This commit also introduces a new shared-bindings directory which is used to store the common Python -> C binding code. By having a shared directory we can ensure that the Python API across ports is the same. Each port will have a corresponding common-hal directory which provides definitions for the C api used in the shared-bindings code. That way the compiler can enforce the C api. To migrate to this new shared API create a common-hal directory within your port and change the Makefile to compile both the shared-bindings and common-hal files. See atmel-samd/Makefile SRC_BINDINGS for an example.
This port is intended to be a full featured MicroPython port for SAMD21x18 based development boards including the Arduino Zero, Adafruit Feather M0 and Adafruit M0 BLE.
The Makefile has the ability to build for a SAMD21x18, and by default includes some start-up code and also enables a UART for communication. To build:
make CROSS=1
It will build for the Arduino Zero by default. You may change it by setting
. For example:
make CROSS=1 BOARD=feather_m0_ble
Board names are the directory names in the boards
Arduino Bootloader
If your board has an existing Arduino bootloader on it then you can use bossac to flash MicroPython. After building run:
tools/bossac_osx -e -w -v -b build-feather_m0_ble/firmware.bin
No Bootloader via GDB
This method works for loading MicroPython onto the Arduino Zero via the programming port rather than the native USB port.
Note: These instructions are tested on Mac OSX and will vary for different platforms.
openocd -f ~/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/samd/1.6.6/variants/arduino_zero/openocd_scripts/arduino_zero.cfg
In another terminal from micropython/atmel-samd
arm-none-eabi-gdb build-arduino_zero/firmware.elf
(gdb) tar ext :3333
(gdb) load
(gdb) monitor reset init
(gdb) continue
All boards are currently configured to work over USB rather than UART. To connect to it from OSX do something like this:
screen /dev/tty.usbmodem142422 115200
You may not see a prompt immediately because it doesn't know you connected. To
get one either hit enter to get >>>
or do CTRL-B to get the full header.