Biggest part of this support is refactoring mp_obj_class_lookup() to return standard "bound member" pair (mp_obj_t[2]). Actual support of inherited native methods is 3 lines then. Some inherited features may be not supported yet (e.g. native class methods, native properties, etc., etc.). There may be opportunities for further optimization too.
803 lines
29 KiB
803 lines
29 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "nlr.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "mpconfig.h"
#include "qstr.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "runtime0.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#if 0 // print debugging info
#define DEBUG_PRINT (1)
#define DEBUG_printf DEBUG_printf
#else // don't print debugging info
#define DEBUG_printf(...) (void)0
// class object
// creating an instance of a class makes one of these objects
typedef struct _mp_obj_class_t {
mp_obj_base_t base;
mp_map_t members;
mp_obj_t subobj[];
// TODO maybe cache __getattr__ and __setattr__ for efficient lookup of them
} mp_obj_class_t;
#define is_native_type(type) ((type)->make_new != class_make_new)
STATIC mp_obj_t class_make_new(mp_obj_t self_in, uint n_args, uint n_kw, const mp_obj_t *args);
STATIC mp_obj_t mp_obj_new_class(mp_obj_t class, uint subobjs) {
mp_obj_class_t *o = m_new_obj_var(mp_obj_class_t, mp_obj_t, subobjs);
o->base.type = class;
mp_map_init(&o->members, 0);
mp_seq_clear(o->subobj, 0, subobjs, sizeof(*o->subobj));
return o;
STATIC int class_count_native_bases(const mp_obj_type_t *type, const mp_obj_type_t **last_native_base) {
uint len;
mp_obj_t *items;
mp_obj_tuple_get(type->bases_tuple, &len, &items);
int count = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++) {
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(items[i], &mp_type_type));
if (is_native_type((const mp_obj_type_t *)items[i])) {
*last_native_base = items[i];
} else {
count += class_count_native_bases(items[i], last_native_base);
return count;
// This implements depth-first left-to-right MRO, which is not compliant with Python3 MRO
// will return MP_OBJ_NULL if not found
// will return MP_OBJ_SENTINEL if special method was found in a native type base
// via slot id (meth_offset). As there can be only one native base, it's known that it
// applies to instance->subobj[0]. In most cases, we also don't need to know which type
// it was - because instance->subobj[0] is of that type. The only exception is when
// object is not yet constructed, then we need to know base native type to construct
// instance->subobj[0]. This case is handled via class_count_native_bases() though.
STATIC void mp_obj_class_lookup(mp_obj_class_t *o, const mp_obj_type_t *type, qstr attr, machine_uint_t meth_offset, mp_obj_t *dest) {
assert(dest[0] == NULL);
assert(dest[1] == NULL);
for (;;) {
// Optimize special method lookup for native types
// This avoids extra method_name => slot lookup. On the other hand,
// this should not be applied to class types, as will result in extra
// lookup either.
if (meth_offset != 0 && is_native_type(type)) {
if (*(void**)((char*)type + meth_offset) != NULL) {
DEBUG_printf("mp_obj_class_lookup: matched special meth slot for %s\n", qstr_str(attr));
dest[0] = MP_OBJ_SENTINEL;
if (type->locals_dict != NULL) {
// search locals_dict (the set of methods/attributes)
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(type->locals_dict, &mp_type_dict)); // Micro Python restriction, for now
mp_map_t *locals_map = mp_obj_dict_get_map(type->locals_dict);
mp_map_elem_t *elem = mp_map_lookup(locals_map, MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(attr), MP_MAP_LOOKUP);
if (elem != NULL) {
dest[0] = elem->value;
if (o != MP_OBJ_NULL && is_native_type(type)) {
dest[1] = o->subobj[0];
// Try this for completeness, by all native methods should be statically defined
// in locals_dict, and would be handled by above.
