Two things: 1) set flags in copy properly; make mp_map_init() not be too smart and do something with requested alloc size. Policy of using prime numbers for alloc size is high-level policy which should be applied at corresponding high levels. Low-level functions should just do what they're asked to, because they don't have enough context to be smarter than that. For example, munging with alloc size of course breaks dict copying (as changing sizes requires rehashing).
327 lines
11 KiB
327 lines
11 KiB
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "misc.h"
#include "mpconfig.h"
#include "qstr.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "runtime0.h"
// approximatelly doubling primes; made with Mathematica command: Table[Prime[Floor[(1.7)^n]], {n, 3, 24}]
// prefixed with zero for the empty case.
STATIC int doubling_primes[] = {0, 7, 19, 43, 89, 179, 347, 647, 1229, 2297, 4243, 7829, 14347, 26017, 47149, 84947, 152443, 273253, 488399, 869927, 1547173, 2745121, 4861607};
STATIC int get_doubling_prime_greater_or_equal_to(int x) {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(doubling_primes) / sizeof(int); i++) {
if (doubling_primes[i] >= x) {
return doubling_primes[i];
// ran out of primes in the table!
// return something sensible, at least make it odd
return x | 1;
/* map */
void mp_map_init(mp_map_t *map, int n) {
if (n == 0) {
map->alloc = 0;
map->table = NULL;
} else {
map->alloc = n;
map->table = m_new0(mp_map_elem_t, map->alloc);
map->used = 0;
map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 1;
map->table_is_fixed_array = 0;
void mp_map_init_fixed_table(mp_map_t *map, int n, const mp_obj_t *table) {
map->alloc = n;
map->used = n;
map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 1;
map->table_is_fixed_array = 1;
map->table = (mp_map_elem_t*)table;
mp_map_t *mp_map_new(int n) {
mp_map_t *map = m_new(mp_map_t, 1);
mp_map_init(map, n);
return map;
// Differentiate from mp_map_clear() - semantics is different
void mp_map_deinit(mp_map_t *map) {
if (!map->table_is_fixed_array) {
m_del(mp_map_elem_t, map->table, map->alloc);
map->used = map->alloc = 0;
void mp_map_free(mp_map_t *map) {
m_del_obj(mp_map_t, map);
void mp_map_clear(mp_map_t *map) {
if (!map->table_is_fixed_array) {
m_del(mp_map_elem_t, map->table, map->alloc);
map->alloc = 0;
map->used = 0;
map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 1;
map->table_is_fixed_array = 0;
map->table = NULL;
STATIC void mp_map_rehash(mp_map_t *map) {
int old_alloc = map->alloc;
mp_map_elem_t *old_table = map->table;
map->alloc = get_doubling_prime_greater_or_equal_to(map->alloc + 1);
map->used = 0;
map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 1;
map->table = m_new0(mp_map_elem_t, map->alloc);
for (int i = 0; i < old_alloc; i++) {
if (old_table[i].key != MP_OBJ_NULL && old_table[i].key != MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
mp_map_lookup(map, old_table[i].key, MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND)->value = old_table[i].value;
m_del(mp_map_elem_t, old_table, old_alloc);
// MP_MAP_LOOKUP behaviour:
// - returns NULL if not found, else the slot it was found in with key,value non-null
// - returns slot, with key non-null and value=MP_OBJ_NULL if it was added
// - returns NULL if not found, else the slot if was found in with key null and value non-null
mp_map_elem_t* mp_map_lookup(mp_map_t *map, mp_obj_t index, mp_map_lookup_kind_t lookup_kind) {
// if the map is a fixed array then we must do a brute force linear search
if (map->table_is_fixed_array) {
if (lookup_kind != MP_MAP_LOOKUP) {
return NULL;
for (mp_map_elem_t *elem = &map->table[0], *top = &map->table[map->used]; elem < top; elem++) {
if (elem->key == index || (!map->all_keys_are_qstrs && mp_obj_equal(elem->key, index))) {
return elem;
return NULL;
// map is a hash table (not a fixed array), so do a hash lookup
if (map->alloc == 0) {
if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
} else {
return NULL;
machine_uint_t hash = mp_obj_hash(index);
uint pos = hash % map->alloc;
uint start_pos = pos;
mp_map_elem_t *avail_slot = NULL;
for (;;) {
mp_map_elem_t *slot = &map->table[pos];
if (slot->key == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// found NULL slot, so index is not in table
if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
map->used += 1;
if (avail_slot == NULL) {
avail_slot = slot;
slot->key = index;
slot->value = MP_OBJ_NULL;
if (!MP_OBJ_IS_QSTR(index)) {
