Paul Sokolovsky 60a9fac8d4 unix: Initial implementation of FFI module.
Foreign Function Interface module allows to load native dynamic libraries,
call functions and access variables in them. This makes possible to write
interface modules in pure Python.

This module provides thin wrapper around libffi. ctypes compatibility might
be possible to implement on top of this module (though ctypes allow to call
functions without prototypes, which is not supported by libffi (i.e.
implementation would be inefficient))).
2014-01-29 00:24:00 +02:00

37 lines
618 B

include ../py/
# define main target
PROG = micropython
# qstr definitions (must come before including
QSTR_DEFS = qstrdefsport.h
# include py core make definitions
include ../py/
# compiler settings
CFLAGS = -I. -I$(PY_SRC) -Wall -Werror -ansi -std=gnu99 -DUNIX
LDFLAGS = -lm -ldl -lffi
# Debugging/Optimization
ifdef DEBUG
CFLAGS += -O0 -g
# source files
SRC_C = \
main.c \
file.c \
socket.c \
ffi.c \
OBJ = $(PY_O) $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_C:.c=.o))
LIB = -lreadline
# the following is needed for BSD
#LIB += -ltermcap
include ../py/