if (o != MP_OBJ_NULL && is_native_type(type)) {
mp_load_method_maybe(o->subobj[0], attr, dest);
if (dest[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// attribute not found, keep searching base classes
// for a const struct, this entry might be NULL
if (type->bases_tuple == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
uint len;
mp_obj_t *items;
mp_obj_tuple_get(type->bases_tuple, &len, &items);
if (len == 0) {
for (uint i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(items[i], &mp_type_type));
mp_obj_class_lookup(o, (mp_obj_type_t*)items[i], attr, meth_offset, dest);
if (dest[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// search last base (simple tail recursion elimination)
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(items[len - 1], &mp_type_type));
type = (mp_obj_type_t*)items[len - 1];
STATIC void class_print(void (*print)(void *env, const char *fmt, ...), void *env, mp_obj_t self_in, mp_print_kind_t kind) {
mp_obj_class_t *self = self_in;
qstr meth = (kind == PRINT_STR) ? MP_QSTR___str__ : MP_QSTR___repr__;
mp_obj_t member[2] = {MP_OBJ_NULL};
mp_obj_class_lookup(self, self->base.type, meth, offsetof(mp_obj_type_t, print), member);
if (member[0] == MP_OBJ_NULL && kind == PRINT_STR) {
// If there's no __str__, fall back to __repr__
mp_obj_class_lookup(self, self->base.type, MP_QSTR___repr__, 0, member);
if (member[0] == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
mp_obj_print_helper(print, env, self->subobj[0], kind);
if (member[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
mp_obj_t r = mp_call_function_1(member[0], self_in);
mp_obj_print_helper(print, env, r, PRINT_STR);
// TODO: CPython prints fully-qualified type name
print(env, "<%s object at %p>", mp_obj_get_type_str(self_in), self_in);
STATIC mp_obj_t class_make_new(mp_obj_t self_in, uint n_args, uint n_kw, const mp_obj_t *args) {
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(self_in, &mp_type_type));
mp_obj_type_t *self = self_in;
const mp_obj_type_t *native_base;
uint num_native_bases = class_count_native_bases(self, &native_base);
assert(num_native_bases < 2);
mp_obj_class_t *o = mp_obj_new_class(self_in, num_native_bases);
// look for __init__ function
mp_obj_t init_fn[2] = {MP_OBJ_NULL};
mp_obj_class_lookup(NULL, self, MP_QSTR___init__, offsetof(mp_obj_type_t, make_new), init_fn);
if (init_fn[0] == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
// Native type's constructor is what wins - it gets all our arguments,
// and none Python classes are initialized at all.
o->subobj[0] = native_base->make_new((mp_obj_type_t*)native_base, n_args, n_kw, args);
} else if (init_fn[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// We need to default-initialize any native subobjs first
if (num_native_bases > 0) {
o->subobj[0] = native_base->make_new((mp_obj_type_t*)native_base, 0, 0, NULL);
// now call Python class __init__ function with all args
mp_obj_t init_ret;
if (n_args == 0 && n_kw == 0) {
init_ret = mp_call_function_n_kw(init_fn[0], 1, 0, (mp_obj_t*)&o);
} else {
mp_obj_t *args2 = m_new(mp_obj_t, 1 + n_args + 2 * n_kw);
args2[0] = o;
memcpy(args2 + 1, args, (n_args + 2 * n_kw) * sizeof(mp_obj_t));
init_ret = mp_call_function_n_kw(init_fn[0], n_args + 1, n_kw, args2);
m_del(mp_obj_t, args2, 1 + n_args + 2 * n_kw);
if (init_ret != mp_const_none) {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_TypeError, "__init__() should return None, not '%s'", mp_obj_get_type_str(init_ret)));
} else {
if (n_args != 0) {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_TypeError, "object() takes no parameters"));
return o;
STATIC const qstr unary_op_method_name[] = {
[MP_UNARY_OP_BOOL] = MP_QSTR___bool__,
[MP_UNARY_OP_LEN] = MP_QSTR___len__,
[MP_UNARY_OP_NOT] = MP_QSTR_, // don't need to implement this, used to make sure array has full size
STATIC mp_obj_t class_unary_op(int op, mp_obj_t self_in) {
mp_obj_class_t *self = self_in;
qstr op_name = unary_op_method_name[op];
/* Still try to lookup native slot
if (op_name == 0) {
mp_obj_t member[2] = {MP_OBJ_NULL};
mp_obj_class_lookup(self, self->base.type, op_name, offsetof(mp_obj_type_t, unary_op), member);
if (member[0] == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
return mp_unary_op(op, self->subobj[0]);
} else if (member[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
return mp_call_function_1(member[0], self_in);
} else {
STATIC const qstr binary_op_method_name[] = {
[MP_BINARY_OP_EXCEPTION_MATCH] = MP_QSTR_, // not implemented, used to make sure array has full size
// Given a member that was extracted from an instance, convert it correctly
// and put the result in the dest[] array for a possible method call.
