Some important changes to the way the file system is structured on the pyboard: 1. 0: and 1: drive names are now replaced with POSIX inspired directories, namely /flash and /sd. 2. Filesystem now supports the notion of a current working directory. Supports the standard Python way of manipulating it: os.chdir and os.getcwd. 3. On boot up, current directory is /flash if no SD inserted, else /sd if SD inserted. Then runs boot.py and main.py from the current dir. This is the same as the old behaviour, but is much more consistent and flexible (eg you can os.chdir in boot.py to change where main.py is run from). 4. sys.path (for import) is now set to '' (current dir), plus /flash and /flash/lib, and then /sd and /sd/lib if SD inserted. This, along with CWD, means that import now works properly. You can import a file from the current directory. 5. os.listdir is fixed to return just the basename, not the full path. See issue #537 for background and discussion.
265 lines
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265 lines
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# Select the board to build for: if not given on the command line,
# then default to PYBV10.
ifeq ($(wildcard boards/$(BOARD)/.),)
$(error Invalid BOARD specified)
# If the build directory is not given, make it reflect the board name.
BUILD ?= build-$(BOARD)
include ../py/mkenv.mk
# qstr definitions (must come before including py.mk)
QSTR_DEFS = qstrdefsport.h
# include py core make definitions
include ../py/py.mk
# may need to prefix dfu-util with sudo
DFU_UTIL ?= dfu-util
CROSS_COMPILE = arm-none-eabi-
INC = -I.
INC += -I$(PY_SRC)
INC += -I$(CMSIS_DIR)/inc
INC += -I$(CMSIS_DIR)/devinc
INC += -I$(HAL_DIR)/inc
INC += -I$(USBDEV_DIR)/core/inc -I$(USBDEV_DIR)/class/cdc_msc_hid/inc
INC += -I$(FATFS_DIR)/src
INC += -I$(CC3K_DIR)
CFLAGS_CORTEX_M4 = -mthumb -mtune=cortex-m4 -mabi=aapcs-linux -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -fsingle-precision-constant -Wdouble-promotion
CFLAGS = $(INC) -Wall -Werror -ansi -std=gnu99 -nostdlib $(CFLAGS_CORTEX_M4) $(COPT)
CFLAGS += -Iboards/$(BOARD)
ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1)
COPT = -O0
LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -T stm32f405.ld -Map=$(@:.elf=.map) --cref
# uncomment this if you want libgcc
#LIBS += $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name)
SRC_C = \
main.c \
string0.c \
system_stm32f4xx.c \
stm32f4xx_it.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_msp.c \
usbd_conf.c \
usbd_desc_cdc_msc.c \
usbd_cdc_interface.c \
usbd_msc_storage.c \
pendsv.c \
systick.c \
timer.c \
led.c \
pin.c \
pin_named_pins.c \
bufhelper.c \
i2c.c \
spi.c \
uart.c \
usb.c \
printf.c \
math.c \
mathsincos.c \
gccollect.c \
pybstdio.c \
readline.c \
pyexec.c \
help.c \
input.c \
modos.c \
modpyb.c \
modstm.c \
modtime.c \
import.c \
lexerfatfs.c \
extint.c \
usrsw.c \
rng.c \
rtc.c \
flash.c \
storage.c \
file.c \
sdcard.c \
diskio.c \
ffconf.c \
lcd.c \
accel.c \
servo.c \
dac.c \
adc.c \
pybwlan.c \
SRC_S = \
startup_stm32f40xx.s \
gchelper.s \
SRC_HAL = $(addprefix $(HAL_DIR)/src/,\
stm32f4xx_hal.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_adc.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_adc_ex.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_cortex.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_dac.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_dac_ex.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_dma.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_flash.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_flash_ex.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_gpio.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_i2c.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_pcd.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_rcc_ex.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_rng.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_rtc.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_rtc_ex.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_sd.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_spi.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_tim.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_tim_ex.c \
stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c \
stm32f4xx_ll_sdmmc.c \
stm32f4xx_ll_usb.c \
SRC_USBDEV = $(addprefix $(USBDEV_DIR)/,\
core/src/usbd_core.c \
core/src/usbd_ctlreq.c \
core/src/usbd_ioreq.c \
class/cdc_msc_hid/src/usbd_cdc_msc_hid.c \
class/cdc_msc_hid/src/usbd_msc_bot.c \
class/cdc_msc_hid/src/usbd_msc_scsi.c \
class/cdc_msc_hid/src/usbd_msc_data.c \
# class/cdc/src/usbd_cdc.c \
class/msc/src/usbd_msc.c \
# usbd_core.c \
usbd_ioreq.c \
usbd_req.c \
usbd_usr.c \
usbd_desc.c \
usbd_pyb_core.c \
usbd_pyb_core2.c \
usbd_cdc_vcp.c \
usbd_msc_bot.c \
usbd_msc_data.c \
usbd_msc_scsi.c \
usbd_storage_msd.c \
SRC_FATFS = $(addprefix $(FATFS_DIR)/src/,\
ff.c \
option/ccsbcs.c \
SRC_CC3K = $(addprefix $(CC3K_DIR)/,\
cc3000_common.c \
evnt_handler.c \
hci.c \
netapp.c \
nvmem.c \
security.c \
socket.c \
wlan.c \
ccspi.c \
pybcc3k.c \
OBJ += $(PY_O)
OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_C:.c=.o))
OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_S:.s=.o))
OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_HAL:.c=.o))
OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_USBDEV:.c=.o))
OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_FATFS:.c=.o))
OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_CC3K:.c=.o))
OBJ += $(BUILD)/pins_$(BOARD).o
all: $(BUILD)/firmware.dfu $(BUILD)/firmware.hex
.PHONY: deploy
deploy: $(BUILD)/firmware.dfu
$(ECHO) "Writing $< to the board"
$(Q)$(DFU_UTIL) -a 0 -d $(DEVICE) -D $<
$(BUILD)/firmware.dfu: $(BUILD)/firmware.elf
$(ECHO) "Create $@"
$(Q)$(OBJCOPY) -O binary -j .isr_vector $^ $(BUILD)/firmware0.bin
$(Q)$(OBJCOPY) -O binary -j .text -j .data $^ $(BUILD)/firmware1.bin
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(DFU) -b 0x08000000:$(BUILD)/firmware0.bin -b 0x08020000:$(BUILD)/firmware1.bin $@
$(BUILD)/firmware.hex: $(BUILD)/firmware.elf
$(ECHO) "Create $@"
$(Q)$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $< $@
$(BUILD)/firmware.elf: $(OBJ)
$(ECHO) "LINK $@"
$(Q)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
$(Q)$(SIZE) $@
MAKE_PINS = boards/make-pins.py
BOARD_PINS = boards/$(BOARD)/pins.csv
AF_FILE = boards/stm32f4xx-af.csv
PREFIX_FILE = boards/stm32f4xx-prefix.c
INSERT_USB_IDS = ../tools/insert-usb-ids.py
FILE2H = ../tools/file2h.py
USB_IDS_FILE = usbd_desc_cdc_msc.c
CDCINF_TEMPLATE = pybcdc.inf_template
# Making OBJ use an order-only depenedency on the generated pins.h file
# has the side effect of making the pins.h file before we actually compile
# any of the objects. The normal dependency generation will deal with the
# case when pins.h is modified. But when it doesn't exist, we don't know
# which source files might need it.
$(OBJ): | $(HEADER_BUILD)/pins.h
# Use a pattern rule here so that make will only call make-pins.py once to make
# both pins_$(BOARD).c and pins.h
$(BUILD)/%_$(BOARD).c $(HEADER_BUILD)/%.h: boards/$(BOARD)/%.csv $(MAKE_PINS) $(AF_FILE) $(PREFIX_FILE)
$(ECHO) "Create $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(MAKE_PINS) --board $(BOARD_PINS) --af $(AF_FILE) --prefix $(PREFIX_FILE) --hdr $(GEN_PINS_HDR) > $(GEN_PINS_SRC)
$(BUILD)/pins_$(BOARD).o: $(BUILD)/pins_$(BOARD).c
$(call compile_c)
$(ECHO) "Create $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(FILE2H) $< > $@
$(ECHO) "Create $@"
include ../py/mkrules.mk