Fixes for stmhal USB mass storage, lwIP bindings and VFS regressions This release provides an important fix for the USB mass storage device in the stmhal port by implementing the SCSI SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE command, which is now require by some Operating Systems. There are also fixes for the lwIP bindings to improve non-blocking sockets and error codes. The VFS has some regressions fixed including the ability to statvfs the root. All changes are listed below. py core: - modbuiltins: add core-provided version of input() function - objstr: catch case of negative "maxsplit" arg to str.rsplit() - persistentcode: allow to compile with complex numbers disabled - objstr: allow to compile with obj-repr D, and unicode disabled - modsys: allow to compile with obj-repr D and PY_ATTRTUPLE disabled - provide mp_decode_uint_skip() to help reduce stack usage - makeqstrdefs.py: make script run correctly with Python 2.6 - objstringio: if created from immutable object, follow copy on write policy extmod: - modlwip: connect: for non-blocking mode, return EINPROGRESS - modlwip: fix error codes for duplicate calls to connect() - modlwip: accept: fix error code for non-blocking mode - vfs: allow to statvfs the root directory - vfs: allow "buffering" and "encoding" args to VFS's open() - modframebuf: fix signed/unsigned comparison pendantic warning lib: - libm: use isfinite instead of finitef, for C99 compatibility - utils/interrupt_char: remove support for KBD_EXCEPTION disabled tests: - basics/string_rsplit: add tests for negative "maxsplit" argument - float: convert "sys.exit()" to "raise SystemExit" - float/builtin_float_minmax: PEP8 fixes - basics: convert "sys.exit()" to "raise SystemExit" - convert remaining "sys.exit()" to "raise SystemExit" unix port: - convert to use core-provided version of built-in import() - Makefile: replace references to make with $(MAKE) windows port: - convert to use core-provided version of built-in import() qemu-arm port: - Makefile: adjust object-file lists to get correct dependencies - enable micropython.mem_*() functions to allow more tests stmhal port: - boards: enable DAC for NUCLEO_F767ZI board - add support for NUCLEO_F446RE board - pass USB handler as parameter to allow more than one USB handler - usb: use local USB handler variable in Start-of-Frame handler - usb: make state for USB device private to top-level USB driver - usbdev: for MSC implement SCSI SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE command - convert from using stmhal's input() to core provided version cc3200 port: - convert from using stmhal's input() to core provided version teensy port: - convert from using stmhal's input() to core provided version esp8266 port: - Makefile: replace references to make with $(MAKE) - Makefile: add clean-modules target - convert from using stmhal's input() to core provided version zephyr port: - modusocket: getaddrinfo: Fix mp_obj_len() usage - define MICROPY_PY_SYS_PLATFORM (to "zephyr") - machine_pin: use native Zephyr types for Zephyr API calls docs: - machine.Pin: remove out_value() method - machine.Pin: add on() and off() methods - esp8266: consistently replace Pin.high/low methods with .on/off - esp8266/quickref: polish Pin.on()/off() examples - network: move confusingly-named cc3200 Server class to its reference - uos: deconditionalize, remove minor port-specific details - uos: move cc3200 port legacy VFS mounting functions to its ref doc - machine: sort machine classes in logical order, not alphabetically - network: first step to describe standard network class interface examples: - embedding: use core-provided KeyboardInterrupt object
237 lines
6.1 KiB
237 lines
6.1 KiB
include ../py/mkenv.mk
# qstr definitions (must come before including py.mk)
QSTR_DEFS = qstrdefsport.h $(BUILD)/pins_qstr.h
# include py core make definitions
include ../py/py.mk
# If you set USE_ARDUINO_TOOLCHAIN=1 then this makefile will attempt to use
# the toolchain that comes with Teensyduino
ifeq ($(ARDUINO),)
$(error USE_ARDUINO_TOOLCHAIN requires that ARDUINO be set)
$(info Using ARDUINO toolchain)
CROSS_COMPILE = $(ARDUINO)/hardware/tools/arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-
$(info Using toolchain from PATH)
CROSS_COMPILE = arm-none-eabi-
CFLAGS_CORTEX_M4 = -mthumb -mtune=cortex-m4 -mcpu=cortex-m4 -msoft-float -mfloat-abi=soft -fsingle-precision-constant -Wdouble-promotion $(CFLAGS_TEENSY)
INC += -I.
INC += -I..
