The output might contain more than one line ending in 5b so properly skip everything until the next known point. This fixes test failures in appveyor debug builds.
421 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
421 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import platform
import argparse
import re
from glob import glob
# Tests require at least CPython 3.3. If your default python3 executable
# is of lower version, you can point MICROPY_CPYTHON3 environment var
# to the correct executable.
if os.name == 'nt':
CPYTHON3 = os.getenv('MICROPY_CPYTHON3', 'python3.exe')
MICROPYTHON = os.getenv('MICROPY_MICROPYTHON', '../windows/micropython.exe')
CPYTHON3 = os.getenv('MICROPY_CPYTHON3', 'python3')
MICROPYTHON = os.getenv('MICROPY_MICROPYTHON', '../unix/micropython')
# mpy-cross is only needed if --via-mpy command-line arg is passed
MPYCROSS = os.getenv('MICROPY_MPYCROSS', '../mpy-cross/mpy-cross')
# Set PYTHONIOENCODING so that CPython will use utf-8 on systems which set another encoding in the locale
os.environ['PYTHONIOENCODING'] = 'utf-8'
os.environ['MICROPYPATH'] = ''
def rm_f(fname):
if os.path.exists(fname):
# unescape wanted regex chars and escape unwanted ones
def convert_regex_escapes(line):
cs = []
escape = False
for c in str(line, 'utf8'):
if escape:
escape = False
elif c == '\\':
escape = True
elif c in ('(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '.', '*', '+', '^', '$'):
cs.append('\\' + c)
# accept carriage-return(s) before final newline
if cs[-1] == '\n':
cs[-1] = '\r*\n'
return bytes(''.join(cs), 'utf8')
def run_micropython(pyb, args, test_file):
special_tests = ('micropython/meminfo.py', 'basics/bytes_compare3.py')
is_special = False
if pyb is None:
# run on PC
if test_file.startswith(('cmdline/', 'feature_check/')) or test_file in special_tests:
# special handling for tests of the unix cmdline program
is_special = True
# check for any cmdline options needed for this test
with open(test_file, 'rb') as f:
line = f.readline()
if line.startswith(b'# cmdline:'):
# subprocess.check_output on Windows only accepts strings, not bytes
args += [str(c, 'utf-8') for c in line[10:].strip().split()]
# run the test, possibly with redirected input
if 'repl_' in test_file:
# Need to use a PTY to test command line editing
import pty
except ImportError:
# in case pty module is not available, like on Windows
return b'SKIP\n'
import select
def get(required=False):
rv = b''
while True:
ready = select.select([master], [], [], 0.02)
if ready[0] == [master]:
rv += os.read(master, 1024)
if not required or rv:
return rv
def send_get(what):
os.write(master, what)
return get()
with open(test_file, 'rb') as f:
# instead of: output_mupy = subprocess.check_output(args, stdin=f)
master, slave = pty.openpty()
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=slave, stdout=slave,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=0)
banner = get(True)
output_mupy = banner + b''.join(send_get(line) for line in f)
output_mupy = subprocess.check_output(args + [test_file])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return b'CRASH'
# a standard test run on PC
# create system command
cmdlist = [MICROPYTHON, '-X', 'emit=' + args.emit]
if args.heapsize is not None:
cmdlist.extend(['-X', 'heapsize=' + args.heapsize])
# if running via .mpy, first compile the .py file
if args.via_mpy:
subprocess.check_output([MPYCROSS, '-mcache-lookup-bc', '-o', 'mpytest.mpy', test_file])
cmdlist.extend(['-m', 'mpytest'])
# run the actual test
output_mupy = subprocess.check_output(cmdlist)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
output_mupy = b'CRASH'
# clean up if we had an intermediate .mpy file
if args.via_mpy:
# run on pyboard
import pyboard
output_mupy = pyb.execfile(test_file)
