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:mod:`array` -- arrays of numeric data
.. module:: array
:synopsis: efficient arrays of numeric data
|see_cpython_module| :mod:`python:array`.
Supported format codes: ``b``, ``B``, ``h``, ``H``, ``i``, ``I``, ``l``,
``L``, ``q``, ``Q``, ``f``, ``d`` (the latter 2 depending on the
floating-point support).
.. class:: array(typecode, [iterable])
Create array with elements of given type. Initial contents of the
array are given by *iterable*. If it is not provided, an empty
array is created.
.. method:: append(val)
Append new element *val* to the end of array, growing it.
.. method:: extend(iterable)
Append new elements as contained in *iterable* to the end of
array, growing it.
.. method:: __getitem__(index)
Indexed read of the array, called as ``a[index]`` (where ``a`` is an ``array``).
Returns a value if *index* is an ``int`` and an ``array`` if *index* is a slice.
Negative indices count from the end and ``IndexError`` is thrown if the index is
out of range.
**Note:** ``__getitem__`` cannot be called directly (``a.__getitem__(index)`` fails) and
is not present in ``__dict__``, however ``a[index]`` does work.
.. method:: __setitem__(index, value)
Indexed write into the array, called as ``a[index] = value`` (where ``a`` is an ``array``).
``value`` is a single value if *index* is an ``int`` and an ``array`` if *index* is a slice.
Negative indices count from the end and ``IndexError`` is thrown if the index is out of range.
**Note:** ``__setitem__`` cannot be called directly (``a.__setitem__(index, value)`` fails) and
is not present in ``__dict__``, however ``a[index] = value`` does work.
.. method:: __len__()
Returns the number of items in the array, called as ``len(a)`` (where ``a`` is an ``array``).
**Note:** ``__len__`` cannot be called directly (``a.__len__()`` fails) and the
method is not present in ``__dict__``, however ``len(a)`` does work.
.. method:: __add__(other)
Return a new ``array`` that is the concatenation of the array with *other*, called as
``a + other`` (where ``a`` and *other* are both ``arrays``).
**Note:** ``__add__`` cannot be called directly (``a.__add__(other)`` fails) and
is not present in ``__dict__``, however ``a + other`` does work.
.. method:: __iadd__(other)
Concatenates the array with *other* in-place, called as ``a += other`` (where ``a`` and *other*
are both ``arrays``). Equivalent to ``extend(other)``.
**Note:** ``__iadd__`` cannot be called directly (``a.__iadd__(other)`` fails) and
is not present in ``__dict__``, however ``a += other`` does work.
.. method:: __repr__()
Returns the string representation of the array, called as ``str(a)`` or ``repr(a)```
(where ``a`` is an ``array``). Returns the string ``"array(<type>, [<elements>])"``,
where ``<type>`` is the type code letter for the array and ``<elements>`` is a comma
seperated list of the elements of the array.
**Note:** ``__repr__`` cannot be called directly (``a.__repr__()`` fails) and
is not present in ``__dict__``, however ``str(a)`` and ``repr(a)`` both work.