// Conversion means dealing with static/class methods, callables, and values.
// see
STATIC void class_convert_return_attr(mp_obj_t self, mp_obj_t member, mp_obj_t *dest) {
assert(dest[1] == NULL);
if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(member, &mp_type_staticmethod)) {
// return just the function
dest[0] = ((mp_obj_static_class_method_t*)member)->fun;
} else if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(member, &mp_type_classmethod)) {
// return a bound method, with self being the type of this object
dest[0] = ((mp_obj_static_class_method_t*)member)->fun;
dest[1] = mp_obj_get_type(self);
} else if (mp_obj_is_callable(member)) {
// return a bound method, with self being this object
dest[0] = member;
dest[1] = self;
} else {
// class member is a value, so just return that value
dest[0] = member;
STATIC mp_obj_t class_binary_op(int op, mp_obj_t lhs_in, mp_obj_t rhs_in) {
// Note: For ducktyping, CPython does not look in the instance members or use
// __getattr__ or __getattribute__. It only looks in the class dictionary.
mp_obj_class_t *lhs = lhs_in;
qstr op_name = binary_op_method_name[op];
/* Still try to lookup native slot
if (op_name == 0) {
mp_obj_t member[2] = {MP_OBJ_NULL};
mp_obj_class_lookup(lhs, lhs->base.type, op_name, offsetof(mp_obj_type_t, binary_op), member);
if (member[0] == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
return mp_binary_op(op, lhs->subobj[0], rhs_in);
} else if (member[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
mp_obj_t dest[3];
dest[1] = MP_OBJ_NULL;
class_convert_return_attr(lhs_in, member[0], dest);
dest[2] = rhs_in;
return mp_call_method_n_kw(1, 0, dest);
} else {
STATIC void class_load_attr(mp_obj_t self_in, qstr attr, mp_obj_t *dest) {
// logic: look in obj members then class locals (TODO check this against CPython)
mp_obj_class_t *self = self_in;
mp_map_elem_t *elem = mp_map_lookup(&self->members, MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(attr), MP_MAP_LOOKUP);
if (elem != NULL) {
// object member, always treated as a value
// TODO should we check for properties?
dest[0] = elem->value;
mp_obj_class_lookup(self, self->base.type, attr, 0, dest);
mp_obj_t member = dest[0];
if (member != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
if (0) {
} else if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(member, &mp_type_property)) {
// object member is a property
// delegate the store to the property
// TODO should this be part of class_convert_return_attr?
const mp_obj_t *proxy = mp_obj_property_get(member);
if (proxy[0] == mp_const_none) {
} else {
dest[0] = mp_call_function_n_kw(proxy[0], 1, 0, &self_in);
// TODO should we convert the returned value using class_convert_return_attr?
} else {
// not a property
// if we don't yet have bound method (supposedly from native base), go
// try to convert own attrs.
if (dest[1] == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
class_convert_return_attr(self_in, member, dest);
// try __getattr__
if (attr != MP_QSTR___getattr__) {
mp_obj_t dest2[3];
mp_load_method_maybe(self_in, MP_QSTR___getattr__, dest2);
if (dest2[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// __getattr__ exists, call it and return its result
// XXX if this fails to load the requested attr, should we catch the attribute error and return silently?
dest2[2] = MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(attr);
dest[0] = mp_call_method_n_kw(1, 0, dest2);
STATIC bool class_store_attr(mp_obj_t self_in, qstr attr, mp_obj_t value) {
mp_obj_class_t *self = self_in;
// for property, we need to do a lookup first in the class dict
// this makes all stores slow... how to fix?