except pyboard.PyboardError:
output_mupy = b'CRASH'
# canonical form for all ports/platforms is to use \n for end-of-line
output_mupy = output_mupy.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')
if is_special or test_file in special_tests:
# convert parts of the output that are not stable across runs
with open(test_file + '.exp', 'rb') as f:
lines_exp = []
for line in f.readlines():
if line == b'########\n':
line = (line,)
line = (line, re.compile(convert_regex_escapes(line)))
lines_mupy = [line + b'\n' for line in output_mupy.split(b'\n')]
if output_mupy.endswith(b'\n'):
lines_mupy = lines_mupy[:-1] # remove erroneous last empty line
i_mupy = 0
for i in range(len(lines_exp)):
if lines_exp[i][0] == b'########\n':
# 8x #'s means match 0 or more whole lines
line_exp = lines_exp[i + 1]
skip = 0
while i_mupy + skip < len(lines_mupy) and not line_exp[1].match(lines_mupy[i_mupy + skip]):
skip += 1
if i_mupy + skip >= len(lines_mupy):
lines_mupy[i_mupy] = b'######## FAIL\n'
del lines_mupy[i_mupy:i_mupy + skip]
lines_mupy.insert(i_mupy, b'########\n')
i_mupy += 1
# a regex
if lines_exp[i][1].match(lines_mupy[i_mupy]):
lines_mupy[i_mupy] = lines_exp[i][0]
#print("don't match: %r %s" % (lines_exp[i][1], lines_mupy[i_mupy])) # DEBUG
i_mupy += 1
if i_mupy >= len(lines_mupy):
output_mupy = b''.join(lines_mupy)
return output_mupy
def run_tests(pyb, tests, args):
test_count = 0
testcase_count = 0
passed_count = 0
failed_tests = []
skipped_tests = []
skip_tests = set()
skip_native = False
# Check if micropython.native is supported, and skip such tests if it's not
native = run_micropython(pyb, args, 'feature_check/native_check.py')
if native == b'CRASH':
skip_native = True
# Check if emacs repl is supported, and skip such tests if it's not
t = run_micropython(pyb, args, 'feature_check/repl_emacs_check.py')
if not 'True' in str(t, 'ascii'):
upy_byteorder = run_micropython(pyb, args, 'feature_check/byteorder.py')
has_complex = run_micropython(pyb, args, 'feature_check/complex.py') == b'complex\n'
cpy_byteorder = subprocess.check_output([CPYTHON3, 'feature_check/byteorder.py'])
skip_endian = (upy_byteorder != cpy_byteorder)
# Some tests shouldn't be run under Travis CI
if os.getenv('TRAVIS') == 'true':
skip_tests.add('thread/thread_gc1.py') # has reliability issues
skip_tests.add('thread/thread_lock4.py') # has reliability issues
skip_tests.add('thread/stress_heap.py') # has reliability issues
skip_tests.add('thread/stress_recurse.py') # has reliability issues
if not has_complex:
# Some tests shouldn't be run on a PC
if pyb is None:
# unix build does not have the GIL so can't run thread mutation tests
for t in tests:
if t.startswith('thread/mutate_'):
# Some tests shouldn't be run on pyboard
if pyb is not None:
skip_tests.add('basics/exception_chain.py') # warning is not printed
skip_tests.add('float/float_divmod.py') # tested by float/float_divmod_relaxed.py instead
skip_tests.add('float/float2int_doubleprec.py') # requires double precision floating point to work
skip_tests.add('micropython/meminfo.py') # output is very different to PC output
skip_tests.add('extmod/machine1.py') # raw memory access not supported
skip_tests.add('extmod/machine_mem.py') # raw memory access not supported
if args.target == 'wipy':
skip_tests.add('misc/print_exception.py') # requires error reporting full
skip_tests.add('misc/recursion.py') # requires stack checking enabled
skip_tests.add('misc/recursive_data.py') # requires stack checking enabled
skip_tests.add('misc/recursive_iternext.py') # requires stack checking enabled
skip_tests.add('misc/rge_sm.py') # requires floating point
skip_tests.update({'extmod/uctypes_%s.py' % t for t in 'bytearray le native_le ptr_le ptr_native_le sizeof sizeof_native array_assign_le array_assign_native_le'.split()}) # requires uctypes
