Damien George 63b9944382 extmod/uasyncio: Add new implementation of uasyncio module.
This commit adds a completely new implementation of the uasyncio module.
The aim of this version (compared to the original one in micropython-lib)
is to be more compatible with CPython's asyncio module, so that one can
more easily write code that runs under both MicroPython and CPython (and
reuse CPython asyncio libraries, follow CPython asyncio tutorials, etc).
Async code is not easy to write and any knowledge users already have from
CPython asyncio should transfer to uasyncio without effort, and vice versa.

The implementation here attempts to provide good compatibility with
CPython's asyncio while still being "micro" enough to run where MicroPython
runs. This follows the general philosophy of MicroPython itself, to make it
feel like Python.

The main change is to use a Task object for each coroutine.  This allows
more flexibility to queue tasks in various places, eg the main run loop,
tasks waiting on events, locks or other tasks.  It no longer requires
pre-allocating a fixed queue size for the main run loop.

A pairing heap is used to queue Tasks.

It's currently implemented in pure Python, separated into components with
lazy importing for optional components.  In the future parts of this
implementation can be moved to C to improve speed and reduce memory usage.
But the aim is to maintain a pure-Python version as a reference version.
2020-03-26 01:25:45 +11:00

169 lines
5.1 KiB

# MicroPython uasyncio module
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Damien P. George
# This file contains the core TaskQueue based on a pairing heap, and the core Task class.
# They can optionally be replaced by C implementations.
from . import core
# pairing-heap meld of 2 heaps; O(1)
def ph_meld(h1, h2):
if h1 is None:
return h2
if h2 is None:
return h1
lt = core.ticks_diff(h1.ph_key, h2.ph_key) < 0
if lt:
if h1.ph_child is None:
h1.ph_child = h2
h1.ph_child_last.ph_next = h2
h1.ph_child_last = h2
h2.ph_next = None
h2.ph_rightmost_parent = h1
return h1
h1.ph_next = h2.ph_child
h2.ph_child = h1
if h1.ph_next is None:
h2.ph_child_last = h1
h1.ph_rightmost_parent = h2
return h2
# pairing-heap pairing operation; amortised O(log N)
def ph_pairing(child):
heap = None
while child is not None:
n1 = child
child = child.ph_next
n1.ph_next = None
if child is not None:
n2 = child
child = child.ph_next
n2.ph_next = None
n1 = ph_meld(n1, n2)
heap = ph_meld(heap, n1)
return heap
# pairing-heap delete of a node; stable, amortised O(log N)
def ph_delete(heap, node):
if node is heap:
child = heap.ph_child
node.ph_child = None
return ph_pairing(child)
# Find parent of node
parent = node
while parent.ph_next is not None:
parent = parent.ph_next
parent = parent.ph_rightmost_parent
# Replace node with pairing of its children
if node is parent.ph_child and node.ph_child is None:
parent.ph_child = node.ph_next
node.ph_next = None
return heap
elif node is parent.ph_child:
child = node.ph_child
next = node.ph_next
node.ph_child = None
node.ph_next = None
node = ph_pairing(child)
parent.ph_child = node
n = parent.ph_child
while node is not n.ph_next:
n = n.ph_next
child = node.ph_child
next = node.ph_next
node.ph_child = None
node.ph_next = None
node = ph_pairing(child)
if node is None:
node = n
n.ph_next = node
node.ph_next = next
if next is None:
node.ph_rightmost_parent = parent
parent.ph_child_last = node
return heap
# TaskQueue class based on the above pairing-heap functions.
class TaskQueue:
def __init__(self):
self.heap = None
def peek(self):
return self.heap
def push_sorted(self, v, key):
v.data = None
v.ph_key = key
v.ph_child = None
v.ph_next = None
self.heap = ph_meld(v, self.heap)
def push_head(self, v):
self.push_sorted(v, core.ticks())
def pop_head(self):
v = self.heap
self.heap = ph_pairing(self.heap.ph_child)
return v
def remove(self, v):
self.heap = ph_delete(self.heap, v)
# Task class representing a coroutine, can be waited on and cancelled.
class Task:
def __init__(self, coro, globals=None):
self.coro = coro # Coroutine of this Task
self.data = None # General data for queue it is waiting on
self.ph_key = 0 # Pairing heap
self.ph_child = None # Paring heap
self.ph_child_last = None # Paring heap
self.ph_next = None # Paring heap
self.ph_rightmost_parent = None # Paring heap
def __iter__(self):
if not hasattr(self, "waiting"):
# Lazily allocated head of linked list of Tasks waiting on completion of this task.
self.waiting = TaskQueue()
return self
def __next__(self):
if not self.coro:
# Task finished, raise return value to caller so it can continue.
raise self.data
# Put calling task on waiting queue.
# Set calling task's data to this task that it waits on, to double-link it.
core.cur_task.data = self
def cancel(self):
# Check if task is already finished.
if self.coro is None:
return False
# Can't cancel self (not supported yet).
if self is core.cur_task:
raise RuntimeError("cannot cancel self")
# If Task waits on another task then forward the cancel to the one it's waiting on.
while isinstance(self.data, Task):
self = self.data
# Reschedule Task as a cancelled task.
if hasattr(self.data, "remove"):
# Not on the main running queue, remove the task from the queue it's on.
elif core.ticks_diff(self.ph_key, core.ticks()) > 0:
# On the main running queue but scheduled in the future, so bring it forward to now.
self.data = core.CancelledError
return True