The RT1176 has two cores, but the actual firmware supports only the CM7. There are currently no good plans on how to use the CM4. The actual MIMXRT1170_EVK board is on par with the existing MIMXRT boards, with the following extensions: - Use 64 MB RAM for the heap. - Support both LAN interfaces as LAN(0) and LAN(1), with LAN(1) being the 1GB interface. The dual LAN port interface can eventually be adapted as well for the RT1062 MCU. This work was done in collaboration with @alphaFred.
183 lines
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183 lines
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Copyright 1997-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. */
/* Copyright 2016-2019 NXP */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
/* Version: GCC for ARM Embedded Processors */
.syntax unified
.arch armv7-m
/* Reset Handler */
.align 2
.globl Reset_Handler
.type Reset_Handler, %function
cpsid i /* Mask interrupts */
.equ VTOR, 0xE000ED08
ldr r0, =VTOR
ldr r1, =__isr_vector
str r1, [r0]
ldr r2, [r1]
msr msp, r2
/* Reconfigure the memory map, which must match the setting of the linker script */
ldr r0, =__iomux_gpr17_adr /* load IOMUXC_GPR17 register address to R0 */
ldr r1, =__iomux_gpr17_value /* move FlexRAM configuration value to R1 */
str r1,[r0] /* store FLEXRAM configuration value to IOMUXC_GPR17 */
#if defined MIMXRT117x_SERIES
ldr r0, =__iomux_gpr18_adr /* load IOMUXC_GPR18 register address to R0 */
ldr r1, =__iomux_gpr18_value /* move FlexRAM configuration value to R1 */
str r1,[r0] /* store FLEXRAM configuration value to IOMUXC_GPR18 */
ldr r0, =__iomux_gpr16_adr /* load IOMUXC_GPR16 register address to R0 */
ldr r1,[r0] /* load IOMUXC_GPR16 register value to R1 */
orr r1, r1, #4 /* set corresponding FLEXRAM_BANK_CFG_SEL bit */
str r1,[r0] /* store the value to IOMUXC_GPR16 (FLEXRAM_BANK_CFG_SEL = '1') */
#ifndef __NO_SYSTEM_INIT
ldr r0,=SystemInit
blx r0
/* Loop to copy data from read only memory to RAM. The ranges
* of copy from/to are specified by following symbols evaluated in
* linker script.
* __etext: End of code section, i.e., begin of data sections to copy from.
* __data_start__/__data_end__: RAM address range that data should be
* __noncachedata_start__/__noncachedata_end__ : none cachable region
* __ram_function_start__/__ram_function_end__ : ramfunction region
* copied to. Both must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary. */
ldr r1, =__etext
ldr r2, =__data_start__
ldr r3, =__data_end__
/* Here are two copies of loop implementations. First one favors performance
* and the second one favors code size. Default uses the second one.
* Define macro "__PERFORMANCE_IMPLEMENTATION" in project to use the first one */
subs r3, r2
ble .LC1
subs r3, #4
ldr r0, [r1, r3]
str r0, [r2, r3]
bgt .LC0
#else /* code size implemenation */
cmp r2, r3
ittt lt
ldrlt r0, [r1], #4
strlt r0, [r2], #4
blt .LC0
ldr r2, =__ram_function_start__
ldr r3, =__ram_function_end__
/* Here are two copies of loop implementations. First one favors performance
* and the second one favors code size. Default uses the second one.
* Define macro "__PERFORMANCE_IMPLEMENTATION" in project to use the first one */
subs r3, r2
ble .LC_ramfunc_copy_end
subs r3, #4
ldr r0, [r1, r3]
str r0, [r2, r3]
bgt .LC_ramfunc_copy_start
#else /* code size implemenation */
cmp r2, r3
ittt lt
ldrlt r0, [r1], #4
strlt r0, [r2], #4
blt .LC_ramfunc_copy_start
ldr r2, =__noncachedata_start__
ldr r3, =__noncachedata_init_end__
/* Here are two copies of loop implementations. First one favors performance
* and the second one favors code size. Default uses the second one.
* Define macro "__PERFORMANCE_IMPLEMENTATION" in project to use the first one */
subs r3, r2
ble .LC3
subs r3, #4
ldr r0, [r1, r3]
str r0, [r2, r3]
bgt .LC2
#else /* code size implemenation */
cmp r2, r3
ittt lt
ldrlt r0, [r1], #4
strlt r0, [r2], #4
blt .LC2
/* zero inited ncache section initialization */
ldr r3, =__noncachedata_end__
movs r0,0
cmp r2,r3
itt lt
strlt r0,[r2],#4
blt .LC4
/* This part of work usually is done in C library startup code. Otherwise,
* define this macro to enable it in this startup.
* Loop to zero out BSS section, which uses following symbols
* in linker script:
* __bss_start__: start of BSS section. Must align to 4
* __bss_end__: end of BSS section. Must align to 4
ldr r1, =__bss_start__
ldr r2, =__bss_end__
movs r0, 0
cmp r1, r2
itt lt
strlt r0, [r1], #4
blt .LC5
#endif /* __STARTUP_CLEAR_BSS */
cpsie i /* Unmask interrupts */
#ifndef __START
#define __START _start
#ifndef __ATOLLIC__
ldr r0,=__START
blx r0
ldr r0,=__libc_init_array
blx r0
ldr r0,=main
bx r0
.size Reset_Handler, . - Reset_Handler