rp2: change tud_task() to tud_task_ext(). mimxrt: use lib/tinyusb/src/portable/chipidea/ci_hs/dcd_ci_hs.c instead of lib/tinyusb/src/portable/nxp/transdimension/dcd_transdimension.c. nrf: add a definition for the changed tud_task(). tud_task() is changed to tud_task_ext(), and the #define for backward compatibility is in src/device/usbd.h. The items I know which are fixed with this version: - Fix for the SAMD USB lock-up. - Support the MIMXRT11XX series of MCUs. - Fix a wrong pin definition for MIMXRT1050_EVKB. Tested with the MIMXRT boards, rp2 Pico, SAMD boards, nrf board.
Port of MicroPython to NXP iMX RT 10xx
Currently supports Teensy 4.0, Teensy 4.1, and the MIMXRT1010_EVK, MIMXRT1020_EVK, MIMXRT1050_EVK, MIMXRT1060_EVK and MIMXRT1064_EVK boards.
- machine.ADC
- machine.I2C
- machine.LED
- machine.Pin
- machine.PWM
- machine.RTC
- machine.SDCard
- machine.SPI
- machine.Signal
- machine.SoftI2C
- machine.SoftSPI
- machine.Timer
- machine.UART
- LFS2 file system at the internal Flash
- SDCard support (not on MIMXRT1010_EVK)
- Ethernet (not on Teensy 4.0 and MIMXRT1010_EVK)
Known issues:
- More peripherals (Counter, I2S, CAN, etc)
- More Python options