mp_obj_t member[2] = {MP_OBJ_NULL};
mp_obj_class_lookup(self, self->base.type, attr, 0, member);
if (member[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL && MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(member[0], &mp_type_property)) {
// attribute already exists and is a property
// delegate the store to the property
const mp_obj_t *proxy = mp_obj_property_get(member[0]);
if (proxy[1] == mp_const_none) {
// TODO better error message
return false;
} else {
mp_obj_t dest[2] = {self_in, value};
mp_call_function_n_kw(proxy[1], 2, 0, dest);
return true;
if (value == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// delete attribute
mp_map_elem_t *elem = mp_map_lookup(&self->members, MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(attr), MP_MAP_LOOKUP_REMOVE_IF_FOUND);
return elem != NULL;
} else {
// store attribute
mp_map_lookup(&self->members, MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(attr), MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND)->value = value;
return true;
STATIC mp_obj_t class_subscr(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_t index, mp_obj_t value) {
mp_obj_class_t *self = self_in;
mp_obj_t member[2] = {MP_OBJ_NULL};
uint meth_args;
if (value == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// delete item
mp_obj_class_lookup(self, self->base.type, MP_QSTR___delitem__, offsetof(mp_obj_type_t, subscr), member);
meth_args = 2;
} else if (value == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
// load item
mp_obj_class_lookup(self, self->base.type, MP_QSTR___getitem__, offsetof(mp_obj_type_t, subscr), member);
meth_args = 2;
} else {
// store item
mp_obj_class_lookup(self, self->base.type, MP_QSTR___setitem__, offsetof(mp_obj_type_t, subscr), member);
meth_args = 3;
if (member[0] == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
return mp_obj_subscr(self->subobj[0], index, value);
} else if (member[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
mp_obj_t args[3] = {self_in, index, value};
// TODO probably need to call class_convert_return_attr, and use mp_call_method_n_kw
mp_obj_t ret = mp_call_function_n_kw(member[0], meth_args, 0, args);
if (value == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
return ret;
} else {
return mp_const_none;
} else {
STATIC mp_obj_t class_call(mp_obj_t self_in, uint n_args, uint n_kw, const mp_obj_t *args) {
mp_obj_class_t *self = self_in;
mp_obj_t member[2] = {MP_OBJ_NULL};
mp_obj_class_lookup(self, self->base.type, MP_QSTR___call__, offsetof(mp_obj_type_t, call), member);
if (member[0] == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
return MP_OBJ_NULL;
if (member[0] == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
return mp_call_function_n_kw(self->subobj[0], n_args, n_kw, args);
mp_obj_t meth = mp_obj_new_bound_meth(member[0], self);
return mp_call_function_n_kw(meth, n_args, n_kw, args);
// type object
// - the struct is mp_obj_type_t and is defined in obj.h so const types can be made
// - there is a constant mp_obj_type_t (called mp_type_type) for the 'type' object
// - creating a new class (a new type) creates a new mp_obj_type_t
STATIC void type_print(void (*print)(void *env, const char *fmt, ...), void *env, mp_obj_t self_in, mp_print_kind_t kind) {
mp_obj_type_t *self = self_in;
print(env, "<class '%s'>", qstr_str(self->name));
STATIC mp_obj_t type_make_new(mp_obj_t type_in, uint n_args, uint n_kw, const mp_obj_t *args) {
// TODO check n_kw == 0
switch (n_args) {
case 1:
return mp_obj_get_type(args[0]);
case 3:
// args[0] = name
// args[1] = bases tuple
// args[2] = locals dict
return mp_obj_new_type(mp_obj_str_get_qstr(args[0]), args[1], args[2]);
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_TypeError, "type takes 1 or 3 arguments"));
STATIC mp_obj_t type_call(mp_obj_t self_in, uint n_args, uint n_kw, const mp_obj_t *args) {
// instantiate an instance of a class
mp_obj_type_t *self = self_in;
if (self->make_new == NULL) {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_TypeError, "cannot create '%s' instances", qstr_str(self->name)));
// make new instance
mp_obj_t o = self->make_new(self, n_args, n_kw, args);
// return new instance
return o;
// for fail, do nothing; for attr, dest[0] = value; for method, dest[0] = method, dest[1] = self
STATIC void type_load_attr(mp_obj_t self_in, qstr attr, mp_obj_t *dest) {
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(self_in, &mp_type_type));
mp_obj_type_t *self = self_in;
if (attr == MP_QSTR___name__) {
dest[0] = MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(self->name);
mp_obj_t member[2] = {MP_OBJ_NULL};
mp_obj_class_lookup(NULL, self, attr, 0, member);
if (member[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// check if the methods are functions, static or class methods
// see
if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(member[0], &mp_type_staticmethod)) {
// return just the function
dest[0] = ((mp_obj_static_class_method_t*)member[0])->fun;
} else if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(member[0], &mp_type_classmethod)) {
// return a bound method, with self being this class
dest[0] = ((mp_obj_static_class_method_t*)member[0])->fun;
dest[1] = self_in;
} else {
// return just the function
// TODO need to wrap in a type check for the first argument; eg list.append(1,1) needs to throw an exception
dest[0] = member[0];
STATIC bool type_store_attr(mp_obj_t self_in, qstr attr, mp_obj_t value) {
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(self_in, &mp_type_type));
mp_obj_type_t *self = self_in;
// TODO CPython allows STORE_ATTR to a class, but is this the correct implementation?