INC += -I../stmhal
INC += -Icore
CFLAGS = $(INC) -Wall -Wpointer-arith -std=gnu99 -nostdlib $(CFLAGS_CORTEX_M4)
LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -T mk20dx256.ld -msoft-float -mfloat-abi=soft
LIBGCC_FILE_NAME = $(ARDUINO)/hardware/tools/arm-none-eabi/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.2/thumb2/libgcc.a
LIBM_FILE_NAME = $(ARDUINO)/hardware/tools/arm-none-eabi/arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb2/libm.a
LIBC_FILE_NAME = $(ARDUINO)/hardware/tools/arm-none-eabi/arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb2/libc.a
LIBGCC_FILE_NAME = $(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -print-libgcc-file-name)
LIBM_FILE_NAME = $(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -print-file-name=libm.a)
LIBC_FILE_NAME = $(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -print-file-name=libc.a)
#$(info %%%%% LIBM_FILE_NAME = $(LIBM_FILE_NAME))
#$(info %%%%% LIBC_FILE_NAME = $(LIBC_FILE_NAME))
#$(info %%%%% dirname LIBGCC_FILE_NAME = $(dir $(LIBGCC_FILE_NAME)))
#$(info %%%%% dirname LIBM_FILE_NAME = $(dir $(LIBM_FILE_NAME)))
#$(info %%%%% dirname LIBC_FILE_NAME = $(dir $(LIBC_FILE_NAME)))
LIBS = -L $(dir $(LIBM_FILE_NAME)) -lm
LIBS += -L $(dir $(LIBC_FILE_NAME)) -lc
LIBS += -L $(dir $(LIBGCC_FILE_NAME)) -lgcc
ifdef DEBUG
CFLAGS += -Og -ggdb
CFLAGS += -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections
LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections
SRC_C = \
hal_ftm.c \
hal_gpio.c \
help.c \
main.c \
lcd.c \
led.c \
modpyb.c \
pin_defs_teensy.c \
reg.c \
teensy_hal.c \
timer.c \
uart.c \
usb.c \
STM_SRC_C = $(addprefix stmhal/,\
gccollect.c \
irq.c \
pin.c \
pin_named_pins.c \
pybstdio.c \
STM_SRC_S = $(addprefix stmhal/,\
gchelper.s \
LIB_SRC_C = $(addprefix lib/,\
libc/string0.c \
mp-readline/builtin_input.c \
mp-readline/readline.c \
utils/pyexec.c \
SRC_TEENSY = $(addprefix core/,\
mk20dx128.c \
pins_teensy.c \
analog.c \
usb_desc.c \
usb_dev.c \
usb_mem.c \
usb_serial.c \
yield.c \
OBJ = $(PY_O) $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_C:.c=.o) $(STM_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(STM_SRC_S:.s=.o) $(SRC_TEENSY:.c=.o))
OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(LIB_SRC_C:.c=.o))
OBJ += $(BUILD)/pins_gen.o
all: hex
hex: $(BUILD)/micropython.hex
ifeq ($(USE_MEMZIP),1)
SRC_C += \
lib/memzip/import.c \
lib/memzip/lexermemzip.c \
lib/memzip/memzip.c \
OBJ += $(BUILD)/memzip-files.o
MAKE_MEMZIP = ../lib/memzip/make-memzip.py
ifeq ($(MEMZIP_DIR),)
MEMZIP_DIR = memzip_files
$(BUILD)/memzip-files.o: $(BUILD)/memzip-files.c
$(call compile_c)
$(BUILD)/memzip-files.c: $(shell find ${MEMZIP_DIR} -type f)
@$(ECHO) "Creating $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(MAKE_MEMZIP) --zip-file $(BUILD)/memzip-files.zip --c-file $@ $(MEMZIP_DIR)
endif # USE_MEMZIP
ifeq ($(USE_FROZEN),1)
ifeq ($(FROZEN_DIR),)
FROZEN_DIR = memzip_files
SRC_C += \
lexerfrozen.c \
endif # USE_FROZEN
ifeq ($(ARDUINO),)
post_compile: $(BUILD)/micropython.hex
$(ECHO) "Please define ARDUINO (where TeensyDuino is installed)"
exit 1
$(ECHO) "Please define ARDUINO (where TeensyDuino is installed)"
exit 1
TOOLS_PATH = $(ARDUINO)/hardware/tools
post_compile: $(BUILD)/micropython.hex
$(ECHO) "Preparing $@ for upload"
$(Q)$(TOOLS_PATH)/teensy_post_compile -file="$(basename $(<F))" -path="$(abspath $(<D))" -tools="$(TOOLS_PATH)"
.PHONY: deploy
deploy: post_compile reboot
$(BUILD)/micropython.elf: $(OBJ)
$(ECHO) "LINK $@"
$(Q)$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o "$@" -Wl,-Map,$(@:.elf=.map) $^ $(LIBS)
$(Q)$(SIZE) $@
$(BUILD)/%.hex: $(BUILD)/%.elf
$(ECHO) "HEX $<"
$(Q)$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -R .eeprom "$<" "$@"
MAKE_PINS = make-pins.py
BOARD_PINS = teensy_pins.csv
AF_FILE = mk20dx256_af.csv
PREFIX_FILE = mk20dx256_prefix.c
GEN_PINS_SRC = $(BUILD)/pins_gen.c
GEN_PINS_QSTR = $(BUILD)/pins_qstr.h
GEN_PINS_AF_CONST = $(HEADER_BUILD)/pins_af_const.h
GEN_PINS_AF_PY = $(BUILD)/pins_af.py
# List of sources for qstr extraction
# Append any auto-generated sources that are needed by sources listed in
# Making OBJ use an order-only depenedency on the generated pins.h file
# has the side effect of making the pins.h file before we actually compile
# any of the objects. The normal dependency generation will deal with the
# case when pins.h is modified. But when it doesn't exist, we don't know
# which source files might need it.
$(OBJ): | $(HEADER_BUILD)/pins.h
# Use a pattern rule here so that make will only call make-pins.py once to make
# both pins_$(BOARD).c and pins.h
$(BUILD)/%_gen.c $(HEADER_BUILD)/%.h $(HEADER_BUILD)/%_af_const.h $(BUILD)/%_qstr.h: teensy_%.csv $(MAKE_PINS) $(AF_FILE) $(PREFIX_FILE) | $(HEADER_BUILD)
$(ECHO) "Create $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(MAKE_PINS) --board $(BOARD_PINS) --af $(AF_FILE) --prefix $(PREFIX_FILE) --hdr $(GEN_PINS_HDR) --qstr $(GEN_PINS_QSTR) --af-const $(GEN_PINS_AF_CONST) --af-py $(GEN_PINS_AF_PY) > $(GEN_PINS_SRC)
$(BUILD)/pins_gen.o: $(BUILD)/pins_gen.c
$(call compile_c)
$(BUILD)/%.pp: $(BUILD)/%.c
$(ECHO) "PreProcess $<"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -E -Wp,-C,-dD,-dI -o $@ $<
include ../py/mkrules.mk