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# MicroPython Port To The Nordic Semiconductor nRF Series
This is a port of MicroPython to the Nordic Semiconductor nRF series of chips.
## Supported Features
* LEDs
* Pins
* I2C
* PWM (nRF52 only)
* Temperature
* RTC (Real Time Counter. Low-Power counter)
* BLE support including:
* Peripheral role on nrf51 targets
* Central role and Peripheral role on nrf52 targets
* _REPL over Bluetooth LE_ (optionally using WebBluetooth)
* ubluepy: Bluetooth LE module for micropython
* 1 non-connectable advertiser while in connection
## Tested Hardware
* nRF51
* [micro:bit](
* PCA10000 (dongle)
* PCA10001
* PCA10028
* PCA10031 (dongle)
* nRF52832
* [PCA10040](
* [Adafruit Feather nRF52](
* [Thingy:52](
* [Arduino Primo](
* nRF52840
* [PCA10056](
## Compile and Flash
Prerequisite steps for building the nrf port:
git clone <URL>.git micropython
cd micropython
git submodule update --init
make -C mpy-cross
By default, the PCA10040 (nrf52832) is used as compile target. To build and flash issue the following command inside the nrf/ folder:
make flash
Alternatively the target board could be defined:
make BOARD=pca10040
make flash
## Compile and Flash with Bluetooth Stack
First prepare the bluetooth folder by downloading Bluetooth LE stacks and headers:
If the Bluetooth stacks has been downloaded, compile the target with the following command:
make BOARD=pca10040 SD=s132
make sd
The **make sd** will trigger a flash of the bluetooth stack before that application is flashed. Note that **make sd** will perform a full erase of the chip, which could cause 3rd party bootloaders to also be wiped.
Note: further tuning of features to include in bluetooth or even setting up the device to use REPL over Bluetooth can be configured in the bluetooth_conf.h.
## Target Boards and Make Flags
Target Board (BOARD) | Bluetooth Stack (SD) | Bluetooth Support | Flash Util
microbit | s110 | Peripheral | [PyOCD](#pyocdopenocd-targets)
pca10000 | s110 | Peripheral | [Segger](#segger-targets)
pca10001 | s110 | Peripheral | [Segger](#segger-targets)
pca10028 | s110 | Peripheral | [Segger](#segger-targets)
pca10031 | s110 | Peripheral | [Segger](#segger-targets)
pca10040 | s132 | Peripheral and Central | [Segger](#segger-targets)
feather52 | s132 | Peripheral and Central | [UART DFU](#dfu-targets)
pca10056 | | | [Segger](#segger-targets)
## Segger Targets
Install the necessary tools to flash and debug using Segger:
[JLink Download](
[nrfjprog linux-32bit Download](
[nrfjprog linux-64bit Download](
[nrfjprog osx Download](
[nrfjprog win32 Download](
## PyOCD/OpenOCD Targets
Install the necessary tools to flash and debug using OpenOCD:
sudo apt-get install openocd
sudo pip install pyOCD
## DFU Targets
sudo apt-get install build-essential libffi-dev pkg-config gcc-arm-none-eabi git python python-pip
git clone
cd Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino/tools/nrfutil-0.5.2/
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo python install
**make flash** and **make sd** will not work with DFU targets. Hence, **dfu-gen** and **dfu-flash** must be used instead.
* dfu-gen: Generates a Firmware zip to be used by the DFU flash application.
* dfu-flash: Triggers the DFU flash application to upload the firmware from the generated Firmware zip file.
Example on how to generate and flash feather52 target:
make BOARD=feather52 SD=s132
make BOARD=feather52 SD=s132 dfu-gen
make BOARD=feather52 SD=s132 dfu-flash