When a frozen module was added or updated, a build error would occur during CI: `KeyError: 'FROZEN_MPY_DIRS'`. In e40abda1bc I decided that it should be an error if all the expected keys were not defined in the board settings dict. I made this change and all seemed to be well; however, my testing did not exercise the case that a frozen module was changed. It turns out that FROZEN_MPY_DIRS was not being set in the board settings dict because the output of print-FROZEN_MPY_DIRS was "FROZEN_MPY_DIRS =" (which does not match the regular expression) instead of "FROZEN_MPY_DIRS = " (with a trailing space). This change fixes the problem by ensuring that an undefined or empty variable still prints with a space character after the equal character. Tested by running locally: ``` python3 -c 'import shared_bindings_matrix; print(shared_bindings_matrix.get_settings_from_makefile("ports/atmel-samd", "trinket_m0")["FROZEN_MPY_DIRS"])' ``` (prints a blank line, expected) as well as simulating a change to the asyncio frozen submodule: ``` python3 -c 'import shared_bindings_matrix; print(shared_bindings_matrix.get_settings_from_makefile("ports/atmel-samd", "trinket_m0")["FROZEN_MPY_DIRS"])' ``` (which will build the elecfreaks_picoed board)
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