With this patch one can now do "make FROZEN_MPY_DIR=../../frozen" to specify a directory containing scripts to be frozen (as well as absolute paths). The compiled .mpy files are now stored in $(BUILD)/frozen_mpy/.
170 lines
5.3 KiB
170 lines
5.3 KiB
ifneq ($(MKENV_INCLUDED),1)
# We assume that mkenv is in the same directory as this file.
include $(dir $(THIS_MAKEFILE))mkenv.mk
# This file expects that OBJ contains a list of all of the object files.
# The directory portion of each object file is used to locate the source
# and should not contain any ..'s but rather be relative to the top of the
# tree.
# So for example, py/map.c would have an object file name py/map.o
# The object files will go into the build directory and mantain the same
# directory structure as the source tree. So the final dependency will look
# like this:
# build/py/map.o: py/map.c
# We set vpath to point to the top of the tree so that the source files
# can be located. By following this scheme, it allows a single build rule
# to be used to compile all .c files.
vpath %.S . $(TOP)
$(BUILD)/%.o: %.S
$(ECHO) "CC $<"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
vpath %.s . $(TOP)
$(BUILD)/%.o: %.s
$(ECHO) "AS $<"
$(Q)$(AS) -o $@ $<
define compile_c
$(ECHO) "CC $<"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -MD -o $@ $<
@# The following fixes the dependency file.
@# See http://make.paulandlesley.org/autodep.html for details.
@# Regex adjusted from the above to play better with Windows paths, etc.
@$(CP) $(@:.o=.d) $(@:.o=.P); \
$(SED) -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^.*: *//' -e 's/ *\\$$//' \
-e '/^$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' < $(@:.o=.d) >> $(@:.o=.P); \
$(RM) -f $(@:.o=.d)
vpath %.c . $(TOP)
$(BUILD)/%.o: %.c
$(call compile_c)
# List all native flags since the current build system doesn't have
# the micropython configuration available. However, these flags are
# needed to extract all qstrings
vpath %.c . $(TOP)
$(BUILD)/%.pp: %.c
$(ECHO) "PreProcess $<"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -E -Wp,-C,-dD,-dI -o $@ $<
# The following rule uses | to create an order only prerequisite. Order only
# prerequisites only get built if they don't exist. They don't cause timestamp
# checking to be performed.
# We don't know which source files actually need the generated.h (since
# it is #included from str.h). The compiler generated dependencies will cause
# the right .o's to get recompiled if the generated.h file changes. Adding
# an order-only dependency to all of the .o's will cause the generated .h
# to get built before we try to compile any of them.
$(OBJ): | $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstrdefs.generated.h $(HEADER_BUILD)/mpversion.h
$(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.i.last: $(SRC_QSTR) | $(HEADER_BUILD)/mpversion.h
$(ECHO) "GEN $@"
$(Q)if [ "$?" = "" ]; then \
echo "QSTR Looks like -B used, trying to emulate"; \
$(CPP) $(QSTR_GEN_EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $^ >$(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.i.last; \
else \
$(CPP) $(QSTR_GEN_EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $? >$(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.i.last; \
$(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.split: $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.i.last
$(ECHO) "GEN $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(PY_SRC)/makeqstrdefs.py split $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.i.last $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr $(QSTR_DEFS_COLLECTED)
$(Q)touch $@
$(ECHO) "GEN $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(PY_SRC)/makeqstrdefs.py cat $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.i.last $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr $(QSTR_DEFS_COLLECTED)
# $(sort $(var)) removes duplicates
# The net effect of this, is it causes the objects to depend on the
# object directories (but only for existence), and the object directories
# will be created if they don't exist.
OBJ_DIRS = $(sort $(dir $(OBJ)))
$(OBJ): | $(OBJ_DIRS)
$(MKDIR) -p $@
$(MKDIR) -p $@
ifneq ($(FROZEN_DIR),)
$(BUILD)/frozen.c: $(wildcard $(FROZEN_DIR)/*) $(HEADER_BUILD) $(FROZEN_EXTRA_DEPS)
$(ECHO) "Generating $@"
ifneq ($(FROZEN_MPY_DIR),)
# make a list of all the .py files that need compiling and freezing
FROZEN_MPY_PY_FILES := $(shell find -L $(FROZEN_MPY_DIR) -type f -name '*.py' -printf '%P\n')
FROZEN_MPY_MPY_FILES := $(addprefix $(BUILD)/frozen_mpy/,$(FROZEN_MPY_PY_FILES:.py=.mpy))
# to build .mpy files from .py files
$(BUILD)/frozen_mpy/%.mpy: $(FROZEN_MPY_DIR)/%.py
@$(ECHO) "MPY $<"
$(Q)$(MKDIR) -p $(dir $@)
$(Q)$(MPY_CROSS) -o $@ -s $(^:$(FROZEN_MPY_DIR)/%=%) $^
# to build frozen_mpy.c from all .mpy files
$(BUILD)/frozen_mpy.c: $(FROZEN_MPY_MPY_FILES) $(BUILD)/genhdr/qstrdefs.generated.h
@$(ECHO) "Creating $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(MPY_TOOL) -f -q $(BUILD)/genhdr/qstrdefs.preprocessed.h $(FROZEN_MPY_MPY_FILES) > $@
ifneq ($(PROG),)
# Build a standalone executable (unix does this)
all: $(PROG)
$(PROG): $(OBJ)
$(ECHO) "LINK $@"
# Do not pass COPT here - it's *C* compiler optimizations. For example,
# we may want to compile using Thumb, but link with non-Thumb libc.
$(Q)$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LIB) $(LDFLAGS)
ifndef DEBUG
$(Q)$(SIZE) $(PROG)
clean: clean-prog
$(RM) -f $(PROG)
$(RM) -f $(PROG).map
.PHONY: clean-prog
LIBMICROPYTHON = libmicropython.a
.PHONY: clean
$(ECHO) "PY_SRC = $(PY_SRC)"
$(ECHO) "OBJ = $(OBJ)"
.PHONY: print-cfg
@$(ECHO) "The following defines are built into the $(CC) compiler"
touch __empty__.c
@$(CC) -E -Wp,-dM __empty__.c
@$(RM) -f __empty__.c
-include $(OBJ:.o=.P)