Scott Shawcroft 6446010753
Wi-Fi autoconnect and title bar status
in `/.env`. When both are defined, CircuitPython will attempt to
connect to the network even when user code isn't running. If the
user code attempts to a network with the same SSID, it will return
immediately. Connecting to another SSID will disconnect from the
auto-connected network. If the user code initiates the connection,
then it will be shutdown after user code exits. (Should match <8

This PR also reworks the default displayio terminal. It now supports
a title bar TileGrid in addition to the (newly renamed) scroll area.
The default title bar is the top row of the display and is positioned
to the right of the Blinka logo when it is enabled. The scroll area
is now below the Blinka logo.

The Wi-Fi auto-connect code now uses the title bar to show its
state including the IP address when connected. It does this through
the "standard" OSC control sequence `ESC ] 0 ; <s> ESC \` where <s>
is the title bar string. This is commonly supported by terminals
so it should work over USB and UART as well.

Related to #6174
2022-06-09 14:55:54 -07:00

266 lines
6.6 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 MicroPython & CircuitPython contributors (
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import argparse
import os
import struct
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "bitmap_font")
sys.path.insert(0, "../../tools/bitmap_font")
from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate displayio resources.")
parser.add_argument("--font", type=str, help="Font path", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--extra_characters", type=str, help="Unicode string of extra characters")
type=argparse.FileType("r", encoding="utf-8"),
help="Text file that includes strings to support.",
parser.add_argument("--output_c_file", type=argparse.FileType("w"), required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
class BitmapStub:
def __init__(self, width, height, color_depth):
self.width = width
self.rows = [b""] * height
def _load_row(self, y, row):
self.rows[y] = bytes(row)
f = bitmap_font.load_font(args.font, BitmapStub)
# Load extra characters from the sample file.
sample_characters = set()
if args.sample_file:
for line in args.sample_file:
# Skip comments because we add additional characters in our huffman comments.
if line.startswith("//"):
for c in line.strip():
# Merge visible ascii, sample characters and extra characters.
visible_ascii = bytes(range(0x20, 0x7F)).decode("utf-8")
all_characters = list(visible_ascii)
for c in sample_characters:
if c not in all_characters:
all_characters += c
if args.extra_characters:
all_characters = "".join(sorted(set(all_characters)))
filtered_characters = all_characters
# Try to pre-load all of the glyphs. Misses will still be slow later.
f.load_glyphs(set(ord(c) for c in all_characters))
missing = 0
# Get each glyph.
for c in set(all_characters):
if ord(c) not in f._glyphs:
missing += 1
filtered_characters = filtered_characters.replace(c, "")
g = f.get_glyph(ord(c))
if g["shift"][1] != 0:
raise RuntimeError("y shift")
if missing > 0:
print("Font missing", missing, "characters", file=sys.stderr)
x, y, dx, dy = f.get_bounding_box()
tile_x, tile_y = x - dx, y - dy
total_bits = tile_x * len(all_characters)
total_bits += 32 - total_bits % 32
bytes_per_row = total_bits // 8
b = bytearray(bytes_per_row * tile_y)
for x, c in enumerate(filtered_characters):
g = f.get_glyph(ord(c))
start_bit = x * tile_x + g["bounds"][2]
start_y = (tile_y - 2) - (g["bounds"][1] + g["bounds"][3])
for y, row in enumerate(g["bitmap"].rows):
for i in range(g["bounds"][0]):
byte = i // 8
bit = i % 8
if row[byte] & (1 << (7 - bit)) != 0:
overall_bit = start_bit + (start_y + y) * bytes_per_row * 8 + i
b[overall_bit // 8] |= 1 << (7 - (overall_bit % 8))
extra_characters = ""
for c in filtered_characters:
if c not in visible_ascii:
extra_characters += c
c_file = args.output_c_file
#include "shared-bindings/displayio/Palette.h"
#include "supervisor/shared/display.h"
_displayio_color_t terminal_colors[2] = {
.rgb888 = 0x000000,
.rgb565 = 0x0000,
.luma = 0x00,
.chroma = 0
.rgb888 = 0xffffff,
.rgb565 = 0xffff,
.luma = 0xff,
.chroma = 0
displayio_palette_t supervisor_terminal_color = {
.base = {.type = &displayio_palette_type },
.colors = terminal_colors,
.color_count = 2,
.needs_refresh = false
displayio_tilegrid_t supervisor_terminal_scroll_area_text_grid = {{
.base = {{ .type = &displayio_tilegrid_type }},
.bitmap = (displayio_bitmap_t*) &supervisor_terminal_font_bitmap,
.pixel_shader = &supervisor_terminal_color,
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.pixel_width = {1},
.pixel_height = {2},
.bitmap_width_in_tiles = {0},
.tiles_in_bitmap = {0},
.width_in_tiles = 1,
.height_in_tiles = 1,
.tile_width = {1},
.tile_height = {2},
.tiles = NULL,
.partial_change = false,
.full_change = false,
.hidden = false,
.hidden_by_parent = false,
.moved = false,
.inline_tiles = false,
.in_group = true
len(all_characters), tile_x, tile_y
displayio_tilegrid_t supervisor_terminal_title_bar_text_grid = {{
.base = {{ .type = &displayio_tilegrid_type }},
.bitmap = (displayio_bitmap_t*) &supervisor_terminal_font_bitmap,
.pixel_shader = &supervisor_terminal_color,
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.pixel_width = {1},
.pixel_height = {2},
.bitmap_width_in_tiles = {0},
.tiles_in_bitmap = {0},
.width_in_tiles = 1,
.height_in_tiles = 1,
.tile_width = {1},
.tile_height = {2},
.tiles = NULL,
.partial_change = false,
.full_change = false,
.hidden = false,
.hidden_by_parent = false,
.moved = false,
.inline_tiles = false,
.in_group = true
len(all_characters), tile_x, tile_y
const uint32_t font_bitmap_data[{}] = {{
bytes_per_row * tile_y // 4
for i, word in enumerate(struct.iter_unpack(">I", b)):
c_file.write("0x{:08x}, ".format(word[0]))
if (i + 1) % (bytes_per_row // 4) == 0:
displayio_bitmap_t supervisor_terminal_font_bitmap = {{
.base = {{.type = &displayio_bitmap_type }},
.width = {},
.height = {},
.data = (uint32_t*) font_bitmap_data,
.stride = {},
.bits_per_value = 1,
.x_shift = 5,
.x_mask = 0x1f,
.bitmask = 0x1,
.read_only = true
len(all_characters) * tile_x, tile_y, bytes_per_row / 4
const fontio_builtinfont_t supervisor_terminal_font = {{
.base = {{.type = &fontio_builtinfont_type }},
.bitmap = &supervisor_terminal_font_bitmap,
.width = {},
.height = {},
.unicode_characters = (const uint8_t*) "{}",
.unicode_characters_len = {}
tile_x, tile_y, extra_characters, len(extra_characters.encode("utf-8"))
terminalio_terminal_obj_t supervisor_terminal = {
.base = { .type = &terminalio_terminal_type },
.font = &supervisor_terminal_font,
.cursor_x = 0,
.cursor_y = 0,
.scroll_area = NULL,
.title_bar = NULL