This fixes the bug that bitmap changes do not cause screen updates and optimizes the refresh when the bitmap is simply shown on the screen. If the bitmap is used in tiles, then changing it will cause all TileGrids using it to do a full refresh. Fixes #1981
189 lines
5.3 KiB
189 lines
5.3 KiB
import argparse
import os
import struct
import sys
from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate USB descriptors.')
parser.add_argument('--font', type=str,
help='Font path', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--extra_characters', type=str,
help='Unicode string of extra characters')
parser.add_argument('--sample_file', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
help='Text file that includes strings to support.')
parser.add_argument('--output_c_file', type=argparse.FileType('w'), required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
class BitmapStub:
def __init__(self, width, height, color_depth):
self.width = width
self.rows = [b''] * height
def _load_row(self, y, row):
self.rows[y] = bytes(row)
f = bitmap_font.load_font(args.font, BitmapStub)
# Load extra characters from the sample file.
sample_characters = set()
if args.sample_file:
for line in args.sample_file:
# Skip comments because we add additional characters in our huffman comments.
if line.startswith("//"):
for c in line.strip():
# Merge visible ascii, sample characters and extra characters.
visible_ascii = bytes(range(0x20, 0x7f)).decode("utf-8")
all_characters = visible_ascii
for c in sample_characters:
if c not in all_characters:
all_characters += c
if args.extra_characters:
filtered_characters = all_characters
# Try to pre-load all of the glyphs. Misses will still be slow later.
# Get each glyph.
for c in all_characters:
g = f.get_glyph(ord(c))
if not g:
print("Font missing character:", c, ord(c))
filtered_characters = filtered_characters.replace(c, "")
if g["shift"][1] != 0:
raise RuntimeError("y shift")
x, y, dx, dy = f.get_bounding_box()
tile_x, tile_y = x - dx, y - dy
total_bits = tile_x * len(all_characters)
total_bits += 32 - total_bits % 32
bytes_per_row = total_bits // 8
b = bytearray(bytes_per_row * tile_y)
for x, c in enumerate(filtered_characters):
g = f.get_glyph(ord(c))
start_bit = x * tile_x + g["bounds"][2]
start_y = (tile_y - 2) - (g["bounds"][1] + g["bounds"][3])
for y, row in enumerate(g["bitmap"].rows):
for i in range(g["bounds"][0]):
byte = i // 8
bit = i % 8
if row[byte] & (1 << (7-bit)) != 0:
overall_bit = start_bit + (start_y + y) * bytes_per_row * 8 + i
b[overall_bit // 8] |= 1 << (7 - (overall_bit % 8))
extra_characters = ""
for c in filtered_characters:
if c not in visible_ascii:
extra_characters += c
c_file = args.output_c_file
#include "shared-bindings/displayio/Palette.h"
#include "supervisor/shared/display.h"
uint32_t terminal_transparency[1] = {0x00000000};
// These colors are RGB 565 with the bytes swapped.
uint32_t terminal_colors[1] = {0xffff0000};
displayio_palette_t supervisor_terminal_color = {
.base = {.type = &displayio_palette_type },
.opaque = terminal_transparency,
.colors = terminal_colors,
.color_count = 2,
.needs_refresh = false
displayio_tilegrid_t supervisor_terminal_text_grid = {{
.base = {{ .type = &displayio_tilegrid_type }},
.bitmap = (displayio_bitmap_t*) &supervisor_terminal_font_bitmap,
.pixel_shader = &supervisor_terminal_color,
.x = 16,
.y = 0,
.pixel_width = {1},
.pixel_height = {2},
.bitmap_width_in_tiles = {0},
.tiles_in_bitmap = {0},
.width_in_tiles = 1,
.height_in_tiles = 1,
.tile_width = {1},
.tile_height = {2},
.tiles = NULL,
.partial_change = false,
.full_change = false,
.first_draw = true,
.moved = false,
.inline_tiles = false,
.in_group = true
""".format(len(all_characters), tile_x, tile_y))
const uint32_t font_bitmap_data[{}] = {{
""".format(bytes_per_row * tile_y // 4))
for i, word in enumerate(struct.iter_unpack(">I", b)):
c_file.write("0x{:08x}, ".format(word[0]))
if (i + 1) % (bytes_per_row // 4) == 0:
displayio_bitmap_t supervisor_terminal_font_bitmap = {{
.base = {{.type = &displayio_bitmap_type }},
.width = {},
.height = {},
.data = (size_t*) font_bitmap_data,
.stride = {},
.bits_per_value = 1,
.x_shift = 5,
.x_mask = 0x1f,
.bitmask = 0x1,
.read_only = true
""".format(len(all_characters) * tile_x, tile_y, bytes_per_row / 4))
const fontio_builtinfont_t supervisor_terminal_font = {{
.base = {{.type = &fontio_builtinfont_type }},
.bitmap = &supervisor_terminal_font_bitmap,
.width = {},
.height = {},
.unicode_characters = (const uint8_t*) "{}",
.unicode_characters_len = {}
""".format(tile_x, tile_y, extra_characters, len(extra_characters.encode("utf-8"))))
terminalio_terminal_obj_t supervisor_terminal = {
.base = { .type = &terminalio_terminal_type },
.font = &supervisor_terminal_font,
.cursor_x = 0,
.cursor_y = 0,
.tilegrid = &supervisor_terminal_text_grid