block_num, uint16_t *block_size);
int8_t (* IsReady) (uint8_t lun);
int8_t (* IsWriteProtected) (uint8_t lun);
int8_t (* StartStopUnit)(uint8_t lun, uint8_t started);
int8_t (* PreventAllowMediumRemoval)(uint8_t lun, uint8_t param0);
int8_t (* Read) (uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len);
int8_t (* Write)(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len);
int8_t (* GetMaxLun)(void);
int8_t *pInquiry;
} USBD_StorageTypeDef;
typedef struct {
uint32_t max_lun;
uint32_t interface;
uint8_t bot_state;
uint8_t bot_status;
uint16_t bot_data_length;
uint8_t bot_data[MSC_MEDIA_PACKET];
USBD_SCSI_SenseTypeDef scsi_sense [SENSE_LIST_DEEPTH];
uint8_t scsi_sense_head;
uint8_t scsi_sense_tail;
uint16_t scsi_blk_size;
uint32_t scsi_blk_nbr;
uint32_t scsi_blk_addr_in_blks;
uint32_t scsi_blk_len;
} USBD_MSC_BOT_HandleTypeDef;
extern const uint8_t USBD_HID_MOUSE_ReportDesc[USBD_HID_MOUSE_REPORT_DESC_SIZE];
extern USBD_ClassTypeDef USBD_CDC_MSC_HID;
// returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
int USBD_SelectMode(uint32_t mode, USBD_HID_ModeInfoTypeDef *hid_info);
// returns the current usb mode
uint8_t USBD_GetMode();
uint8_t USBD_CDC_RegisterInterface (USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, USBD_CDC_ItfTypeDef *fops);
uint8_t USBD_CDC_SetTxBuffer (USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, uint8_t *pbuff, uint16_t length);
uint8_t USBD_CDC_SetRxBuffer (USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, uint8_t *pbuff);
uint8_t USBD_CDC_ReceivePacket (USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev);
uint8_t USBD_CDC_TransmitPacket (USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev);
uint8_t USBD_MSC_RegisterStorage(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, USBD_StorageTypeDef *fops);
uint8_t USBD_HID_RegisterInterface(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, USBD_HID_ItfTypeDef *fops);
uint8_t USBD_HID_SetRxBuffer(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, uint8_t *pbuff);
uint8_t USBD_HID_ReceivePacket(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev);
int USBD_HID_CanSendReport(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev);
uint8_t USBD_HID_SendReport(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, uint8_t *report, uint16_t len);
uint8_t USBD_HID_SetNAK(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev);
uint8_t USBD_HID_ClearNAK(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev);
#endif // _USB_CDC_MSC_CORE_H_