if (self->locals_dict != NULL) {
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(self->locals_dict, &mp_type_dict)); // Micro Python restriction, for now
mp_map_t *locals_map = mp_obj_dict_get_map(self->locals_dict);
if (value == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// delete attribute
mp_map_elem_t *elem = mp_map_lookup(locals_map, MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(attr), MP_MAP_LOOKUP_REMOVE_IF_FOUND);
// note that locals_map may be in ROM, so remove will fail in that case
return elem != NULL;
} else {
// store attribute
mp_map_elem_t *elem = mp_map_lookup(locals_map, MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(attr), MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND);
// note that locals_map may be in ROM, so add will fail in that case
if (elem != NULL) {
elem->value = value;
return true;
return false;
STATIC mp_obj_t type_binary_op(int op, mp_obj_t lhs_in, mp_obj_t rhs_in) {
switch (op) {
// Types can be equal only if it's the same type structure,
// we don't even need to check for 2nd arg type.
return MP_BOOL(lhs_in == rhs_in);
return NULL;
const mp_obj_type_t mp_type_type = {
{ &mp_type_type },
.name = MP_QSTR_type,
.print = type_print,
.make_new = type_make_new,
.call = type_call,
.load_attr = type_load_attr,
.store_attr = type_store_attr,
.binary_op = type_binary_op,
mp_obj_t mp_obj_new_type(qstr name, mp_obj_t bases_tuple, mp_obj_t locals_dict) {
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(bases_tuple, &mp_type_tuple)); // Micro Python restriction, for now
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(locals_dict, &mp_type_dict)); // Micro Python restriction, for now
// Basic validation of base classes
uint len;
mp_obj_t *items;
mp_obj_tuple_get(bases_tuple, &len, &items);
for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++) {
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(items[i], &mp_type_type));
mp_obj_type_t *t = items[i];
// TODO: Verify with CPy, tested on function type
if (t->make_new == NULL) {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_TypeError, "type '%s' is not an acceptable base type", qstr_str(t->name)));
mp_obj_type_t *o = m_new0(mp_obj_type_t, 1);
o->base.type = &mp_type_type;
o->name = name;
o->print = class_print;
o->make_new = class_make_new;
o->unary_op = class_unary_op;
o->binary_op = class_binary_op;
o->load_attr = class_load_attr;
o->store_attr = class_store_attr;
o->subscr = class_subscr;
o->call = class_call;
o->bases_tuple = bases_tuple;
o->locals_dict = locals_dict;
const mp_obj_type_t *native_base;
uint num_native_bases = class_count_native_bases(o, &native_base);
if (num_native_bases > 1) {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_TypeError, "multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict"));
return o;
// super object
typedef struct _mp_obj_super_t {
mp_obj_base_t base;
mp_obj_t type;
mp_obj_t obj;
} mp_obj_super_t;
STATIC void super_print(void (*print)(void *env, const char *fmt, ...), void *env, mp_obj_t self_in, mp_print_kind_t kind) {
mp_obj_super_t *self = self_in;
print(env, "<super: ");
mp_obj_print_helper(print, env, self->type, PRINT_STR);
print(env, ", ");
mp_obj_print_helper(print, env, self->obj, PRINT_STR);
print(env, ">");
STATIC mp_obj_t super_make_new(mp_obj_t type_in, uint n_args, uint n_kw, const mp_obj_t *args) {
if (n_args != 2 || n_kw != 0) {
// 0 arguments are turned into 2 in the compiler
// 1 argument is not yet implemented
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_TypeError, "super() requires 2 arguments"));
return mp_obj_new_super(args[0], args[1]);
// for fail, do nothing; for attr, dest[0] = value; for method, dest[0] = method, dest[1] = self
STATIC void super_load_attr(mp_obj_t self_in, qstr attr, mp_obj_t *dest) {
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(self_in, &mp_type_super));
mp_obj_super_t *self = self_in;
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(self->type, &mp_type_type));
mp_obj_type_t *type = self->type;
// for a const struct, this entry might be NULL
if (type->bases_tuple == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
uint len;