map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 0;
return slot;
} else {
return NULL;
} else if (slot->key == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
// found deleted slot, remember for later
if (avail_slot == NULL) {
avail_slot = slot;
} else if (slot->key == index || (!map->all_keys_are_qstrs && mp_obj_equal(slot->key, index))) {
// found index
// Note: CPython does not replace the index; try x={True:'true'};x[1]='one';x
if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_REMOVE_IF_FOUND) {
// delete element in this slot
if (map->table[(pos + 1) % map->alloc].key == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// optimisation if next slot is empty
slot->key = MP_OBJ_NULL;
} else {
slot->key = MP_OBJ_SENTINEL;
// keep slot->value so that caller can access it if needed
return slot;
// not yet found, keep searching in this table
pos = (pos + 1) % map->alloc;
if (pos == start_pos) {
// search got back to starting position, so index is not in table
if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
if (avail_slot != NULL) {
// there was an available slot, so use that
avail_slot->key = index;
avail_slot->value = MP_OBJ_NULL;
if (!MP_OBJ_IS_QSTR(index)) {
map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 0;
return avail_slot;
} else {
// not enough room in table, rehash it
// restart the search for the new element
start_pos = pos = hash % map->alloc;
} else {
return NULL;
/* set */
void mp_set_init(mp_set_t *set, int n) {
set->alloc = n;
set->used = 0;
set->table = m_new0(mp_obj_t, set->alloc);
STATIC void mp_set_rehash(mp_set_t *set) {
int old_alloc = set->alloc;
mp_obj_t *old_table = set->table;
set->alloc = get_doubling_prime_greater_or_equal_to(set->alloc + 1);
set->used = 0;
set->table = m_new0(mp_obj_t, set->alloc);
for (int i = 0; i < old_alloc; i++) {
if (old_table[i] != MP_OBJ_NULL && old_table[i] != MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
mp_set_lookup(set, old_table[i], MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND);
m_del(mp_obj_t, old_table, old_alloc);
mp_obj_t mp_set_lookup(mp_set_t *set, mp_obj_t index, mp_map_lookup_kind_t lookup_kind) {
if (set->alloc == 0) {
if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
} else {
return NULL;
machine_uint_t hash = mp_obj_hash(index);
uint pos = hash % set->alloc;
uint start_pos = pos;
mp_obj_t *avail_slot = NULL;
for (;;) {
mp_obj_t elem = set->table[pos];
if (elem == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// found NULL slot, so index is not in table
if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
if (avail_slot == NULL) {
avail_slot = &set->table[pos];
*avail_slot = index;
return index;
} else {
return MP_OBJ_NULL;
} else if (elem == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) {
// found deleted slot, remember for later
if (avail_slot == NULL) {
avail_slot = &set->table[pos];
} else if (mp_obj_equal(elem, index)) {
// found index
if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_REMOVE_IF_FOUND) {
// delete element
if (set->table[(pos + 1) % set->alloc] == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// optimisation if next slot is empty
set->table[pos] = MP_OBJ_NULL;
} else {
set->table[pos] = MP_OBJ_SENTINEL;
return elem;
// not yet found, keep searching in this table
pos = (pos + 1) % set->alloc;
if (pos == start_pos) {
// search got back to starting position, so index is not in table
if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
if (avail_slot != NULL) {
// there was an available slot, so use that
*avail_slot = index;
return index;
} else {
// not enough room in table, rehash it
// restart the search for the new element
start_pos = pos = hash % set->alloc;
} else {
return MP_OBJ_NULL;
mp_obj_t mp_set_remove_first(mp_set_t *set) {
for (uint pos = 0; pos < set->alloc; pos++) {
if (MP_SET_SLOT_IS_FILLED(set, pos)) {
mp_obj_t elem = set->table[pos];
// delete element
if (set->table[(pos + 1) % set->alloc] == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// optimisation if next slot is empty
set->table[pos] = MP_OBJ_NULL;
} else {
set->table[pos] = MP_OBJ_SENTINEL;
return elem;
return MP_OBJ_NULL;
void mp_set_clear(mp_set_t *set) {
m_del(mp_obj_t, set->table, set->alloc);
set->alloc = 0;
set->used = 0;
set->table = NULL;
void mp_map_dump(mp_map_t *map) {
for (int i = 0; i < map->alloc; i++) {
if (map->table[i].key != NULL) {
mp_obj_print(map->table[i].key, PRINT_REPR);
} else {
printf(": %p\n", map->table[i].value);