* Enable dcache for OCRAM where the VM heap lives. * Add CIRCUITPY_SWO_TRACE for pushing program counters out over the SWO pin via the ITM module in the CPU. Exempt some functions from instrumentation to reduce traffic and allow inlining. * Place more functions in ITCM to handle errors using code in RAM-only and speed up CP. * Use SET and CLEAR registers for digitalio. The SDK does read, mask and write. * Switch to 2MiB reserved for CircuitPython code. Up from 1MiB. * Run USB interrupts during flash erase and write. * Allow storage writes from CP if the USB drive is disabled. * Get perf bench tests running on CircuitPython and increase timeouts so it works when instrumentation is active.
68 lines
1.6 KiB
68 lines
1.6 KiB
"""This prints out all parsed ITM packets.
Connect a USB to Serial converter to the SWO pin and then provide the serial
device to this script. It should be 1MBaud SWO signal. CTRL-C when you've
captured enough data and then it'll process and output.
pip install pysigrok-libsigrokdecode
python tools/swo_viewer.py /dev/ttyACM0
import serial
import sys
import sigrokdecode
import time
import json
decoder = sigrokdecode.get_decoder("arm_itm")()
decoder.options = {"objdump": "", "elffile": ""}
dwt_timestamp = 0
last_dwt_timestamp = 0
streak = 0
stack = []
def decoder_cb(ss, es, data):
global streak
global last_dwt_timestamp
print(dwt_timestamp, ss, es, data)
decoder.add_callback(sigrokdecode.OUTPUT_ANN, None, decoder_cb)
s = serial.Serial(sys.argv[-2], 1000000)
buffers = []
while True:
start_ts = time.monotonic_ns()
b = s.read(s.in_waiting)
if b:
end_ts = time.monotonic_ns()
buffers.append((start_ts, end_ts, b))
# print(len(b))
# if len(buffers) > 10:
# break
except KeyboardInterrupt:
time_per_bit = 1_000_000_000 / 1000000
min_gap = 100000000
total_bytes = 0
for start_ts, end_ts, buf in buffers:
# print(total_bytes, start_ts, end_ts, buf)
ts_per_byte = (end_ts - start_ts) / len(buf)
for i, b in enumerate(buf):
# print(total_bytes, hex(b))
total_bytes += 1
start_ts + ts_per_byte * i, start_ts + ts_per_byte * (i + 1), ("DATA", None, (b,))
dwt_timestamp = decoder.dwt_timestamp