Jim Mussared 55169e0b4d
extmod/uasyncio/task.py: Fix crash when non-awaited task is awaited.
A task that has been sent to the loop's exception handler due to being
re-scheduled twice will then subsequently cause a `raise None` if it is
subsequently awaited. In the C version of task.py, this causes a segfault.

This makes the await succeed (via raising StopIteration instead).

Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2022-10-15 14:58:07 -05:00
2022-10-11 10:45:22 +05:30
2022-09-21 10:03:05 -04:00
2020-07-06 19:16:25 +01:00
2022-09-28 10:06:33 -05:00
2021-06-22 08:59:05 -05:00
2020-07-06 19:16:25 +01:00
2022-07-05 12:03:04 -04:00
2022-09-29 21:37:23 -05:00
2020-10-26 23:36:54 +01:00
2022-10-09 19:22:39 -04:00
2021-09-16 00:05:42 +05:30
2022-05-27 12:59:54 -07:00


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**CircuitPython** is a *beginner friendly*, open source version of Python for tiny, inexpensive
computers called microcontrollers.

This package contains the "stubs", or type definitions for CircuitPython.  With some advanced
editors and other tools, this information can be identify TypeErrors, AttributeErrors, and other
problems before you deploy your code to a device and can even help autocomplete your code.

.. |Build Status| image:: https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/workflows/Build%20CI/badge.svg
   :target: https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/actions?query=branch%3Amain
.. |Doc Status| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/circuitpython/badge/?version=latest
   :target: http://circuitpython.readthedocs.io/
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   :target: https://adafru.it/discord
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   :target: https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/
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C 90.2%
Python 7.4%
Makefile 1.8%
Shell 0.2%