skip_tests.add('extmod/zlibd_decompress.py') # requires zlib
skip_tests.add('extmod/ujson_dumps_float.py') # requires floating point
skip_tests.add('extmod/ujson_loads_float.py') # requires floating point
skip_tests.add('extmod/uheapq1.py') # uheapq not supported by WiPy
skip_tests.add('extmod/urandom_basic.py') # requires urandom
skip_tests.add('extmod/urandom_extra.py') # requires urandom
elif args.target == 'esp8266':
skip_tests.add('float/float2int.py') # requires at least fp32, there's float2int_fp30.py instead
skip_tests.add('float/string_format.py') # requires at least fp32, there's string_format_fp30.py instead
skip_tests.add('float/bytes_construct.py') # requires fp32
skip_tests.add('float/bytearray_construct.py') # requires fp32
skip_tests.add('misc/rge_sm.py') # too large
# Some tests are known to fail on 64-bit machines
if pyb is None and platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
# Some tests use unsupported features on Windows
if os.name == 'nt':
skip_tests.add('import/import_file.py') # works but CPython prints forward slashes
# Some tests are known to fail with native emitter
# Remove them from the below when they work
if args.emit == 'native':
skip_tests.update({'basics/%s.py' % t for t in 'gen_yield_from gen_yield_from_close gen_yield_from_ducktype gen_yield_from_exc gen_yield_from_iter gen_yield_from_send gen_yield_from_stopped gen_yield_from_throw generator1 generator2 generator_args generator_close generator_closure generator_exc generator_return generator_send'.split()}) # require yield
skip_tests.update({'basics/%s.py' % t for t in 'bytes_gen class_store_class globals_del string_join'.split()}) # require yield
skip_tests.update({'basics/async_%s.py' % t for t in 'await await2 for for2 with with2'.split()}) # require yield
skip_tests.update({'basics/%s.py' % t for t in 'try_reraise try_reraise2'.split()}) # require raise_varargs
skip_tests.update({'basics/%s.py' % t for t in 'with_break with_continue with_return'.split()}) # require complete with support
skip_tests.add('basics/array_construct2.py') # requires generators
skip_tests.add('basics/bool1.py') # seems to randomly fail
skip_tests.add('basics/class_bind_self.py') # requires yield
skip_tests.add('basics/del_deref.py') # requires checking for unbound local
skip_tests.add('basics/del_local.py') # requires checking for unbound local
skip_tests.add('basics/exception_chain.py') # raise from is not supported
skip_tests.add('basics/for_range.py') # requires yield_value
skip_tests.add('basics/try_finally_loops.py') # requires proper try finally code
skip_tests.add('basics/try_finally_return.py') # requires proper try finally code
skip_tests.add('basics/try_finally_return2.py') # requires proper try finally code
skip_tests.add('basics/unboundlocal.py') # requires checking for unbound local
skip_tests.add('import/gen_context.py') # requires yield_value
skip_tests.add('misc/features.py') # requires raise_varargs
skip_tests.add('misc/rge_sm.py') # requires yield
skip_tests.add('misc/print_exception.py') # because native doesn't have proper traceback info
skip_tests.add('misc/sys_exc_info.py') # sys.exc_info() is not supported for native
for test_file in tests:
test_file = test_file.replace('\\', '/')
test_basename = os.path.basename(test_file)
test_name = os.path.splitext(test_basename)[0]
is_native = test_name.startswith("native_") or test_name.startswith("viper_")
is_endian = test_name.endswith("_endian")
if test_file in skip_tests or (skip_native and is_native) or (skip_endian and is_endian):
print("skip ", test_file)
# get expected output
test_file_expected = test_file + '.exp'
if os.path.isfile(test_file_expected):
# expected output given by a file, so read that in
with open(test_file_expected, 'rb') as f:
output_expected = f.read()
# run CPython to work out expected output
output_expected = subprocess.check_output([CPYTHON3, '-B', test_file])
if args.write_exp:
with open(test_file_expected, 'wb') as f:
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
output_expected = b'CPYTHON3 CRASH'
# canonical form for all host platforms is to use \n for end-of-line
output_expected = output_expected.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')
if args.write_exp:
# run Micro Python
output_mupy = run_micropython(pyb, args, test_file)
if output_mupy == b'SKIP\n':
print("skip ", test_file)
testcase_count += len(output_expected.splitlines())
filename_expected = test_basename + ".exp"
filename_mupy = test_basename + ".out"
if output_expected == output_mupy:
print("pass ", test_file)
passed_count += 1
with open(filename_expected, "wb") as f:
with open(filename_mupy, "wb") as f:
print("FAIL ", test_file)
test_count += 1
print("{} tests performed ({} individual testcases)".format(test_count, testcase_count))
print("{} tests passed".format(passed_count))
if len(skipped_tests) > 0:
print("{} tests skipped: {}".format(len(skipped_tests), ' '.join(skipped_tests)))
if len(failed_tests) > 0:
print("{} tests failed: {}".format(len(failed_tests), ' '.join(failed_tests)))
return False
# all tests succeeded
return True
def main():
cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run tests for MicroPython.')
cmd_parser.add_argument('--target', default='unix', help='the target platform')
cmd_parser.add_argument('--device', default='/dev/ttyACM0', help='the serial device or the IP address of the pyboard')
cmd_parser.add_argument('-b', '--baudrate', default=115200, help='the baud rate of the serial device')
cmd_parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', default='micro', help='the telnet login username')
cmd_parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', default='python', help='the telnet login password')
cmd_parser.add_argument('-d', '--test-dirs', nargs='*', help='input test directories (if no files given)')
cmd_parser.add_argument('--write-exp', action='store_true', help='save .exp files to run tests w/o CPython')
cmd_parser.add_argument('--emit', default='bytecode', help='MicroPython emitter to use (bytecode or native)')
cmd_parser.add_argument('--heapsize', help='heapsize to use (use default if not specified)')
cmd_parser.add_argument('--via-mpy', action='store_true', help='compile .py files to .mpy first')
cmd_parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*', help='input test files')
args = cmd_parser.parse_args()
EXTERNAL_TARGETS = ('pyboard', 'wipy', 'esp8266')
if args.target in EXTERNAL_TARGETS:
import pyboard
pyb = pyboard.Pyboard(args.device, args.baudrate, args.user, args.password)
elif args.target == 'unix':
pyb = None
raise ValueError('target must be either %s or unix' % ", ".join(EXTERNAL_TARGETS))
if len(args.files) == 0:
if args.test_dirs is None:
if args.target == 'pyboard':
# run pyboard tests
test_dirs = ('basics', 'micropython', 'float', 'misc', 'stress', 'extmod', 'pyb', 'pybnative', 'inlineasm')
elif args.target == 'esp8266':
test_dirs = ('basics', 'micropython', 'float', 'misc', 'extmod')
elif args.target == 'wipy':
# run WiPy tests
test_dirs = ('basics', 'micropython', 'misc', 'extmod', 'wipy')
# run PC tests
test_dirs = ('basics', 'micropython', 'float', 'import', 'io', 'misc', 'stress', 'unicode', 'extmod', 'unix', 'cmdline')
# run tests from these directories
test_dirs = args.test_dirs
tests = sorted(test_file for test_files in (glob('{}/*.py'.format(dir)) for dir in test_dirs) for test_file in test_files)
# tests explicitly given
tests = args.files
if not run_tests(pyb, tests, args):
if __name__ == "__main__":