mp_obj_t *items;
mp_obj_tuple_get(type->bases_tuple, &len, &items);
for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++) {
assert(MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(items[i], &mp_type_type));
mp_obj_t member[2] = {MP_OBJ_NULL};
mp_obj_class_lookup(self->obj, (mp_obj_type_t*)items[i], attr, 0, member);
if (member[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
class_convert_return_attr(self->obj, member[0], dest);
const mp_obj_type_t mp_type_super = {
{ &mp_type_type },
.name = MP_QSTR_super,
.print = super_print,
.make_new = super_make_new,
.load_attr = super_load_attr,
mp_obj_t mp_obj_new_super(mp_obj_t type, mp_obj_t obj) {
mp_obj_super_t *o = m_new_obj(mp_obj_super_t);
*o = (mp_obj_super_t){{&mp_type_super}, type, obj};
return o;
// subclassing and built-ins specific to types
// object and classinfo should be type objects
// (but the function will fail gracefully if they are not)
bool mp_obj_is_subclass_fast(mp_const_obj_t object, mp_const_obj_t classinfo) {
for (;;) {
if (object == classinfo) {
return true;
// not equivalent classes, keep searching base classes
// object should always be a type object, but just return false if it's not
if (!MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(object, &mp_type_type)) {
return false;
const mp_obj_type_t *self = object;
// for a const struct, this entry might be NULL
if (self->bases_tuple == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
return false;
// get the base objects (they should be type objects)
uint len;
mp_obj_t *items;
mp_obj_tuple_get(self->bases_tuple, &len, &items);
if (len == 0) {
return false;
// iterate through the base objects
for (uint i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
if (mp_obj_is_subclass_fast(items[i], classinfo)) {
return true;
// search last base (simple tail recursion elimination)
object = items[len - 1];
STATIC mp_obj_t mp_obj_is_subclass(mp_obj_t object, mp_obj_t classinfo) {
uint len;
mp_obj_t *items;
if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(classinfo, &mp_type_type)) {
len = 1;
items = &classinfo;
} else if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(classinfo, &mp_type_tuple)) {
mp_obj_tuple_get(classinfo, &len, &items);
} else {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_TypeError, "issubclass() arg 2 must be a class or a tuple of classes"));
for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// We explicitly check for 'object' here since no-one explicitly derives from it
if (items[i] == &mp_type_object || mp_obj_is_subclass_fast(object, items[i])) {
return mp_const_true;
return mp_const_false;
STATIC mp_obj_t mp_builtin_issubclass(mp_obj_t object, mp_obj_t classinfo) {
if (!MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(object, &mp_type_type)) {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_TypeError, "issubclass() arg 1 must be a class"));
return mp_obj_is_subclass(object, classinfo);
MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_2(mp_builtin_issubclass_obj, mp_builtin_issubclass);
STATIC mp_obj_t mp_builtin_isinstance(mp_obj_t object, mp_obj_t classinfo) {
return mp_obj_is_subclass(mp_obj_get_type(object), classinfo);
MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_2(mp_builtin_isinstance_obj, mp_builtin_isinstance);
// staticmethod and classmethod types (probably should go in a different file)
STATIC mp_obj_t static_class_method_make_new(mp_obj_t self_in, uint n_args, uint n_kw, const mp_obj_t *args) {
assert(self_in == &mp_type_staticmethod || self_in == &mp_type_classmethod);
if (n_args != 1 || n_kw != 0) {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_TypeError, "function takes 1 positional argument but %d were given", n_args));
mp_obj_static_class_method_t *o = m_new_obj(mp_obj_static_class_method_t);
*o = (mp_obj_static_class_method_t){{(mp_obj_type_t*)self_in}, args[0]};
return o;
const mp_obj_type_t mp_type_staticmethod = {
{ &mp_type_type },
.name = MP_QSTR_staticmethod,
.make_new = static_class_method_make_new
const mp_obj_type_t mp_type_classmethod = {
{ &mp_type_type },
.name = MP_QSTR_classmethod,
.make_new = static_class_method_make_new