Each built-in exception is now a type, with base type BaseException. C exceptions are created by passing a pointer to the exception type to make an instance of. When raising an exception from the VM, an instance is created automatically if an exception type is raised (as opposed to an exception instance). Exception matching (RT_BINARY_OP_EXCEPTION_MATCH) is now proper. Handling of parse error changed to match new exceptions. mp_const_type renamed to mp_type_type for consistency.
74 lines
3.4 KiB
74 lines
3.4 KiB
struct _mp_lexer_t;
// a mp_parse_node_t is:
// - 0000...0000: no node
// - xxxx...0001: an identifier; bits 4 and above are the qstr
// - xxxx...0011: a small integer; bits 4 and above are the signed value, 2's complement
// - xxxx...0101: an integer; bits 4 and above are the qstr holding the value
// - xxxx...0111: a decimal; bits 4 and above are the qstr holding the value
// - xxxx...1001: a string; bits 4 and above are the qstr holding the value
// - xxxx...1011: a string with triple quotes; bits 4 and above are the qstr holding the value
// - xxxx...1101: a token; bits 4 and above are mp_token_kind_t
// - xxxx...xxx0: pointer to mp_parse_node_struct_t
// makes sure the top 5 bits of x are all cleared (positive number) or all set (negavite number)
// these macros can probably go somewhere else because they are used more than just in the parser
#define MP_UINT_HIGH_5_BITS (~((~((machine_uint_t)0)) >> 5))
#define MP_FIT_SMALL_INT(x) (((((machine_uint_t)(x)) & MP_UINT_HIGH_5_BITS) == 0) || ((((machine_uint_t)(x)) & MP_UINT_HIGH_5_BITS) == MP_UINT_HIGH_5_BITS))
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_NULL (0)
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_ID (0x1)
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_STRING (0x9)
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_BYTES (0xb)
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_TOKEN (0xd)
typedef machine_uint_t mp_parse_node_t; // must be pointer size
typedef struct _mp_parse_node_struct_t {
uint32_t source_line; // line number in source file
uint32_t kind_num_nodes; // parse node kind, and number of nodes
mp_parse_node_t nodes[]; // nodes
} mp_parse_node_struct_t;
// macros for mp_parse_node_t usage
// some of these evaluate their argument more than once
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_IS_LEAF(pn) ((pn) & 1)
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_IS_STRUCT(pn) ((pn) != MP_PARSE_NODE_NULL && ((pn) & 1) == 0)
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_IS_STRUCT_KIND(pn, k) ((pn) != MP_PARSE_NODE_NULL && ((pn) & 1) == 0 && MP_PARSE_NODE_STRUCT_KIND((mp_parse_node_struct_t*)(pn)) == (k))
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_IS_ID(pn) (((pn) & 0xf) == MP_PARSE_NODE_ID)
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_IS_SMALL_INT(pn) (((pn) & 0xf) == MP_PARSE_NODE_SMALL_INT)
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_IS_TOKEN(pn) (((pn) & 0xf) == MP_PARSE_NODE_TOKEN)
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_IS_TOKEN_KIND(pn, k) ((pn) == (MP_PARSE_NODE_TOKEN | (k << 4)))
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_LEAF_KIND(pn) ((pn) & 0xf)
// TODO should probably have int and uint versions of this macro
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_LEAF_ARG(pn) (((machine_int_t)(pn)) >> 4)
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_STRUCT_KIND(pns) ((pns)->kind_num_nodes & 0xff)
#define MP_PARSE_NODE_STRUCT_NUM_NODES(pns) ((pns)->kind_num_nodes >> 8)
mp_parse_node_t mp_parse_node_new_leaf(machine_int_t kind, machine_int_t arg);
uint mp_parse_node_free(mp_parse_node_t pn);
void mp_parse_node_print(mp_parse_node_t pn, int indent);
typedef enum {
} mp_parse_input_kind_t;
typedef enum {
} mp_parse_error_kind_t;
// returns MP_PARSE_NODE_NULL on error, and then parse_error_kind_out is valid
mp_parse_node_t mp_parse(struct _mp_lexer_t *lex, mp_parse_input_kind_t input_kind, mp_parse_error_kind_t *parse_error_kind_out);